Merge "[CVP] Switch to Map for runContainer method and use mounts argument"
diff --git a/backupninja-backup-pipeline.groovy b/backupninja-backup-pipeline.groovy
index 45812a4..80467d4 100644
--- a/backupninja-backup-pipeline.groovy
+++ b/backupninja-backup-pipeline.groovy
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
salt.enforceState(['saltId': pepperEnv, 'target': 'I@backupninja:client', 'state': 'backupninja'])
stage('Backup') {
- output = salt.getReturnValues(salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, backupNode, "su root -c 'backupninja --now -d'")).readLines()[-2]
+ def output = salt.getReturnValues(salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, backupNode, "su root -c 'backupninja --now -d'")).readLines()[-2]
def outputPattern = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("\\d+")
def outputMatcher = outputPattern.matcher(output)
if (outputMatcher.find()) {
@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@
- if (result[1] == 0 || result == ""){
- common.errorMsg("Backup failed.")
- currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
- return
+ if (result[1] != null && result[1] instanceof String && result[1].isInteger() && (result[1].toInteger() < 1)){
+ common.successMsg("Backup successfully finished " + result[1] + " fatals, " + result[2] + " errors " + result[3] +" warnings.")
else {
- common.successMsg("Backup successfully finished " + result[1] + " fatals, " + result[2] + " errors " + result[3] +" warnings")
+ common.errorMsg("Backup failed. Found " + result[1] + " fatals, " + result[2] + " errors " + result[3] +" warnings.")
+ currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
+ return
diff --git a/cvp-runner.groovy b/cvp-runner.groovy
index b362f01..1b1d5e0 100644
--- a/cvp-runner.groovy
+++ b/cvp-runner.groovy
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
def workdir = "${container_workdir}/${test_suite_name}"
def xml_file = "${test_suite_name}_report.xml"
def tests_set = (env.getProperty('tests_set')) ?: ''
- def script = "pytest --junitxml ${container_workdir}/${artifacts_dir}/${xml_file} --tb=short -sv -vv ${tests_set}"
+ def script = "pytest --junitxml ${container_workdir}/${artifacts_dir}/${xml_file} --tb=short -vv ${tests_set}"
sh "mkdir -p ${artifacts_dir}"
diff --git a/generate-cookiecutter-products.groovy b/generate-cookiecutter-products.groovy
index 54e9853..261193e 100644
--- a/generate-cookiecutter-products.groovy
+++ b/generate-cookiecutter-products.groovy
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
git = new
python = new
saltModelTesting = new
+updateSaltFormulasDuringTest = true
slaveNode = env.getProperty('SLAVE_NODE') ?: 'virtual'
gerritCredentials = env.getProperty('CREDENTIALS_ID') ?: 'gerrit'
@@ -22,7 +23,6 @@
distribRevision = 'proposed'
gitGuessedVersion = false
def globalVariatorsUpdate() {
def templateContext = readYaml text: env.COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT
def context = templateContext['default_context']
@@ -81,8 +81,11 @@
common.warningMsg('Apply WA for PROD-25732')
context.cookiecutter_template_url = 'ssh://'
- common.warningMsg("Fetching:\n" +
- "DISTRIB_REVISION from ${distribRevision}")
+ // check, if we are going to test clear release version, w\o any updates and patches
+ if (!gitGuessedVersion && (distribRevision == context.mcp_version)) {
+ updateSaltFormulasDuringTest = false
+ }
common.infoMsg("Using context:\n" + context)
print prettyPrint(toJson(context))
return context
@@ -144,11 +147,15 @@
def secretKeyID = RequesterEmail ?: "salt@${context['cluster_domain']}".toString()
if (!context.get('secrets_encryption_private_key')) {
def batchData = """
+ %echo Generating a basic OpenPGP key for Salt-Master
+ %no-protection
Key-Type: 1
Key-Length: 4096
Expire-Date: 0
Name-Real: ${context['salt_master_hostname']}.${context['cluster_domain']}
Name-Email: ${secretKeyID}
+ %commit
+ %echo done
writeFile file: 'gpg-batch.txt', text: batchData
sh "gpg --gen-key --batch < gpg-batch.txt"
@@ -156,7 +163,7 @@
} else {
writeFile file: 'gpgkey.asc', text: context['secrets_encryption_private_key']
sh "gpg --import gpgkey.asc"
- secretKeyID = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'gpg --list-secret-keys --with-colons | awk -F: -e "/^sec/{print \\$5; exit}"').trim()
