Merge "Remove syntax check from test-salt-formula-env"
diff --git a/cloud-deploy-pipeline.groovy b/cloud-deploy-pipeline.groovy
index 8dccccb..6cc6fbd 100644
--- a/cloud-deploy-pipeline.groovy
+++ b/cloud-deploy-pipeline.groovy
@@ -204,13 +204,14 @@
// get outputs
saltMasterHost = aws.getOutputs(venv, aws_env_vars, STACK_NAME, 'SaltMasterIP')
+ awsLoadBalancer = aws.getOutputs(venv, aws_env_vars, STACK_NAME, 'ControlLoadBalancer')
// check that saltMasterHost is valid
if (!saltMasterHost || !saltMasterHost.matches(ipRegex)) {
common.errorMsg("saltMasterHost is not a valid ip, value is: ${saltMasterHost}")
throw new Exception("saltMasterHost is not a valid ip")
- currentBuild.description = "${STACK_NAME} ${saltMasterHost}"
+ currentBuild.description = "Stack name: ${STACK_NAME}, Salt API: http://${saltMasterHost}:6969, k8s API: https://${awsLoadBalancer}"
SALT_MASTER_URL = "http://${saltMasterHost}:6969"
} else if (STACK_TYPE != 'physical') {
@@ -288,8 +289,11 @@
stage('Install Kubernetes control') {
+ // collect artifacts (kubeconfig)
+ writeFile(file: 'kubeconfig', text: salt.getFileContent(saltMaster, 'I@kubernetes:master and *01*', '/etc/kubernetes/admin-kube-config'))
+ archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'kubeconfig')
stage('Scale Kubernetes computes') {
diff --git a/generate-cookiecutter-products.groovy b/generate-cookiecutter-products.groovy
index 2b5c4ef..926e2ac 100644
--- a/generate-cookiecutter-products.groovy
+++ b/generate-cookiecutter-products.groovy
@@ -162,23 +162,26 @@
// create config-drive
sh "./create-config-drive --user-data --hostname cfg --model ${modelEnv} cfg.${clusterDomain}-config.iso"
+ sh("mkdir output-${clusterName} && mv cfg.${clusterDomain}-config.iso output-${clusterName}/")
// save iso to artifacts
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: "cfg.${clusterDomain}-config.iso"
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: "output-${clusterName}/cfg.${clusterDomain}-config.iso"
stage ('Save changes reclass model') {
- sh(returnStatus: true, script: "tar -zcf ${clusterName}.tar.gz -C ${modelEnv} .")
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${clusterName}.tar.gz"
+ sh(returnStatus: true, script: "tar -zcf output-${clusterName}/${clusterName}.tar.gz -C ${modelEnv} .")
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: "output-${clusterName}/${clusterName}.tar.gz"
if (EMAIL_ADDRESS != null && EMAIL_ADDRESS != "") {
emailext(to: EMAIL_ADDRESS,
- attachmentsPattern: "${clusterName}.tar.gz",
+ attachmentsPattern: "output-${clusterName}/*",
body: "Mirantis Jenkins\n\nRequested reclass model ${clusterName} has been created and attached to this email.\nEnjoy!\n\nMirantis",
subject: "Your Salt model ${clusterName}")
+ dir("output-${clusterName}"){
+ deleteDir()
+ }
} catch (Throwable e) {
@@ -193,4 +196,4 @@
// common.sendNotification(currentBuild.result,"",["slack"])
\ No newline at end of file