Multi-cloud deployment pipeline
Change-Id: Ic175479c80db87f1da66291bddafefeb141f0e7d
diff --git a/cloud-deploy-pipeline.groovy b/cloud-deploy-pipeline.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..799b806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloud-deploy-pipeline.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+ *
+ * Launch heat/cloudformation stack
+ *
+ * Expected parameters:
+ * STACK_NAME Infrastructure stack name
+ * STACK_TEMPLATE Stack HOT/CFN template
+ * STACK_TYPE Deploy OpenStack/AWS [heat/aws]
+ *
+ * STACK_TEMPLATE_URL URL to git repo with stack templates
+ * STACK_TEMPLATE_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the templates repo
+ * STACK_TEMPLATE_BRANCH Stack templates repo branch
+ *
+ * STACK_DELETE Delete stack when finished (bool)
+ * STACK_REUSE Reuse existing stack (don't create one)
+ * STACK_INSTALL What should be installed (k8s, openstack, ...)
+ * STACK_TEST Run tests (bool)
+ * STACK_CLEANUP_JOB Name of job for deleting stack
+ *
+ * AWS_STACK_REGION CloudFormation AWS region
+ * AWS_API_CREDENTIALS AWS Access key ID with AWS secret access key
+ *
+ * HEAT_STACK_ENVIRONMENT Heat stack environmental parameters
+ * HEAT_STACK_ZONE Heat stack availability zone
+ * HEAT_STACK_PUBLIC_NET Heat stack floating IP pool
+ * OPENSTACK_API_URL OpenStack API address
+ * OPENSTACK_API_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the OpenStack API
+ * OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT OpenStack project to connect to
+ * OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT Versions of OpenStack python clients
+ * OPENSTACK_API_VERSION Version of the OpenStack API (2/3)
+ *
+ * SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the Salt API
+ * SALT_MASTER_URL URL of Salt master
+ *
+ * K8S_API_SERVER Kubernetes API address
+ * K8S_CONFORMANCE_IMAGE Path to docker image with conformance e2e tests
+ *
+ * TEMPEST_IMAGE_LINK Tempest image link
+ *
+ */
+common = new
+git = new
+openstack = new
+orchestrate = new
+salt = new
+test = new
+overwriteFile = "/srv/salt/reclass/classes/cluster/override.yml"
+timestamps {
+ node {
+ try {
+ //
+ // Prepare machines
+ //
+ stage ('Create infrastructure') {
+ if (STACK_TYPE == 'heat') {
+ // value defaults
+ def openstackCloud
+ def openstackVersion = OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT ? OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT : 'liberty'
+ def openstackEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/venv"
+ if (STACK_REUSE.toBoolean() == true && STACK_NAME == '') {
+ error("If you want to reuse existing stack you need to provide it's name")
+ }
+ if (STACK_REUSE.toBoolean() == false) {
+ // Don't allow to set custom heat stack name
+ wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) {
+ if (env.BUILD_USER_ID) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ currentBuild.description = STACK_NAME
+ }
+ }
+ // set description
+ currentBuild.description = "${STACK_NAME}"
+ // get templates
+ // create openstack env
+ openstack.setupOpenstackVirtualenv(openstackEnv, openstackVersion)
+ openstack.getKeystoneToken(openstackCloud, openstackEnv)
+ //
+ // Verify possibility of create stack for given user and stack type
+ //
+ wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) {
+ if (env.BUILD_USER_ID && !env.BUILD_USER_ID.equals("jenkins") && !STACK_REUSE.toBoolean()) {
+ def existingStacks = openstack.getStacksForNameContains(openstackCloud, "${env.BUILD_USER_ID}-${JOB_NAME}", openstackEnv)
+ if(existingStacks.size() >= _MAX_PERMITTED_STACKS){
+ STACK_DELETE = "false"
+ throw new Exception("You cannot create new stack, you already have ${_MAX_PERMITTED_STACKS} stacks of this type (${JOB_NAME}). \nStack names: ${existingStacks}")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // launch stack
+ if (STACK_REUSE.toBoolean() == false) {
+ stage('Launch new Heat stack') {
+ // create stack
+ envParams = [
+ 'instance_zone': HEAT_STACK_ZONE,
+ 'public_net': HEAT_STACK_PUBLIC_NET
+ ]
+ openstack.createHeatStack(openstackCloud, STACK_NAME, HEAT_STACK_TEMPLATE, envParams, HEAT_STACK_ENVIRONMENT, openstackEnv)
+ }
+ }
+ saltMasterHost = openstack.getHeatStackOutputParam(openstackCloud, STACK_NAME, 'salt_master_ip', openstackEnv)
+ currentBuild.description = "${STACK_NAME}: ${saltMasterHost}"
+ SALT_MASTER_URL = "http://${saltMasterHost}:6969"
+ }
+ if (STACK_TYPE == 'aws') {
+ saltMasterHost = ''
+ currentBuild.description = "${STACK_NAME}: ${saltMasterHost}"
+ SALT_MASTER_URL = "http://${saltMasterHost}:6969"
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Connect to Salt master
+ //
+ def saltMaster
+ stage('Connect to Salt API') {
+ saltMaster = salt.connection(SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
+ }
+ //
+ // Install
+ //
+ if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'core')) {
+ stage('Install core infrastructure') {
+ orchestrate.installFoundationInfra(saltMaster)
+ if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'kvm')) {
+ orchestrate.installInfraKvm(saltMaster)
+ orchestrate.installFoundationInfra(saltMaster)
+ }
+ orchestrate.validateFoundationInfra(saltMaster)
+ }
+ }
+ // install k8s
+ if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'k8s')) {
+ stage('Install Kubernetes infra') {
+ orchestrate.installKubernetesInfra(saltMaster)
+ }
+ stage('Install Kubernetes control') {
+ // Overwrite Kubernetes vars if specified
+ if (env.getEnvironment().containsKey("KUBERNETES_HYPERKUBE_IMAGE")) {
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@salt:master', 'file.append', overwriteFile, " kubernetes_hyperkube_image: ${KUBERNETES_HYPERKUBE_IMAGE}")
+ }
+ orchestrate.installKubernetesControl(saltMaster)
+ }
+ if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'contrail')) {
+ state('Install Contrail for Kubernetes') {
+ orchestrate.installContrailNetwork(saltMaster)
+ orchestrate.installContrailCompute(saltMaster)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // install openstack
+ if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'openstack')) {
+ // install Infra and control, tests, ...
