Initial change to support heat-based environments
Moved the patch from the mcp/mcp-qa repo, ref #1170 to
not lose it after cleaning up.
1.Added to create environment in OpenStack
and use the created heat stack as the metadata source.
Current conventions for heat stack metadata:
- OS::Nova::Server must use 'metadata' property to specify list
of the node roles, example:
type: OS::Nova::Server
- salt_master
- OS::Neutron::Subnet must use 'tags' property to specify the
address pool name (L3 network roles), example:
type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
- private_pool01
2. Change underlay.yaml to use the user data file 'as is', without
indents and jinja blocks. This will allow to use the same
user data file for fuel-devops envs and heat stack envs.
3. Add an example microcloud-8116.env file with some defaults.
For other stacks, another .env files can be created, with different
access keys, networks, images, ...
Related-Bug: PROD-27687
Change-Id: Iaa9e97447bd1b41e5930a1ffbb7312945ba139f4
diff --git a/tcp_tests/managers/ b/tcp_tests/managers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d52e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcp_tests/managers/
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Mirantis, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import os
+import netaddr
+import yaml
+from devops.helpers import helpers
+from devops.helpers.helpers import ssh_client
+from retry import retry
+from cached_property import cached_property
+from heatclient import client as heatclient
+from heatclient import exc as heat_exceptions
+from heatclient.common import template_utils
+from keystoneauth1.identity import v3 as keystone_v3
+from keystoneauth1 import session as keystone_session
+import requests
+from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from paramiko.ssh_exception import (
+ AuthenticationException,
+ BadAuthenticationType)
+from tcp_tests import settings
+from tcp_tests import settings_oslo
+from tcp_tests.helpers import exceptions
+from tcp_tests import logger
+LOG = logger.logger
+# Disable multiple notifications like:
+# "InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made."
+class EnvironmentManagerHeat(object):
+ """Class-helper for creating VMs via devops environments"""
+ __config = None
+ # Do not use self.__heatclient directly! Use properties
+ # for necessary resources with catching HTTPUnauthorized exception
+ __heatclient = None
+ def __init__(self, config=None):
+ """Create/connect to the Heat stack with test environment
+ :param config: oslo.config object
+ :param config.hardware.heat_version: Heat version
+ :param config.hardware.os_auth_url: OS auth URL to access heat
+ :param config.hardware.os_username: OS username
+ :param config.hardware.os_password: OS password
+ :param config.hardware.os_project_name: OS tenant name
+ """
+ self.__config = config
+ if not self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name:
+ self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name = settings.ENV_NAME
+ self.__init_heatclient()
+ try:
+ stack_status = self._current_stack.stack_status
+ if stack_status != EXPECTED_STACK_STATUS:
+ raise exceptions.EnvironmentWrongStatus(
+ self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name,
+ stack_status
+ )
+"Heat stack '{0}' already exists".format(
+ self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name))
+ except heat_exceptions.HTTPNotFound:
+ self._create_environment()
+"Heat stack '{0}' created".format(
+ self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name))
+ self.set_address_pools_config()
+ self.set_dhcp_ranges_config()
+ @cached_property
+ def _keystone_session(self):
+ keystone_auth = keystone_v3.Password(
+ auth_url=settings.OS_AUTH_URL,
+ username=settings.OS_USERNAME,
+ password=settings.OS_PASSWORD,
+ project_name=settings.OS_PROJECT_NAME,
+ user_domain_name='Default',
+ project_domain_name='Default')
+ return keystone_session.Session(auth=keystone_auth, verify=False)
+ def __init_heatclient(self):
+ token = self._keystone_session.get_token()
+ endpoint_url = self._keystone_session.get_endpoint(
+ service_type='orchestration', endpoint_type='publicURL')
+ self.__heatclient = heatclient.Client(
+ version=settings.OS_HEAT_VERSION, endpoint=endpoint_url,
+ token=token, insecure=True)
+ @property
+ def _current_stack(self):
+ return self.__stacks.get(
+ self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name)
+ @property
+ def __stacks(self):
+ try:
+ return self.__heatclient.stacks
+ except heat_exceptions.HTTPUnauthorized:
+ LOG.warning("Authorization token outdated, refreshing")
+ self.__init_heatclient()
+ return self.__heatclient.stacks
+ @property
+ def __resources(self):
+ try:
+ return self.__heatclient.resources
+ except heat_exceptions.HTTPUnauthorized:
+ LOG.warning("Authorization token outdated, refreshing")
+ self.__init_heatclient()
+ return self.__heatclient.resources
+ def _get_resources_by_type(self, resource_type):
+ res = []
+ for item in self.__resources.list(
+ self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name):
+ if item.resource_type == resource_type:
+ resource = self.__resources.get(
+ self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name,
+ item.resource_name)
+ res.append(resource)
+ return res
+ @cached_property
+ def _nodes(self):
+ """Get list of nodenames from heat
+ Returns list of dicts.