+ secretKeyID = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'gpg --list-secret-keys --with-colons | grep -E "^sec" | awk -F: \'{print \$5}\'').trim()
context['secrets_encryption_key_id'] = secretKeyID
@@ -194,7 +201,9 @@
sh("cp -v gpgkey.asc ${testEnv}/salt_master_pillar.asc")
def DockerCName = "${env.JOB_NAME.toLowerCase()}_${env.BUILD_TAG.toLowerCase()}"
- common.infoMsg("Attempt to run test against distribRevision: ${distribRevision}")
+ common.warningMsg("Attempt to run test against:\n" +
+ "DISTRIB_REVISION from ${distribRevision}\n" +
+ "updateSaltFormulasDuringTest = ${updateSaltFormulasDuringTest}")
try {
def config = [
'dockerHostname' : "${context['salt_master_hostname']}",
@@ -203,7 +212,8 @@
'distribRevision' : distribRevision,
'dockerContainerName': DockerCName,
'testContext' : 'salt-model-node',
- 'dockerExtraOpts' : ['--memory=3g']
+ 'dockerExtraOpts' : ['--memory=3g'],
+ 'updateSaltFormulas' : updateSaltFormulasDuringTest
testResult = saltModelTesting.testNode(config)
common.infoMsg("Test finished: SUCCESS")
diff --git a/openstack-rabbitmq-upgrade.groovy b/openstack-rabbitmq-upgrade.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aabdafc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstack-rabbitmq-upgrade.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ * Upgrade RabbitMQ packages on msg nodes.
+ * Update packages on given nodes
+ *
+ * Expected parameters:
+ * SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the Salt API.
+ * SALT_MASTER_URL Full Salt API address [].
+ * OS_DIST_UPGRADE Upgrade system packages including kernel (apt-get dist-upgrade)
+ * OS_UPGRADE Upgrade all installed applications (apt-get upgrade)
+ * TARGET_SERVERS Comma separated list of salt compound definitions to upgrade.
+ * INTERACTIVE Ask interactive questions during pipeline run (bool).
+ *
+def common = new
+def salt = new
+def python = new
+def debian = new
+def openstack = new
+def interactive = INTERACTIVE.toBoolean()
+def LinkedHashMap upgradeStageMap = [:]
+upgradeStageMap.put('Pre upgrade',
+ [
+ 'Description': 'Only non destructive actions will be applied during this phase. Basic service verification will be performed.',
+ 'Status': 'NOT_LAUNCHED',
+ 'Expected behaviors': '''
+ * No service downtime
+ * No workload downtime''',
+ 'Launched actions': '''
+ * Verify API, perform basic CRUD operations for services.
+ * Verify rabbitmq is running and operational.''',
+ 'State result': 'Basic checks around services API are passed.'
+ ])
+upgradeStageMap.put('Stop RabbitMQ service',
+ [
+ 'Description': 'All rabbitmq services will be stopped on All TARGET_SERVERS nodes.',
+ 'Status': 'NOT_LAUNCHED',
+ 'Expected behaviors': '''
+ * RabbitMQ services are stopped.
+ * OpenStack APIs are not accessible from this point.
+ * No workload downtime''',
+ 'Launched actions': '''
+ * Stop RabbitMQ services''',
+ 'State result': 'RabbitMQ service is stopped',
+ ])
+upgradeStageMap.put('Upgrade OS',
+ [
+ 'Description': 'Optional step. OS packages will be upgraded during this phase, depending on the job parameters dist-upgrade might be called. And reboot of node executed.',
+ 'Status': 'NOT_LAUNCHED',
+ 'Expected behaviors': '''
+ * No workload downtime
+ * The nodes might be rebooted''',
+ 'Launched actions': '''
+ * Install new version of system packages
+ * If doing dist-upgrade new kernel might be installed and node rebooted
+ * System packages are updated
+ * Node might be rebooted
+ ])
+upgradeStageMap.put('Upgrade RabbitMQ server',
+ [
+ 'Description': 'RabbitMQ and Erlang code will be upgraded during this stage. No workload downtime is expected.',
+ 'Status': 'NOT_LAUNCHED',
+ 'Expected behaviors': '''
+ * OpenStack services loose connection to rabbitmq-server
+ * No workload downtime''',
+ 'Launched actions': '''
+ * Install new version of RabbitMQ and Erlang packages
+ * Render version of configs''',
+ 'State result': '''
+ * RabbitMQ packages are upgraded''',
+ ])
+upgradeStageMap.put('Start RabbitMQ service',
+ [
+ 'Description': 'All rabbitmq services will be running on All TARGET_SERVERS nodes.',
+ 'Status': 'NOT_LAUNCHED',
+ 'Expected behaviors': '''
+ * RabbitMQ service is running.
