Vladimir Khlyunev | e03b04f | 2024-04-26 02:57:02 +0400 | [diff] [blame] | 1 | @Library('tcp-qa')_ |
| 2 | |
| 3 | import groovy.xml.XmlUtil |
| 4 | |
| 5 | common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| 6 | shared = new com.mirantis.system_qa.SharedPipeline() |
| 7 | |
| 8 | NODE_LABEL = "sre-team-infra" |
Vladimir Khlyunev | b90702f | 2024-05-06 17:00:05 +0400 | [diff] [blame] | 9 | // ENV_NAME = "bm-mcc-mosk" |
Vladimir Khlyunev | e03b04f | 2024-04-26 02:57:02 +0400 | [diff] [blame] | 10 | MAINTENANCE_TEAM_SSH_ID = 'maintenance-team-ssh' |
| 11 | IPMI_CREDS = 'lab_engineer' // base bm lab |
| 12 | def seed_ext_ip = '' |
| 13 | def kubectl_openstack_cmd = '' |
| 14 | ssh_params = "-o ConnectTimeout=20 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" |
| 15 | |
| 16 | timeout(time: 3, unit: 'HOURS') { |
| 17 | timestamps { |
| 18 | node ("${NODE_LABEL}") { |
| 19 | checkout scm |
| 20 | shared.update_working_dir() |
| 21 | withCredentials( |
| 22 | [[$class : 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', |
| 23 | credentialsId : env.OS_CREDENTIALS, |
| 24 | passwordVariable: 'OS_PASSWORD', |
| 25 | usernameVariable: 'OS_USERNAME' |
| 26 | ]]) { |
| 27 | env.OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION = 3 |
| 28 | stage("Pre-cleanup: erase BM labs") { |
| 29 | // TODO: wipe all bm labs, including MCP1 |
| 30 | println "Remove heat stack '${ENV_NAME}'" |
| 31 | shared.run_cmd("""\ |
| 32 | openstack stack delete -y ${ENV_NAME} || true |
| 33 | timeout 20m /bin/bash -c "while openstack stack show ${ENV_NAME} -f value -c stack_status; do sleep 10; done" |
| 34 | """) |
| 35 | withCredentials([ |
| 36 | [$class : 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', |
| 37 | credentialsId : "${IPMI_CREDS}", |
| 38 | passwordVariable: 'IPMI_PASS', |
| 39 | usernameVariable: 'IPMI_USER'] |
| 40 | ]) { |
| 41 | env.IPMI_PASS = IPMI_PASS |
| 42 | env.IPMI_USER = IPMI_USER |
| 43 | shared.reboot_hardware_nodes("${IPMI_CREDS}") |
| 44 | } //withCredentials IPMI |
| 45 | } //stage |
| 46 | stage("Boot seed node's heat stack"){ |
| 47 | println "Create stack '${ENV_NAME}'" |
| 48 | shared.run_cmd("pushd bm_mcc_mosk && openstack stack create --wait -t mcc_seed_2401.yaml --parameter env_name=${ENV_NAME} ${ENV_NAME}") |
| 49 | seed_ext_ip = shared.run_cmd_stdout("openstack stack output show ${ENV_NAME} seed_ext_ip -f value -c output_value").trim().split().last() |
| 50 | println "SEED IP: '${seed_ext_ip}'" |
| 51 | } //stage |
| 52 | } //withCredentials OS cloud |
| 53 | sshagent(credentials: ['maintenance-team-ssh']) { |
| 54 | withCredentials( |
| 55 | [[$class: 'SSHUserPrivateKeyBinding', |
| 56 | keyFileVariable: "MAINTENANCE_TEAM_SSH_KEY", |
| 57 | credentialsId: MAINTENANCE_TEAM_SSH_ID, |
| 58 | usernameVariable: "MAINTENANCE_TEAM_SSH_USERNAME"]]) { |
| 59 | stage("Bootstrap MCC+child"){ |
| 60 | sh "scp ${ssh_params} ${MAINTENANCE_TEAM_SSH_KEY} root@${seed_ext_ip}:/root/.ssh/id_rsa " |
| 61 | sh "scp -r ${ssh_params} bm_mcc_mosk root@${seed_ext_ip}: " |
| 62 | sh "ssh ${ssh_params} root@${seed_ext_ip} bash do_deploy_mcc_mgmt.sh" |
| 63 | sh "ssh ${ssh_params} root@${seed_ext_ip} bash do_deploy_child.sh" |
| 64 | // TODO: unhardcode cluster names |
| 65 | check_child_cmd = "ssh ${ssh_params} root@${seed_ext_ip} /root/kaas-bootstrap/bin/kubectl --kubeconfig /root/kubeconfig -n mosk get cluster mosk -o jsonpath='{.status.providerStatus.ready}' 2>/dev/null || echo 'ssh error, ignoring'" |
| 66 | check_kcc_cmd = "ssh ${ssh_params} root@${seed_ext_ip} /root/kaas-bootstrap/bin/kubectl --kubeconfig /root/kubeconfig -n mosk get kcc mosk-ceph -o jsonpath='{.status.shortClusterInfo.state}' 2>/dev/null || echo 'ssh error, ignoring'" |
| 67 | child_ready = false |
| 68 | kcc_ready = false |
| 69 | println "Waiting child cluster to become ready..." |
| 70 | while(!child_ready){ |
| 71 | sleep 60 |
| 72 | status = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "${check_child_cmd}").trim() |
| 73 | if (status == "true"){ |
| 74 | child_ready = true |
| 75 | } //if |
| 76 | } //while |
| 77 | println "Waiting child Ceph cluster to become ready..." |
| 78 | while(!kcc_ready){ |
| 79 | sleep 60 |
| 80 | status = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "${check_kcc_cmd}").trim() |
| 81 | if (status == "Ready"){ |
| 82 | kcc_ready = true |
| 83 | } //if |
| 84 | } //while |
| 85 | } //stage MCC |
| 86 | stage("Prepare and deploy MOSK"){ |
| 87 | sh "ssh ${ssh_params} root@${seed_ext_ip} '/bin/bash /root/get_child_kubeconfig.sh'" |
| 88 | sh "ssh ${ssh_params} root@${seed_ext_ip} '/bin/bash /root/bm_mcc_mosk/utils/tsl_gen.sh'" |
| 89 | kubectl_openstack_cmd = "ssh ${ssh_params} root@${seed_ext_ip} /root/kaas-bootstrap/bin/kubectl --kubeconfig /root/child.kubeconfig -n openstack " |
| 90 | sh "${kubectl_openstack_cmd} apply -f /root/bm_mcc_mosk/child/kaas_workloads/osdpl-ssl-secrets.yaml" |
| 91 | sh "${kubectl_openstack_cmd} apply -f /root/bm_mcc_mosk/child/kaas_workloads/osdpl.yaml" |
| 92 | mosk_check_cmd = "${kubectl_openstack_cmd} get osdplst osh-dev -o jsonpath='{.status.osdpl.state}'" |
| 93 | mosk_ready = false |
| 94 | while(!mosk_ready){ |
| 95 | sleep 60 |
| 96 | status = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "${mosk_check_cmd}").trim() |
| 97 | if (status == "APPLIED"){ |
| 98 | mosk_ready = true |
| 99 | } //if |
| 100 | } //while |
| 101 | } //stage MOSK |
| 102 | stage("Configure DNS server") { |
| 103 | get_ingress_ip_cmd = "${kubectl_openstack_cmd} get service ingress -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'" |
| 104 | get_dns_internal_ip_cmd = "ssh ${ssh_params} root@${seed_ext_ip} /root/kaas-bootstrap/bin/kubectl --kubeconfig /root/child.kubeconfig -n coredns get service coredns-coredns -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'" |
| 105 | ingress_ip = sh(returnStdout: true, script: get_ingress_ip_cmd).trim() |
| 106 | sh "ssh ${ssh_params} root@${seed_ext_ip} sed -i 's/!!!EXT_DNS_IP/${ingress_ip}/g' /root/bm_mcc_mosk/child/kaas_workloads/coredns.yaml" |
| 107 | sh "ssh ${ssh_params} root@${seed_ext_ip} /root/kaas-bootstrap/bin/kubectl --kubeconfig /root/child.kubeconfig apply -f /root/bm_mcc_mosk/child/kaas_workloads/coredns.yaml" |
| 108 | sleep 120 |
| 109 | dns_internal_ip = sh(returnStdout: true, script: get_dns_internal_ip_cmd).trim() |
| 110 | sh "ssh ${ssh_params} root@${seed_ext_ip} \"/root/kaas-bootstrap/bin/kubectl --kubeconfig /root/child.kubeconfig -n kube-system get configmap coredns -oyaml > coredns.conf\"" |
| 111 | sh "ssh ${ssh_params} root@${seed_ext_ip} /usr/bin/python3 /root/bm_mcc_mosk/utils/update_kube_dns_conf.py ${dns_internal_ip}" |
| 112 | sh "ssh ${ssh_params} root@${seed_ext_ip} /root/kaas-bootstrap/bin/kubectl --kubeconfig /root/child.kubeconfig apply -f coredns.patched.conf" |
| 113 | |
| 114 | } // stage DNS |
| 115 | } //withCredentials |
| 116 | } //sshagent |
| 117 | } //node |
| 118 | } //timestamps |
| 119 | } //timeout |