+ stage('Install OpenStack infra') {
+ orchestrate.installOpenstackInfra(saltMaster)
+ }
+ stage('Install OpenStack control') {
+ orchestrate.installOpenstackControl(saltMaster)
+ }
+ stage('Install OpenStack network') {
+ if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'contrail')) {
+ orchestrate.installContrailNetwork(saltMaster)
+ } else if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'ovs')) {
+ orchestrate.installOpenstackNetwork(saltMaster)
+ }
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@keystone:server', '', ['. /root/keystonerc; neutron net-list'])
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@keystone:server', '', ['. /root/keystonerc; nova net-list'])
+ }
+ stage('Install OpenStack compute') {
+ orchestrate.installOpenstackCompute(saltMaster)
+ if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'contrail')) {
+ orchestrate.installContrailCompute(saltMaster)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'stacklight')) {
+ stage('Install StackLight') {
+ orchestrate.installStacklightControl(saltMaster)
+ orchestrate.installStacklightClient(saltMaster)
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Test
+ //
+ def artifacts_dir = '_artifacts/'
+ if (common.checkContains('STACK_TEST', 'k8s')) {
+ stage('Run k8s bootstrap tests') {
+ def image = 'tomkukral/k8s-scripts'
+ def output_file = image.replaceAll('/', '-') + '.output'
+ // run image
+ test.runConformanceTests(saltMaster, K8S_API_SERVER, image)
+ // collect output
+ sh "mkdir -p ${artifacts_dir}"
+ file_content = salt.getFileContent(saltMaster, 'ctl01*', '/tmp/' + output_file)
+ writeFile file: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}", text: file_content
+ sh "cat ${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"
+ // collect artifacts
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"
+ }
+ stage('Run k8s conformance e2e tests') {
+ //test.runConformanceTests(saltMaster, K8S_API_SERVER, K8S_CONFORMANCE_IMAGE)
+ def output_file = image.replaceAll('/', '-') + '.output'
+ // run image
+ test.runConformanceTests(saltMaster, K8S_API_SERVER, image)
+ // collect output
+ sh "mkdir -p ${artifacts_dir}"
+ file_content = salt.getFileContent(saltMaster, 'ctl01*', '/tmp/' + output_file)
+ writeFile file: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}", text: file_content
+ sh "cat ${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"
+ // collect artifacts
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"
+ }
+ }
+ if (common.checkContains('STACK_TEST', 'openstack')) {
+ stage('Run deployment tests') {
+ test.runTempestTests(saltMaster, TEMPEST_IMAGE_LINK)
+ }
+ stage('Copy test results to config node') {
+ test.copyTempestResults(saltMaster)
+ }
+ }
+ stage('Finalize') {
+ if (STACK_INSTALL != '') {
+ try {
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, '*', 'state.apply', [], null, true)
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ common.warningMsg('State apply failed but we should continue to run')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Throwable e) {
+ currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
+ throw e
+ } finally {
+ //
+ // Clean
+ //
+ if (STACK_TYPE == 'heat') {
+ // send notification
+ common.sendNotification(currentBuild.result, STACK_NAME, ["slack"])
+ if (STACK_DELETE.toBoolean() == true) {
+ common.errorMsg('Heat job cleanup triggered')
+ stage('Trigger cleanup job') {
+ build job: STACK_CLEANUP_JOB, parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'STACK_NAME', value: STACK_NAME]]
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (currentBuild.result == 'FAILURE') {
+ common.errorMsg("Deploy job FAILED and was not deleted. Please fix the problem and delete stack on you own.")
+ common.errorMsg("Salt master URL: ${SALT_MASTER_URL}")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }