Add common wrapper for CC-templates and reclass-system
A new wrapper will be used as one CI entrypoint to trigger all
other needed jobs.
Related-bug: PROD-25370
Change-Id: I5f5c4c6e132e211980bd2aa0414dcf73309a960a
diff --git a/test-salt-model-wrapper.groovy b/test-salt-model-wrapper.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99384ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-salt-model-wrapper.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ Global wrapper for testing next projects:
+ - salt-models/reclass-system
+ - mk/cookiecutter-templates
+ Can be triggered manually or by gerrit trigger:
+ 1) gerrit trigger
+ Automatically switches if GERRIT_PROJECT variable detected
+ Always test GERRIT_REFSPEC VS GERRIT_BRANCH-master version of opposite project
+ 2) manual run via job-build , possible to pass refspecs
+ - for CC
+ - Reclass
+ Example of TEST_PARAMETERS_YAML manual config:
+RECLASS_SYSTEM_BRANCH: refs/heads/2018.11.0
+COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_REF: refs/heads/2018.11.0
+ */
+import groovy.json.JsonOutput
+slaveNode = env.getProperty('SLAVE_NODE') ?: 'python&&docker'
+LinkedHashMap getManualRefParams(LinkedHashMap map) {
+ LinkedHashMap manualParams = [:]
+ String defaultGitRef = 'HEAD'
+ if (map.containsKey('RECLASS_SYSTEM_GIT_REF') && map.containsKey('RECLASS_SYSTEM_URL')) {
+ manualParams[reclassSystemRepo] = [
+ 'url': map.get('RECLASS_SYSTEM_URL'),
+ 'ref': map.get('RECLASS_SYSTEM_GIT_REF'),
+ 'branch': map.get('RECLASS_SYSTEM_BRANCH', 'master'),
+ ]
+ }
+ if (map.containsKey('COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_REF') && map.containsKey('COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_URL')) {
+ manualParams[cookiecutterTemplatesRepo] = [
+ 'url': map.get('COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_URL'),
+ 'ref': map.get('COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_REF'),
+ 'branch': map.get('COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_BRANCH', 'master'),
+ ]
+ }
+ return manualParams
+def runTests(String jobName, String extraVars, Boolean propagateStatus=true) {
+ return {
+ try {
+ build job: "${jobName}", parameters: [
+ [$class: 'TextParameterValue', name: 'EXTRA_VARIABLES_YAML', value: extraVars ]
+ ]
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ if (propagateStatus) {
+ throw e
+ }
+ }
+ }
+def runTestSaltModelReclass(String cluster, String defaultGitUrl, String clusterGitUrl, String refSpec) {
+ return {
+ build job: "test-salt-model-${cluster}", parameters: [
+ [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'DEFAULT_GIT_URL', value: clusterGitUrl],
+ [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'DEFAULT_GIT_REF', value: "HEAD"],
+ [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SYSTEM_GIT_URL', value: defaultGitUrl],
+ [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SYSTEM_GIT_REF', value: refSpec ],
+ ]
+ }
+def checkReclassSystemDocumentationCommit(gerritLib, gerritCredentials) {
+ gerrit.gerritPatchsetCheckout([
+ credentialsId: gerritCredentials
+ ])
+ sh("git diff-tree --no-commit-id --diff-filter=d --name-only -r HEAD | grep .yml | xargs -I {} python -c \"import yaml; yaml.load(open('{}', 'r'))\" \\;")
+ return sh(script: "git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r HEAD | grep -v .releasenotes", returnStatus: true) == 1
+timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') {
+ node(slaveNode) {
+ def common = new
+ def gerrit = new
+ def git = new
+ def python = new
+ // Var TEST_PARAMETERS_YAML contains any additional parameters for tests,
+ // like manually specified Gerrit Refs/URLs, additional parameters and so on
+ if (env.getProperty('TEST_PARAMETERS_YAML')) {
