Refactor get_logs()
Sometimes, 'tar' returns exit code 1, because some files in the
/var/log/ were changed during the archiving.
To avoid this error, let's copy /var/log/ to another place first.
Other changes:
- extend the collected information from the nodes
(inspired by the fuel snapshots from Nailgun)
- allow get_logs() to execute also when rep_setup.failed is set
(when any fixture failed)
Change-Id: I59caeb9df42639df53d439866c26bac8ba59e696
diff --git a/tcp_tests/fixtures/ b/tcp_tests/fixtures/
index 58c8509..9bd24b3 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/fixtures/
+++ b/tcp_tests/fixtures/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
def salt_deployed(revert_snapshot, request, config,
- hardware, underlay, salt_actions, grab_versions, snapshot):
+ hardware, underlay, salt_actions, snapshot, grab_versions):
"""Fixture to get or install salt service on environment
:param revert_snapshot: fixture that reverts snapshot that is specified
diff --git a/tcp_tests/fixtures/ b/tcp_tests/fixtures/
index 7502df2..d991548 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/fixtures/
+++ b/tcp_tests/fixtures/
@@ -211,10 +211,17 @@
grab_version = request.keywords.get('grab_versions', None)
def test_fin():
- if hasattr(request.node, 'rep_call') and \
- (request.node.rep_call.passed or request.node.rep_call.failed)\
- and grab_version:
+ fixture_failed = (hasattr(request.node, 'rep_setup') and
+ request.node.rep_setup.failed)
+ test_passed = (hasattr(request.node, 'rep_call') and
+ request.node.rep_call.passed)
+ test_failed = (hasattr(request.node, 'rep_call') and
+ request.node.rep_call.failed)
+ if fixture_failed or test_passed or test_failed:
artifact_name = utils.extract_name_from_mark(grab_version) or \
- request.addfinalizer(test_fin)
+ if grab_version:
+ request.addfinalizer(test_fin)
diff --git a/tcp_tests/managers/ b/tcp_tests/managers/
index 5194239..5116300 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/managers/
+++ b/tcp_tests/managers/
@@ -414,50 +414,84 @@
def get_logs(self, artifact_name,
- master_node = [ssh for ssh in self.config_ssh
- if node_role in ssh['roles']][0]
- cmd = ("dpkg -l | grep formula > "
- "/var/log/{0}_packages.output".format(master_node['node_name']))
+ dump_commands = (
+ "mkdir /root/$(hostname -f)/;"
+ "rsync -aruv /var/log/ /root/$(hostname -f)/;"
+ "dpkg -l > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_dpkg_l.txt;"
+ "df -h > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_df.txt;"
+ "mount > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_mount.txt;"
+ "blkid -o list > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_blkid_o_list.txt;"
+ "iptables -t nat -S > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_iptables_nat.txt;"
+ "iptables -S > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_iptables.txt;"
+ "ps auxwwf > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_ps.txt;"
+ "docker images > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_docker_images.txt;"
+ "docker ps > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_docker_ps.txt;"
+ "vgdisplay > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_vgdisplay.txt;"
+ "lvdisplay > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_lvdisplay.txt;"
+ "ip a > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_ip_a.txt;"
+ "ip r > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_ip_r.txt;"
+ "netstat -anp > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_netstat.txt;"
+ "brctl show > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_brctl_show.txt;"
+ "arp -an > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_arp.txt;"
+ "uname -a > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_uname_a.txt;"
+ "lsmod > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_lsmod.txt;"
+ "cat /proc/interrupts > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_interrupts.txt;"
+ "cat /etc/*-release > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_release.txt;"
+ # OpenStack specific, will fail on other nodes
+ # "rabbitmqctl report > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_rabbitmqctl.txt;"
- tar_cmd = ('tar --absolute-names'
- ' --warning=no-file-changed '
- '-czf {t} {d}'.format(
- t='{0}_log.tar.gz'.format(artifact_name), d='/var/log'))
- minion_nodes = [ssh for ssh in self.config_ssh
- if node_role not in ssh['roles']]
+ # "ceph health > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_ceph_health.txt;"
+ # "ceph -s > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_ceph_s.txt;"
+ # "ceph osd tree > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_ceph_osd_tree.txt;"
- with self.remote(master_node['node_name']) as r:
- for node in minion_nodes:
-"Archiving logs on the node {0}"
+ # "for ns in $(ip netns list);"
+ # " do echo Namespace: ${ns}; ip netns exec ${ns} ip a;"
+ # "done > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_ip_a_ns.txt;"
+ # "for ns in $(ip netns list);"
+ # " do echo Namespace: ${ns}; ip netns exec ${ns} ip r;"
+ # "done > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_ip_r_ns.txt;"
+ # "for ns in $(ip netns list);"
+ # " do echo Namespace: ${ns}; ip netns exec ${ns} netstat -anp;"
+ # "done > /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_netstat_ns.txt;"
+ "/usr/bin/ > "
+ " /root/$(hostname -f)/dump_haproxy.txt;"
+ # Archive the files
+ "cd /root/; tar --absolute-names --warning=no-file-changed "
+ " -czf $(hostname -f).tar.gz ./$(hostname -f)/;"
+ )
+ master_host = self.__config.salt.salt_master_host
+ with self.remote(host=master_host) as master:
+ # dump files
+"Archive artifacts on all nodes")
+ master.check_call("salt '*' '{0}'".format(dump_commands),
+ raise_on_err=False)
+ # create target dir for archives
+ master.check_call("mkdir /root/dump/")
+ # get archived artifacts to the master node
+ for node in self.config_ssh:
+"Getting archived artifacts from the node {0}"
- r.check_call((
- "salt '{n}*' "
- "'tar "
- "--absolute-names "
- "--warning=no-file-changed "
- "-czf {t} {d}'".format(
- n=node['node_name'],
- t='{0}.tar.gz'.format(node['node_name']),
- d='/var/log')),
- raise_on_err=False)
+ master.check_call("rsync -aruv {0}:/root/*.tar.gz "
+ "/root/dump/".format(node['node_name']),
+ raise_on_err=False)
-"Copying logs from {0} to {1}"
- .format(node['node_name'], master_node['node_name']))
- packages_minion_cmd = ("salt '{0}*' "
- "'dpkg -l' > /var/log/"
- "{0}_packages.output".format(
- node['node_name']))
- r.check_call(packages_minion_cmd)
- r.check_call("rsync {0}:/root/*.tar.gz "
- "/var/log/".format(node['node_name']),
- raise_on_err=False)
+ destination_name = '/root/{0}_dump.tar.gz'.format(artifact_name)
+ # Archive the artifacts from all nodes
+ master.check_call(
+ 'cd /root/dump/;'
+ 'tar --absolute-names --warning=no-file-changed -czf '
+ ' {0} ./'.format(destination_name))
- r.check_call(cmd)
- r.check_call(tar_cmd)
- destination_name = '{0}_log.tar.gz'.format(artifact_name)
+ # Download the artifact to the host"Downloading the artifact {0}".format(destination_name))
-, target=os.getcwd())
+, target=os.getcwd())
def delayed_call(
self, cmd,