Add ability to switch kernel from generic to hwe for cloud-update pipeline
Change-Id: Iec1e7bef17d2a234af969292a74223060b05a94f
Related-Prod: PROD-30103
(cherry-picked from commit daed4c5a126d5e73940d7bdbb949c69b00633c82)
diff --git a/cloud-update.groovy b/cloud-update.groovy
index 0ea5fea..9945d33 100644
--- a/cloud-update.groovy
+++ b/cloud-update.groovy
@@ -190,6 +190,70 @@
} else {
if (distUpgrade) {
+ common.infoMsg("Checking availability of Linux HWE Kernel...")
+ def switchHwe = false
+ def nodesOut = salt.runSaltCommand(pepperEnv, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'linux_kernel_switch.check_hwe_kernel').get('return')[0]
+ def targetHWE = []
+ for (node in nodesOut) {
+ def nodeName = node.getKey()
+ def statusPkgs = node.getValue()
+ if (statusPkgs) {
+ statusPkgs.each { pkg, pkgStatus ->
+ if (pkgStatus instanceof String) {
+ common.warningMsg("Target ${nodeName} has no installed Linux HWE Kernel package: ${pkg}")
+ if (! targetHWE.contains(nodeName)) {
+ targetHWE.add(nodeName)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ common.warningMsg("Target ${nodeName} has no info about Linux HWE Kernel, check formula or resync minion data.")
+ }
+ }
+ if (targetHWE) {
+ if (INTERACTIVE.toBoolean()) {
+ try {
+ input message: "Do you want to switch from generic to hwe kernel for ${targetHWE} nodes? Click to confirm", ok: 'Switch to HWE'
+ switchHwe = true
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ common.warningMsg("Kernel switch from generic to hwe for ${targetHWE} cancelled. Continue dist-upgrade with existing kernel.")
+ }
+ } else {
+ switchHwe = true
+ }
+ }
+ if (switchHwe) {
+ def onlyKernel='True'
+ def targetHWECompound = targetHWE.join(' or ')
+ if (INTERACTIVE.toBoolean()) {
+ try {
+ input message: "Install HWE headers and generic packages?", ok: 'Install'
+ onlyKernel='False'
+ common.infoMsg("HWE Kernel, headers and generic packages will be installed.")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ common.infoMsg("Only HWE Kernel packages will be installed.")
+ }
+ } else {
+ onlyKernel='False'
+ }
+ salt.runSaltCommand(pepperEnv, 'local', ['expression': targetHWECompound, 'type': 'compound'], 'linux_kernel_switch.switch_kernel', false, "only_kernel=${onlyKernel}")
+ common.infoMsg("HWE Kernel has been installed on ${targetHWE} nodes")
+ def rebootNow = true
+ if (INTERACTIVE.toBoolean()) {
+ try {
+ input message: "To finish switch on HWE kernel it is needed to reboot. Reboot nodes ${targetHWE} now?", ok: 'Reboot'
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ common.warningMsg("HWE Kernel is not used. Please reboot nodes ${targetHWE} manually to finish kernel switch.")
+ rebootNow = false
+ }
+ }
+ if (rebootNow) {
+ common.infoMsg('Performing nodes reboot after kernel install...')
+ salt.runSaltCommand(pepperEnv, 'local', ['expression': targetHWECompound, 'type': 'compound'], 'system.reboot', null, 'at_time=1')
+ sleep(180)
+ salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', targetHWECompound, null, 10, 20)
+ }
+ }
out = salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, target, '', [args + ' dist-upgrade'])
@@ -335,6 +399,22 @@
} else {
if (distUpgrade) {
+ salt.runSaltCommand(pepperEnv, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'linux_kernel_switch.rollback_switch_kernel', false)
+ def rebootNow = true
+ if (INTERACTIVE.toBoolean()) {
+ try {
+ input message: "To finish kernel downgrade it is needed to reboot. Reboot nodes ${target} now?", ok: 'Reboot'
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ common.warningMsg("Please reboot nodes ${target} manually to finish kernel downgrade.")
+ rebootNow = false
+ }
+ }
+ if (rebootNow) {
+ common.infoMsg('Performing nodes reboot after kernel downgrade...')
+ salt.runSaltCommand(pepperEnv, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'system.reboot', null, 'at_time=1')
+ sleep(180)
+ salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', target, null, 10, 20)
+ }
out = salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, target, '', [args + ' dist-upgrade'])