Add test-openscap pipeline
Change-Id: I8965f63aebf18898971255bccdd5b5bdc0f6051b
diff --git a/test-openscap-pipeline.groovy b/test-openscap-pipeline.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9984b20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-openscap-pipeline.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+ *
+ * Run openscap xccdf evaluation on given nodes
+ *
+ * Expected parametes:
+ * SALT_MASTER_URL Full Salt API address.
+ * SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the Salt API.
+ *
+ * XCCDF_BENCHMARKS_DIR The XCCDF benchmarks base directory (default /usr/share/xccdf-benchmarks/mirantis/)
+ * XCCDF_BENCHMARKS List of pairs XCCDF benchmark filename and corresponding profile separated with ','
+ * these pairs are separated with semicolon.
+ * (e.g. manila/openstack_manila-xccdf.xml,profilename;horizon/openstack_horizon-xccdf.xml,profile)
+ * XCCDF_VERSION The XCCDF version (default 1.2)
+ * XCCDF_TAILORING_ID The tailoring id (default None)
+ *
+ * TARGET_SERVERS The target Salt nodes (default *)
+ *
+ * ARTIFACTORY_URL The artifactory URL
+ * ARTIFACTORY_NAMESPACE The artifactory namespace (default 'mirantis/openscap')
+ * ARTIFACTORY_REPO The artifactory repo (default 'binary-dev-local')
+ *
+ * UPLOAD_TO_DASHBOARD Boolean. Upload results to the WORP or not
+ * DASHBOARD_API_URL The WORP api base url. Mandatory if UPLOAD_TO_DASHBOARD is true
+ */
+ * Upload results to the `WORP` dashboard
+ *
+ * @param apiUrl The base dashboard api url
+ * @param cloudName The cloud name (mostly, the given node's domain name)
+ * @param nodeName The node name
+ * @param results The scanning results
+ */
+def uploadResultToDashboard(apiUrl, cloudName, nodeName, results) {
+ // Yes, we do not care of performance and will create at least 4 requests per each result
+ def requestData = [:]
+ def cloudId
+ def nodeId
+ // Let's take a look, may be our minion is already presented on the dashboard
+ // Get available environments
+ environments = common.parseJSON(http.sendHttpGetRequest("${apiUrl}/environment/"))
+ for (environment in environments) {
+ if (environment['name'] == cloudName) {
+ cloudId = environment['uuid']
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // Cloud wasn't presented, let's create it
+ if (! cloudId ) {
+ // Create cloud
+ resuestData['name'] = cloudName
+ cloudId = common.parseJSON(http.sendHttpPostRequest("${apiUrl}/environment/", requestData))['env']['uuid']
+ // And the node
+ // It was done here to reduce count of requests to the api.
+ // Because if there was not cloud presented on the dashboard, then the node was not presented as well.
+ requestData['nodes'] = [nodeName]
+ nodeId = common.parseJSON(http.sendHttpPutRequest("${apiUrl}/environment/${cloudId}/nodes/", requestData))['uuid']
+ }
+ if (! nodeId ) {
+ // Get available nodes in our environment
+ nodes = common.parseJSON(http.sendHttpGetRequest("${apiUrl}/environment/${cloudId}/nodes/"))
+ for (node in nodes) {
+ if (node['name'] == nodeName) {
+ nodeId = node['id']
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Node wasn't presented, let's create it
+ if (! nodeId ) {
+ // Create node
+ requestData['nodes'] = [nodeName]
+ nodeId = common.parseJSON(http.sendHttpPutRequest("${apiUrl}/environment/${cloudId}/nodes/", requestData))['uuid']
+ }
+ // Get report_id
+ requestData['env_uuid'] = cloudId
+ def reportId = common.parseJSON(http.sendHttpPostRequest("${apiUrl}/reports/openscap/", requestData))['report']['uuid']
+ // Upload results
+ requestData['results'] = results
+ requestData['node_name'] = nodeName
+ http.sendHttpPutRequest("${apiUrl}/reports/openscap/${reportId}/", requestData)
+node('python') {
+ def pepperEnv = 'pepperEnv'
+ // XCCDF related variables
+ def benchmarksAndProfilesArray = XCCDF_BENCHMARKS.tokenize(';')
+ def benchmarksDir = XCCDF_BENCHMARKS_DIR ?: '/usr/share/xccdf-benchmarks/mirantis/'
+ def xccdfVersion = XCCDF_VERSION ?: '1.2'
+ def xccdfTailoringId = XCCDF_TAILORING_ID ?: 'None'
+ def targetServers = TARGET_SERVERS ?: '*'
+ def salt = new
+ def python = new
+ def common = new
+ def http = new
