Removing deprecated methods from Validate

Related-PROD: PROD-28331 (PROD:28331)
Change-Id: Ic9a7cbcb7c8d8ac3eb57387df20c1305791c7b9f
diff --git a/validate-cloud.groovy b/validate-cloud.groovy
index 000c34c..ceca57f 100644
--- a/validate-cloud.groovy
+++ b/validate-cloud.groovy
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
- * Launch validation of the cloud
+ * Launch validation of the cloud with Rally
  * Expected parameters:
  *   ACCUMULATE_RESULTS          If true, results from the previous build will be used
  *   JOB_TIMEOUT                 Job timeout in hours
- *   RUN_RALLY_TESTS             If not false, run Rally tests
- *   RUN_SPT_TESTS               If not false, run SPT tests
- *   RUN_TEMPEST_TESTS           If not false, run Tempest tests
  *   TEST_IMAGE                  Docker image link
  *   TARGET_NODE                 Salt target for tempest node
  *   SALT_MASTER_URL             URL of Salt master
@@ -42,25 +39,6 @@
  *   SKIP_LIST                   List of the Rally scenarios which should be skipped
  *   REPORT_DIR                  Path for reports outside docker image
- *   Tempest
- *
- *   TEMPEST_TEST_SET            If not false, run tests matched to pattern only
- *   TEMPEST_CONFIG_REPO         Git repository with configuration files for Tempest
- *   TEMPEST_CONFIG_BRANCH       Git branch which will be used during the checkout
- *   TEMPEST_REPO                Git repository with Tempest
- *   TEMPEST_VERSION             Version of Tempest (tag, branch or commit)
- *   GENERATE_REPORT             If not false, run report generation command
- *
- *   SPT
- *
- *   AVAILABILITY_ZONE           The name of availability zone
- *   FLOATING_NETWORK            The name of the external(floating) network
- *   SPT_SSH_USER                The name of the user which should be used for ssh to nodes
- *   SPT_IMAGE                   The name of the image for SPT tests
- *   SPT_IMAGE_USER              The name of the user for SPT image
- *   SPT_FLAVOR                  The name of the flavor for SPT image
- *   GENERATE_REPORT             If not false, run report generation command
- *
 common = new
@@ -82,96 +60,56 @@
 timeout(time: job_timeout, unit: 'HOURS') {
     node() {
-        try{
+        try {
             stage('Setup virtualenv for Pepper') {
                 python.setupPepperVirtualenv(pepperEnv, SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
             stage('Configure') {
-                validate.installDocker(pepperEnv, TARGET_NODE)
+                test.install_docker(pepperEnv, TARGET_NODE)
                 if (ACCUMULATE_RESULTS.toBoolean() == false) {
                     sh "rm -r ${artifacts_dir}"
                 sh "mkdir -p ${artifacts_dir}"
-            stage('Run Tempest tests') {
-                if (RUN_TEMPEST_TESTS.toBoolean() == true) {
-                    def tempest = VALIDATE_PARAMS.get('tempest') ?: []
-                    validate.runTempestTests(
-                        pepperEnv, TARGET_NODE, TEST_IMAGE,
-                        artifacts_dir, tempest.TEMPEST_CONFIG_REPO,
-                        tempest.TEMPEST_CONFIG_BRANCH, tempest.TEMPEST_REPO,
-                        tempest.TEMPEST_VERSION, tempest.TEMPEST_TEST_SET
-                    )
-                    if (tempest.GENERATE_REPORT.toBoolean() == true) {
-                        common.infoMsg("Generating html test report ...")
-                        validate.generateTestReport(pepperEnv, TARGET_NODE, TEST_IMAGE, artifacts_dir)
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    common.infoMsg("Skipping Tempest tests")
-                }
-            }
             stage('Run Rally tests') {
-                if (RUN_RALLY_TESTS.toBoolean() == true) {
-                    def rally = VALIDATE_PARAMS.get('rally') ?: []
-                    def tags = rally.get('RALLY_TAGS') ?: []
-                    def report_dir = rally.REPORT_DIR ?: '/root/qa_results'
-                    def platform = ["type":"unknown", "stacklight_enabled":false]
-                    def rally_variables = []
-                    if (rally.K8S_RALLY.toBoolean() == false) {
-                      platform['type'] = 'openstack'
-                      rally_variables = ["floating_network=${rally.FLOATING_NETWORK}",
-                                         "rally_image=${rally.RALLY_IMAGE}",
-                                         "rally_flavor=${rally.RALLY_FLAVOR}",
-                                         "availability_zone=${rally.AVAILABILITY_ZONE}"]
-                    } else {
-                      platform['type'] = 'k8s'
-                    }
-                    if (rally.STACKLIGHT_RALLY.toBoolean() == true) {
-                      platform['stacklight_enabled'] = true
-                    }
-                    validate.runRallyTests(
-                        pepperEnv, TARGET_NODE, TEST_IMAGE,
-                        platform, artifacts_dir, rally.RALLY_CONFIG_REPO,
-                        rally.RALLY_CONFIG_BRANCH, rally.RALLY_PLUGINS_REPO,
-                        rally.RALLY_PLUGINS_BRANCH, rally.RALLY_SCENARIOS,
-                        rally.RALLY_SL_SCENARIOS, rally.RALLY_TASK_ARGS_FILE,
-                        rally.RALLY_DB_CONN_STRING, tags,
-                        rally.RALLY_TRENDS, rally_variables,
-                        report_dir, rally.SKIP_LIST
-                    )
-                } else {
-                    common.infoMsg("Skipping Rally tests")
-                }
-            }
-            stage('Run SPT tests') {
-                if (RUN_SPT_TESTS.toBoolean() == true) {
-                    def spt = VALIDATE_PARAMS.get('spt') ?: []
-                    def spt_variables = ["spt_ssh_user=${spt.SPT_SSH_USER}",
-                                         "spt_floating_network=${spt.FLOATING_NETWORK}",
-                                         "spt_image=${spt.SPT_IMAGE}",
-                                         "spt_user=${spt.SPT_IMAGE_USER}",
-                                         "spt_flavor=${spt.SPT_FLAVOR}",
-                                         "spt_availability_zone=${spt.AVAILABILITY_ZONE}"]
-                    validate.runSptTests(pepperEnv, TARGET_NODE, TEST_IMAGE, artifacts_dir, spt_variables)
-                    if (spt.GENERATE_REPORT.toBoolean() == true) {
-                        common.infoMsg("Generating html test report ...")
-                        validate.generateTestReport(pepperEnv, TARGET_NODE, TEST_IMAGE, artifacts_dir)
-                    }
+                def rally = VALIDATE_PARAMS.get('rally') ?: []
+                def tags = rally.get('RALLY_TAGS') ?: []
+                def report_dir = rally.REPORT_DIR ?: '/root/qa_results'
+                def platform = ["type":"unknown", "stacklight_enabled":false]
+                def rally_variables = []
+                if (rally.K8S_RALLY.toBoolean() == false) {
+                  platform['type'] = 'openstack'
+                  rally_variables = ["floating_network=${rally.FLOATING_NETWORK}",
+                                     "rally_image=${rally.RALLY_IMAGE}",
+                                     "rally_flavor=${rally.RALLY_FLAVOR}",
+                                     "availability_zone=${rally.AVAILABILITY_ZONE}"]
                 } else {
-                    common.infoMsg("Skipping SPT tests")
+                  platform['type'] = 'k8s'
+                if (rally.STACKLIGHT_RALLY.toBoolean() == true) {
+                  platform['stacklight_enabled'] = true
+                }
+                validate.runRallyTests(
+                    pepperEnv, TARGET_NODE, TEST_IMAGE,
+                    platform, artifacts_dir, rally.RALLY_CONFIG_REPO,
+                    rally.RALLY_CONFIG_BRANCH, rally.RALLY_PLUGINS_REPO,
+                    rally.RALLY_PLUGINS_BRANCH, rally.RALLY_SCENARIOS,
+                    rally.RALLY_SL_SCENARIOS, rally.RALLY_TASK_ARGS_FILE,
+                    rally.RALLY_DB_CONN_STRING, tags,
+                    rally.RALLY_TRENDS, rally_variables,
+                    report_dir, rally.SKIP_LIST
+                )
             stage('Collect results') {
                 archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${artifacts_dir}/*"
         } catch (Throwable e) {
-            // If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
             currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
             currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? e.message + " " + currentBuild.description : e.message
             throw e