+ Example:
+ - name: cfg01
+ roles:
+ - salt_master
+ addresses: # Optional. May be an empty dict
+ admin-pool01: p.p.p.202
+ - name: ctl01
+ roles:
+ - salt_minion
+ - openstack_controller
+ - openstack_messaging
+ - openstack_database
+ addresses: {} # Optional. May be an empty dict
+ 'name': taken from heat template resource's ['name'] parameter
+ 'roles': a list taken from resource's ['metadata']['roles'] parameter
+ """
+ address_pools = self._address_pools
+ nodes = []
+ for heat_node in self._get_resources_by_type("OS::Nova::Server"):
+ # addresses will have the following dict structure:
+ # {'admin-pool01': <floating_ip1>,
+ # 'private-pool01': <floating_ip2>,
+ # 'external-pool01': <floating_ip3>
+ # }
+ # , where key is one of roles from OS::Neutron::Subnet,
+ # and value is a floating IP associated to the fixed IP
+ # in this subnet (if exists).
+ # If no floating IPs associated to the server,
+ # then addresses will be an empty list.
+ addresses = {}
+ for network in heat_node.attributes['addresses']:
+ fixed = None
+ floating = None
+ for address in heat_node.attributes['addresses'][network]:
+ addr_type = address['OS-EXT-IPS:type']
+ if addr_type == 'fixed':
+ fixed = address['addr']
+ elif addr_type == 'floating':
+ floating = address['addr']
+ else:
+ LOG.error("Unexpected OS-EXT-IPS:type={0} "
+ "in node '{1}' for network '{2}'"
+ .format(addr_type,
+ heat_node.attributes['name'],
+ network))
+ if fixed is None or floating is None:
+ LOG.error("Unable to determine the correct IP address "
+ "in node '{0}' for network '{1}'"
+ .format(heat_node.attributes['name'], network))
+ continue
+ # Check which address pool has the fixed address, and set
+ # the floating address as the access to this address pool.
+ for address_pool in address_pools:
+ pool_net = netaddr.IPNetwork(address_pool['cidr'])
+ if fixed in pool_net:
+ for role in address_pool['roles']:
+ addresses[role] = floating
+ nodes.append({
+ 'name': heat_node.attributes['name'],
+ 'roles': yaml.load(heat_node.attributes['metadata']['roles']),
+ 'addresses': addresses,
+ })
+ return nodes
+ @cached_property
+ def _address_pools(self):
+ """Get address pools from subnets OS::Neutron::Subnet
+ Returns list of dicts.
+ Example:
+ - roles:
+ - admin-pool01
+ cidr: x.x.x.x/y
+ start: x.x.x.2
+ end: x.x.x.254
+ gateway: x.x.x.1 # or None
+ """
+ pools = []
+ for heat_subnet in self._get_resources_by_type("OS::Neutron::Subnet"):
+ pools.append({
+ 'roles': heat_subnet.attributes['tags'],
+ 'cidr': heat_subnet.attributes['cidr'],
+ 'gateway': heat_subnet.attributes['gateway_ip'],
+ 'start': heat_subnet.attributes[
+ 'allocation_pools'][0]['start'],
+ 'end': heat_subnet.attributes['allocation_pools'][0]['end'],
+ })
+ return pools
+ def _get_nodes_by_roles(self, roles=None):
+ nodes = []
+ if roles is None:
+ return self._nodes
+ for node in self._nodes:
+ if set(node['roles']).intersection(set(roles)):
+ nodes.append(node)
+ return nodes
+ def get_ssh_data(self, roles=None):
+ """Generate ssh config for Underlay
+ :param roles: list of strings
+ """
+ if roles is None:
+ raise Exception("No roles specified for the environment!")
