Support running OVAL benchmarks
Change-Id: I2e4b987d8bea468b96f543f288885a48a5568ca9
diff --git a/test-openscap-pipeline.groovy b/test-openscap-pipeline.groovy
index 8b2f0e4..1308d12 100644
--- a/test-openscap-pipeline.groovy
+++ b/test-openscap-pipeline.groovy
@@ -3,13 +3,16 @@
* Run openscap xccdf evaluation on given nodes
* Expected parametes:
+ * OPENSCAP_TEST_TYPE Type of OpenSCAP evaluation to run, either 'xccdf' or 'oval'
* SALT_MASTER_URL Full Salt API address.
* SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the Salt API.
- * XCCDF_BENCHMARKS_DIR The XCCDF benchmarks base directory (default /usr/share/xccdf-benchmarks/mirantis/)
+ * XCCDF_BENCHMARKS_DIR Base directory for XCCDF benchmarks (default /usr/share/xccdf-benchmarks/mirantis/)
+ * or OVAL devinitions (default /usr/share/oval-definitions/mirantis/)
* XCCDF_BENCHMARKS List of pairs XCCDF benchmark filename and corresponding profile separated with ','
- * these pairs are separated with semicolon.
- * (e.g. manila/openstack_manila-xccdf.xml,profilename;horizon/openstack_horizon-xccdf.xml,profile)
+ * these pairs are separated with semicolon
+ * (e.g. manila/openstack_manila-xccdf.xml,profilename;horizon/openstack_horizon-xccdf.xml,profile).
+ * For OVAL definitions, paths to OVAL definition files separated by semicolon, profile is ignored.
* XCCDF_VERSION The XCCDF version (default 1.2)
* XCCDF_TAILORING_ID The tailoring id (default None)
@@ -118,20 +121,35 @@
node('python') {
- def pepperEnv = 'pepperEnv'
- // XCCDF related variables
- def benchmarksAndProfilesArray = XCCDF_BENCHMARKS.tokenize(';')
- def benchmarksDir = XCCDF_BENCHMARKS_DIR ?: '/usr/share/xccdf-benchmarks/mirantis/'
- def xccdfVersion = XCCDF_VERSION ?: '1.2'
- def xccdfTailoringId = XCCDF_TAILORING_ID ?: 'None'
- def targetServers = TARGET_SERVERS ?: '*'
def salt = new
def python = new
def common = new
def http = new
+ def pepperEnv = 'pepperEnv'
+ def benchmarkType = OPENSCAP_TEST_TYPE ?: 'xccdf'
+ def reportType
+ def benchmarksDir
+ switch (benchmarkType) {
+ case 'xccdf':
+ reportType = 'openscap';
+ benchmarksDir = XCCDF_BENCHMARKS_DIR ?: '/usr/share/xccdf-benchmarks/mirantis/';
+ break;
+ case 'oval':
+ reportType = 'cve';
+ benchmarksDir = XCCDF_BENCHMARKS_DIR ?: '/usr/share/oval-definitions/mirantis/';
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Exception('Unsupported value for OPENSCAP_TEST_TYPE, must be "oval" or "xccdf".')
+ }
+ // XCCDF related variables
+ def benchmarksAndProfilesArray = XCCDF_BENCHMARKS.tokenize(';')
+ def xccdfVersion = XCCDF_VERSION ?: '1.2'
+ def xccdfTailoringId = XCCDF_TAILORING_ID ?: 'None'
+ def targetServers = TARGET_SERVERS ?: '*'
// To have an ability to work in heavy concurrency conditions
def scanUUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
@@ -146,7 +164,7 @@
python.setupPepperVirtualenv(pepperEnv, SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
- stage ('Run openscap xccdf evaluation and attempt to upload the results to a dashboard') {
+ stage ('Run openscap evaluation and attempt to upload the results to a dashboard') {
liveMinions = salt.getMinions(pepperEnv, targetServers)
if (liveMinions.isEmpty()) {
@@ -178,11 +196,10 @@
// Evaluate the benchmark on all minions at once
salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, targetServers, 'oscap.eval', [
- 'xccdf', benchmarkFile, "results_dir=${resultsDir}",
+ benchmarkType, benchmarkFile, "results_dir=${resultsDir}",
"profile=${profile}", "xccdf_version=${xccdfVersion}",
// fetch, store and publish results one by one
for (minion in liveMinions) {
@@ -193,7 +210,6 @@
// TODO(pas-ha) when using Salt >= 2017.7.0, use module
// also investigate compressing to gz/xz and reading with binary=True (for less traffic)
salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, minion, "tar -cf /tmp/${archiveName} -C ${resultsBaseDir} .")
- // NOTE(pas-ha) salt.getFileContent does not pass extra args to cmdRun that we need
fileContents = salt.getFileContent(pepperEnv, minion, "/tmp/${archiveName}", true, null, false)
sh "mkdir -p ${localResultsDir}"
@@ -208,7 +224,7 @@
if (common.validInputParam('DASHBOARD_API_URL')) {
def cloudName = salt.getGrain(pepperEnv, minion, 'domain')['return'][0].values()[0].values()[0]
def nodeResults = readFile "${localResultsDir}/${benchmarkPathWithoutExtension}/results.json"
- reportId = uploadResultToDashboard(DASHBOARD_API_URL, cloudName, minion, "openscap", reportId, nodeResults)
+ reportId = uploadResultToDashboard(DASHBOARD_API_URL, cloudName, minion, reportType, reportId, nodeResults)
} else {
throw new Exception('Uploading to the dashboard is enabled but the DASHBOARD_API_URL was not set')