Add swarm-run-test job
- add swarm-run-test job to run pytest tests
- workaround for timesync
- common groovy script for k8s and openstack deployments
Change-Id: Icfe13371fbed231bb4f5fd794d0a43edf347c06a
diff --git a/jobs/pipelines/swarm-run-pytest.groovy b/jobs/pipelines/swarm-run-pytest.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0422fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jobs/pipelines/swarm-run-pytest.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ *
+ * Deploy the product cluster using Jenkins master on CICD cluster
+ *
+ * Expected parameters:
+ * ENV_NAME Fuel-devops environment name
+ * PASSED_STEPS Steps passed to install components using Jenkins on CICD cluster: "salt,core,cicd,openstack:3200,stacklight:2400",
+ where 3200 and 2400 might be timeouts (not used in the testing pipeline)
+ * RUN_TEST_OPTS Pytest option -k or -m, with expression to select necessary tests. Additional pytest options are allowed.
+ * PARENT_NODE_NAME Name of the jenkins slave to create the environment
+ * PARENT_WORKSPACE Path to the workspace of the parent job to use tcp-qa repo
+ * TCP_QA_REFS Reference to the tcp-qa change on, like refs/changes/46/418546/41
+ * SHUTDOWN_ENV_ON_TEARDOWN optional, shutdown fuel-devops environment at the end of the job
+ * LAB_CONFIG_NAME Not used (backward compatibility, for manual deployment steps only)
+ * REPOSITORY_SUITE Not used (backward compatibility, for manual deployment steps only)
+ * MCP_IMAGE_PATH1604 Not used (backward compatibility, for manual deployment steps only)
+ * IMAGE_PATH_CFG01_DAY01 Not used (backward compatibility, for manual deployment steps only)
+ */
+common = new
+shared = new com.mirantis.system_qa.SharedPipeline()
+if (! env.PARENT_NODE_NAME) {
+ error "'PARENT_NODE_NAME' must be set from the parent deployment job!"
+node ("${PARENT_NODE_NAME}") {
+ if (! fileExists("${PARENT_WORKSPACE}")) {
+ error "'PARENT_WORKSPACE' contains path to non-existing directory ${PARENT_WORKSPACE} on the node '${PARENT_NODE_NAME}'."
+ }
+ dir("${PARENT_WORKSPACE}") {
+ try {
+ stage("Run tests") {
+ def steps = shared.get_steps_list(PASSED_STEPS)
+ def sources = """\
+ export ENV_NAME=${ENV_NAME}
+ . ./tcp_tests/utils/env_salt"""
+ if (steps.contains('k8s')) {
+ sources += """
+ . ./tcp_tests/utils/env_k8s\n"""
+ }
+ if (steps.contains('openstack')) {
+ sources += """
+ # TODO: . ./tcp_tests/utils/env_keystonercv3\n"""
+ }
+ def installed = steps.collect {"""\
+ export ${it}_installed=true"""}.join("\n")
+ shared.run_cmd(sources + installed + """
+ export MANAGER=devops # use 'hardware' fixture to manage fuel-devops environment
+ export salt_master_host=\$SALT_MASTER_IP # skip salt_deployed fixture
+ export salt_master_port=6969
+ py.test --junit-xml=nosetests.xml ${RUN_TEST_OPTS}
+ suspend ${ENV_NAME}
+ snapshot ${ENV_NAME} test_completed
+ """)
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ common.printMsg("Job failed", "red")
+ throw e
+ } finally {
+ // TODO(ddmitriev): analyze the "def currentResult = currentBuild.result ?: 'SUCCESS'"
+ // and report appropriate data to TestRail
+ if ("${env.SHUTDOWN_ENV_ON_TEARDOWN}" == "true") {
+ shared.run_cmd("""\
+ destroy ${ENV_NAME}
+ """)
+ }
+ }
+ }