+ // To have an ability to work in heavy concurrency conditions
+ def scanUUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
+ def artifactsArchiveName = "openscap-${scanUUID}.zip"
+ def resultsBaseDir = "/tmp/openscap/${scanUUID}"
+ def artifactsDir = "${env.WORKSPACE}/openscap/${scanUUID}/artifacts"
+ def liveMinions
+ stage ('Setup virtualenv for Pepper') {
+ python.setupPepperVirtualenv(pepperEnv, SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
+ }
+ stage ('Run openscap xccdf evaluation and attempt to upload the results to a dashboard') {
+ liveMinions = salt.getMinions(pepperEnv, targetServers)
+ if (liveMinions.isEmpty()) {
+ throw new Exception('There are no alive minions')
+ }
+ common.infoMsg("Scan UUID: ${scanUUID}")
+ for (minion in liveMinions) {
+ // Iterate oscap evaluation over the benchmarks
+ for (benchmark in benchmarksAndProfilesArray) {
+ def (benchmarkFilePath, profile) = benchmark.tokenize(',').collect({it.trim()})
+ // Remove extension from the benchmark name
+ def benchmarkPathWithoutExtension = benchmarkFilePath.replaceFirst('[.][^.]+$', '')
+ // And build resultsDir based on this path
+ def resultsDir = "${resultsBaseDir}/${benchmarkPathWithoutExtension}"
+ def benchmarkFile = "${benchmarksDir}${benchmarkFilePath}"
+ // Evaluate the benchmark
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, minion, 'oscap.eval', [
+ 'xccdf', benchmarkFile, "results_dir=${resultsDir}",
+ "profile=${profile}", "xccdf_version=${xccdfVersion}",
+ "tailoring_id=${xccdfTailoringId}"
+ ])
+ // Attempt to upload the scanning results to the dashboard
+ if (UPLOAD_TO_DASHBOARD.toBoolean()) {
+ if (common.validInputParam('DASHBOARD_API_URL')) {
+ def cloudName = salt.getGrain(pepperEnv, minion, 'domain')['return'][0].values()[0].values()[0]
+ uploadResultToDashboard(DASHBOARD_API_URL, cloudName, minion, salt.getFileContent(pepperEnv, minion, "${resultsDir}/results.json"))
+ } else {
+ throw new Exception('Uploading to the dashboard is enabled but the DASHBOARD_API_URL was not set')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* // Will be implemented later
+ stage ('Attempt to upload results to an artifactory') {
+ if (common.validInputParam('ARTIFACTORY_URL')) {
+ for (minion in liveMinions) {
+ def destDir = "${artifactsDir}/${minion}"
+ def archiveName = "openscap-${scanUUID}.tar.gz"
+ def tempArchive = "/tmp/${archiveName}"
+ def destination = "${destDir}/${archiveName}"
+ dir(destDir) {
+ // Archive scanning results on the remote target
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, minion, 'archive.tar', ['czf', tempArchive, resultsBaseDir])
+ // Get it content and save it
+ writeFile file: destination, text: salt.getFileContent(pepperEnv, minion, tempArchive)
+ // Remove scanning results and the temp archive on the remote target
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, minion, 'file.remove', resultsBaseDir)
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, minion, 'file.remove', tempArchive)
+ }
+ }
+ def artifactory = new com.mirantis.mcp.MCPArtifactory()
+ def artifactoryName = 'mcp-ci'
+ def artifactoryRepo = ARTIFACTORY_REPO ?: 'binary-dev-local'
+ def artifactoryNamespace = ARTIFACTORY_NAMESPACE ?: 'mirantis/openscap'
+ def artifactoryServer = Artifactory.server(artifactoryName)
+ def publishInfo = true
+ def buildInfo = Artifactory.newBuildInfo()
+ def zipName = "${env.WORKSPACE}/openscap/${scanUUID}/"
+ // Zip scan results
+ zip zipFile: zipName, archive: false, dir: artifactsDir
+ // Mandatory and additional properties
+ def properties = artifactory.getBinaryBuildProperties([
+ "scanUuid=${scanUUID}",
+ "project=openscap"
+ ])
+ // Build Artifactory spec object
+ def uploadSpec = """{
+ "files":
+ [
+ {
+ "pattern": "${zipName}",
+ "target": "${artifactoryRepo}/${artifactoryNamespace}/openscap",
+ "props": "${properties}"
+ }
+ ]
+ }"""
+ // Upload artifacts to the given Artifactory
+ artifactory.uploadBinariesToArtifactory(artifactoryServer, buildInfo, uploadSpec, publishInfo)
+ } else {
+ common.warningMsg('ARTIFACTORY_URL was not given, skip uploading to artifactory')
+ }
+ }