+ config_ssh = []
+ for d_node in self._get_nodes_by_roles(roles=roles):
+ for pool_name in d_node['addresses']:
+ ssh_data = {
+ 'node_name': d_node['name'],
+ 'minion_id': d_node['name'],
+ 'roles': d_node['roles'],
+ 'address_pool': pool_name,
+ 'host': d_node['addresses'][pool_name],
+ 'login': settings.SSH_NODE_CREDENTIALS['login'],
+ 'password': settings.SSH_NODE_CREDENTIALS['password'],
+ 'keys': [k['private']
+ for k in self.__config.underlay.ssh_keys]
+ }
+ config_ssh.append(ssh_data)
+ return config_ssh
+ def _get_resources_with_wrong_status(self):
+ res = []
+ for item in self.__resources.list(
+ self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name):
+ if item.resource_status in BAD_STACK_STATUSES:
+ res.append({
+ 'resource_name': item.resource_name,
+ 'resource_status': item.resource_status,
+ 'resource_status_reason': item.resource_status_reason,
+ 'resource_type': item.resource_type
+ })
+ wrong_resources = '\n'.join([
+ "*** Heat stack resource '{0}' ({1}) has wrong status '{2}': {3}"
+ .format(item['resource_name'],
+ item['resource_type'],
+ item['resource_status'],
+ item['resource_status_reason'])
+ for item in res
+ ])
+ return wrong_resources
+ def wait_of_stack_status(self, status, delay=30, tries=60):
+ @retry(exceptions.EnvironmentWrongStatus, delay=delay, tries=tries)
+ def wait():
+ st = self._current_stack.stack_status
+ if st == status:
+ return
+ elif st in BAD_STACK_STATUSES:
+ wrong_resources = self._get_resources_with_wrong_status()
+ raise exceptions.EnvironmentBadStatus(
+ self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name,
+ status,
+ st,
+ wrong_resources
+ )
+ else:
+"Stack {0} status: {1}".format(
+ self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name, st))
+ raise exceptions.EnvironmentWrongStatus(
+ self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name,
+ status,
+ st
+ )
+"Waiting for stack '{0}' status <{1}>".format(
+ self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name, status))
+ wait()
+ def revert_snapshot(self, name):
+ """Revert snapshot by name
+ - Revert the heat snapshot in the environment
+ - Try to reload 'config' object from a file 'config_<name>.ini'
+ If the file not found, then pass with defaults.
+ - Set <name> as the current state of the environment after reload
+ :param name: string
+ """
+"Reading INI config (without reverting env to snapshot) "
+ "named '{0}'".format(name))
+ try:
+ test_config_path = self._get_snapshot_config_name(name)
+ settings_oslo.reload_snapshot_config(self.__config,
+ test_config_path)
+ except cfg.ConfigFilesNotFoundError as conf_err:
+ LOG.error("Config file(s) {0} not found!".format(
+ conf_err.config_files))
+ self.__config.hardware.current_snapshot = name
+ def create_snapshot(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Create named snapshot of current env.
+ - Create a snapshot for the environment
+ - Save 'config' object to a file 'config_<name>.ini'
+ :name: string
+ """
+"Store INI config (without env snapshot) named '{0}'"
+ .format(name))
+ self.__config.hardware.current_snapshot = name
+ settings_oslo.save_config(self.__config,
+ name,
+ self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name)
+ def _get_snapshot_config_name(self, snapshot_name):
+ """Get config name for the environment"""
+ env_name = self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name
+ if env_name is None:
+ env_name = 'config'
+ test_config_path = os.path.join(
+ settings.LOGS_DIR, '{0}_{1}.ini'.format(env_name, snapshot_name))
+ return test_config_path
+ def has_snapshot(self, name):
+ # Heat doesn't support live snapshots, so just
+ # check if an INI file was created for this environment,
+ # assuming that the environment has the configuration
+ # described in this INI.