+ common.mergeEnv(env, env.getProperty('TEST_PARAMETERS_YAML'))
+ }
+ // init required job variables
+ LinkedHashMap job_env = env.getEnvironment().findAll { k, v -> v }
+ // Gerrit parameters
+ String gerritCredentials = job_env.get('CREDENTIALS_ID', 'gerrit')
+ String gerritRef = job_env.get('GERRIT_REFSPEC', '')
+ String gerritProject = ''
+ String gerritName = ''
+ String gerritScheme = ''
+ String gerritHost = ''
+ String gerritPort = ''
+ String gerritChangeNumber = ''
+ // Common and manual build parameters
+ LinkedHashMap projectsMap = [:]
+ String distribRevision = job_env('DISTRIB_REVISION', 'nightly')
+ ArrayList testModels = job_env.get('TEST_MODELS', 'mcp-virtual-lab,infra').split(',')
+ stage('Check build mode') {
+ def buildType = ''
+ if (gerritRef) {
+ // job is triggered by Gerrit, get all required Gerrit vars
+ gerritProject = job_env.get('GERRIT_PROJECT')
+ gerritName = job_env.get('GERRIT_NAME')
+ gerritScheme = job_env.get('GERRIT_SCHEME')
+ gerritHost = job_env.get('GERRIT_HOST')
+ gerritPort = job_env.get('GERRIT_PORT')
+ gerritChangeNumber = job_env.get('GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER')
+ gerritBranch = job_env.get('GERRIT_BRANCH')
+ // check if change aren't already merged
+ def gerritChange = gerrit.getGerritChange(gerritName, gerritHost, gerritChangeNumber, gerritCredentials)
+ if (gerritChange.status == "MERGED") {
+ common.successMsg('Patch set is alredy merged, no need to test it')
+ currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
+ return
+ }
+ projectsMap[gerritProject] = [
+ 'url': "${gerritScheme}://${gerritName}@${gerritHost}:${gerritPort}/${gerritProject}",
+ 'ref': gerritRef,
+ 'branch': gerritBranch,
+ ]
+ buildType = 'Gerrit Trigger'
+ } else {
+ projectsMap = getManualRefParams(job_env)
+ if (!projectsMap) {
+ error('Manual build detected and no valid Git refs provided!')
+ }
+ buildType = 'Manual build'
+ }
+ ArrayList descriptionMsgs = [ "<font color='red'>${buildType} detected!</font> Running with next parameters:" ]
+ for(String project in projectsMap.keySet()) {
+ descriptionMsgs.add("Ref for ${project} => ${project.ref}")
+ descriptionMsgs.add("Branch for ${project} => ${project.branch}")
+ }
+ descriptionMsgs.add("Distrib revision => ${distribRevision}")
+ currentBuild.description = descriptionMsgs.join('\n')
+ }
+ stage("Run tests") {
+ def branches = [:]
+ branches.failFast = true
+ if (projectsMap.containsKey(reclassSystemRepo)) {
+ def documentationOnly = checkReclassSystemDocumentationCommit(gerrit, gerritCredentials)
+ if (['master'].contains(gerritBranch) && !documentationOnly) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < testModels.size(); i++) {
+ def cluster = testModels[i]
+ def clusterGitUrl = projectsMap[reclassSystemRepo].url.substring(0, defaultGitUrl.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + cluster
+ branches["reclass-system-${cluster}"] = runTestSaltModelReclass(cluster, projectsMap[reclassSystemRepo].url, clusterGitUrl, projectsMap[reclassSystemRepo].ref)
+ }
+ } else {
+ common.warningMsg("Tests for ${testModels} skipped!")
+ }
+ }
+ if (projectsMap.containsKey(reclassSystemRepo) || projectsMap.containsKey(cookiecutterTemplatesRepo)) {
+ branches['cookiecutter-templates'] = runTests('test-mk-cookiecutter-templates', JsonOutput.toJson(job_env))
+ }
+ if (projectsMap.containsKey(cookiecutterTemplatesRepo)) {
+ branches['test-drivetrain'] = runTests('test-drivetrain', JsonOutput.toJson(job_env))
+ branches['oscore-test-cookiecutter-models'] = runTests('oscore-test-cookiecutter-models', JsonOutput.toJson(job_env))
+ }
+ // temp block to disable test run until job is stable
+ print branches.keySet()
+ currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
+ return
+ // ----
+ parallel branches
+ }
+ }