+ * OpenStack API are accessible from this point.
+ * No workload downtime''',
+ 'Launched actions': '''
+ * Start RabbitMQ service''',
+ 'State result': 'RabbitMQ service is running',
+ ])
+def env = "env"
+timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') {
+ node() {
+ stage('Setup virtualenv for Pepper') {
+ python.setupPepperVirtualenv(env, SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
+ }
+ def upgradeTargets = salt.getMinionsSorted(env, TARGET_SERVERS)
+ if (upgradeTargets.isEmpty()) {
+ error("No servers for upgrade matched by ${TARGET_SERVERS}")
+ }
+ def stopTargets = upgradeTargets.reverse()
+ common.printStageMap(upgradeStageMap)
+ if (interactive){
+ input message: common.getColorizedString(
+ "Above you can find detailed info this pipeline will execute.\nThe info provides brief description of each stage, actions that will be performed and service/workload impact during each stage.\nPlease read it carefully.", "yellow")
+ }
+ for (target in upgradeTargets){
+ common.stageWrapper(upgradeStageMap, "Pre upgrade", target, interactive) {
+ openstack.runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, 'pre')
+ openstack.runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, 'verify')
+ }
+ }
+ for (target in stopTargets) {
+ common.stageWrapper(upgradeStageMap, "Stop RabbitMQ service", target, interactive) {
+ openstack.runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, 'service_stopped')
+ }
+ }
+ for (target in upgradeTargets) {
+ common.stageWrapper(upgradeStageMap, "Upgrade OS", target, interactive) {
+ if (OS_DIST_UPGRADE.toBoolean() == true){
+ upgrade_mode = 'dist-upgrade'
+ } else if (OS_UPGRADE.toBoolean() == true){
+ upgrade_mode = 'upgrade'
+ }
+ if (OS_DIST_UPGRADE.toBoolean() == true || OS_UPGRADE.toBoolean() == true) {
+ debian.osUpgradeNode(env, target, upgrade_mode, false)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (target in upgradeTargets) {
+ common.stageWrapper(upgradeStageMap, "Upgrade RabbitMQ server", target, interactive) {
+ openstack.runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, 'pkgs_latest')
+ openstack.runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, 'render_config')
+ }
+ }
+ for (target in upgradeTargets) {
+ common.stageWrapper(upgradeStageMap, "Start RabbitMQ service", target, interactive) {
+ openstack.runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, 'service_running')
+ openstack.applyOpenstackAppsStates(env, target)
+ openstack.runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, 'verify')
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/upgrade-mcp-release.groovy b/upgrade-mcp-release.groovy
index e389937..d1614eb 100644
--- a/upgrade-mcp-release.groovy
+++ b/upgrade-mcp-release.groovy
@@ -455,6 +455,8 @@
// mine was updated with required data after salt-minion/salt-master restart salt:minion:ca
salt.enforceState(venvPepper, "I@salt:minion:ca", '', true)
salt.enforceState(venvPepper, "I@salt:minion", 'salt.minion.cert', true)
+ // run `salt.minion` to refresh all minion configs (for example _keystone.conf)
+ salt.enforceState([saltId: venvPepper, target: "I@salt:minion ${extra_tgt}", state: ['salt.minion'], read_timeout: 60, retries: 2])
// updating users and keys
salt.enforceState(venvPepper, "I@linux:system", 'linux.system.user', true)
salt.enforceState(venvPepper, "I@linux:system", 'openssh', true)