+ return self.has_snapshot_config(name)
+ def has_snapshot_config(self, name):
+ test_config_path = self._get_snapshot_config_name(name)
+ return os.path.isfile(test_config_path)
+ def start(self, underlay_node_roles, timeout=480):
+ """Start environment"""
+ LOG.warning("HEAT Manager doesn't support start environment feature. "
+ "Waiting for finish the bootstrap process on the nodes "
+ "with accessible SSH")
+ check_cloudinit_started = '[ -f /is_cloud_init_started ]'
+ check_cloudinit_finished = ('[ -f /is_cloud_init_finished ] || '
+ '[ -f /var/log/mcp/.bootstrap_done ]')
+ check_cloudinit_failed = 'cat /is_cloud_init_failed'
+ passed = {}
+ for node in self._get_nodes_by_roles(roles=underlay_node_roles):
+ try:
+ node_ip = self.node_ip(node)
+ except exceptions.EnvironmentNodeAccessError:
+ LOG.warning("Node {0} doesn't have accessible IP address"
+ ", skipping".format(node['name']))
+ continue
+"Waiting for SSH on node '{0}' / {1} ...".format(
+ node['name'], node_ip))
+ def _ssh_check(host,
+ port,
+ username=settings.SSH_NODE_CREDENTIALS['login'],
+ password=settings.SSH_NODE_CREDENTIALS['password'],
+ timeout=0):
+ try:
+ ssh = ssh_client.SSHClient(
+ host=host, port=port,
+ auth=ssh_client.SSHAuth(
+ username=username,
+ password=password))
+ # If '/is_cloud_init_started' exists, then wait for
+ # the flag /is_cloud_init_finished
+ if ssh.execute(check_cloudinit_started)['exit_code'] == 0:
+ result = ssh.execute(check_cloudinit_failed)
+ if result['exit_code'] == 0:
+ raise exceptions.EnvironmentNodeIsNotStarted(
+ "{0}:{1}".format(host, port),
+ result.stdout_str)
+ status = ssh.execute(
+ check_cloudinit_finished)['exit_code'] == 0
+ # Else, just wait for SSH
+ else:
+ status = ssh.execute('echo ok')['exit_code'] == 0
+ return status
+ except (AuthenticationException, BadAuthenticationType):
+ return True
+ except Exception:
+ return False
+ def _ssh_wait(host,
+ port,
+ username=settings.SSH_NODE_CREDENTIALS['login'],
+ password=settings.SSH_NODE_CREDENTIALS['password'],
+ timeout=0):
+ if host in passed and passed[host] >= 2:
+ # host already passed the check
+ return True
+ for node in self._get_nodes_by_roles(
+ roles=underlay_node_roles):
+ ip = node_ip
+ if ip not in passed:
+ passed[ip] = 0
+ if _ssh_check(ip, port):
+ passed[ip] += 1
+ else:
+ passed[ip] = 0
+ helpers.wait(
+ lambda: _ssh_wait(node_ip, 22),
+ timeout=timeout,
+ timeout_msg="Node '{}' didn't open SSH in {} sec".format(
+ node['name'], timeout
+ )
+ )
+'Heat stack "{0}" ready'
+ .format(self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name))
+ def _create_environment(self):
+ tpl_files, template = template_utils.get_template_contents(
+ self.__config.hardware.heat_conf_path)
+ env_files_list = []
+ env_files, env = (
+ template_utils.process_multiple_environments_and_files(
+ env_paths=[self.__config.hardware.heat_env_path],
+ env_list_tracker=env_files_list))
+ fields = {
+ 'stack_name': self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name,
+ 'template': template,
+ 'files': dict(list(tpl_files.items()) + list(env_files.items())),
+ 'environment': env,
+ }
+ if env_files_list:
+ fields['environment_files'] = env_files_list
+ self.__stacks.create(**fields)
+ self.wait_of_stack_status(EXPECTED_STACK_STATUS)
+"Stack '{0}' created"
+ .format(self.__config.hardware.heat_stack_name))
+ def stop(self):
+ """Stop environment"""
+ LOG.warning("HEAT Manager doesn't support stop environment feature")
+ pass
+# TODO(ddmitriev): add all Environment methods
+ @staticmethod
+ def node_ip(node, address_pool_name='admin-pool01'):
+ """Determine node's IP
+ :param node: a dict element from the self._nodes
+ :return: string
+ """
+ if address_pool_name in node['addresses']:
+ addr = node['addresses'][address_pool_name]
+ LOG.debug('{0} IP= {1}'.format(node['name'], addr))
+ return addr
+ else:
+ raise exceptions.EnvironmentNodeAccessError(
+ node['name'],
+ "No addresses available for the subnet {0}"
+ .format(address_pool_name))
+ def set_address_pools_config(self):
+ """Store address pools CIDRs in config object"""
+ for ap in self._address_pools:
+ for role in ap['roles']:
+ self.__config.underlay.address_pools[role] = ap['cidr']
+ def set_dhcp_ranges_config(self):
+ """Store DHCP ranges in config object"""
+ for ap in self._address_pools:
+ for role in ap['roles']:
+ self.__config.underlay.dhcp_ranges[role] = {
+ "cidr": ap['cidr'],
+ "start": ap['start'],
+ "end": ap['end'],
+ "gateway": ap['gateway'],
+ }
+ def wait_for_node_state(self, node_name, state, timeout):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def warm_shutdown_nodes(self, underlay, nodes_prefix, timeout=600):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def warm_restart_nodes(self, underlay, nodes_prefix, timeout=600):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @property
+ def slave_nodes(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError()