Merge "Automate test of obtaining security updates"
diff --git a/tcp_tests/tests/system/ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db1d7a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+#    Copyright 2019 Mirantis, Inc.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import json
+import pytest
+from devops.helpers import helpers
+from tcp_tests import logger
+from tcp_tests import settings
+LOG = logger.logger
+class TestUbuntuSecurityUpdates(object):
+    """Test class for verification of obtaining Ubuntu security updates"""
+    ENV_NAME = settings.ENV_NAME
+    UPGRADE_CMD = (
+        'export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive && '
+        'apt-get update && '
+        'apt-get -y upgrade && '
+        'apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" '
+        '           -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" dist-upgrade'
+    )
+        "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive && "
+        "apt-get -y install linux-headers-generic"
+    )
+    UPDATE_JOB_NAME = "deploy-update-package"
+        "ASK_CONFIRMATION": False,
+        "TARGET_SERVERS": ''
+    }
+    SANITY_JOB_NAME = 'cvp-sanity'
+        'EXTRA_PARAMS': {
+            'envs': ["tests_set=-k 'not test_ceph_health'"]
+        }
+    }
+    def get_available_pkg_updates(self, nodes, salt):
+        """Collect available package updates for given nodes
+        :param nodes: list, nodes to collect available updates for
+        :param salt: SaltManager, tcp-qa Salt manager instance
+        :return: dict, update candidates for nodes
+        """
+        updates = {}
+        for node in nodes:
+            updates[node] = salt.local(
+                node, "pkg.list_upgrades")['return'][0][node]
+        return updates
+    def run_cvp_sanity(self, dt):
+        """A wrapper for executing cvp-sanity pipeline
+        :param dt: DrivetrainManager, tcp-qa Drivetrain manager instance
+        :return: str, build execution status of cvp-sanity pipeline
+        """
+        return dt.start_job_on_cid_jenkins(
+            job_name=self.SANITY_JOB_NAME,
+            job_parameters=self.SANITY_JOB_PARAMETERS,
+            start_timeout=self.JENKINS_START_TIMEOUT,
+            build_timeout=60 * 15
+        )
+    def reboot_hw_node(self, ssh, salt, node):
+        """Reboot the given node and wait for it to start back
+        :param ssh: UnderlaySSHManager, tcp-qa SSH manager instance
+        :param salt: SaltManager, tcp-qa Salt manager instance
+        :param node: str, name of the node to reboot
+        """
+"Sending reboot command to '{}' node.".format(node))
+        remote = ssh.remote(node_name=node)
+        remote.execute_async("/sbin/shutdown -r now")
+        # Wait for restarted node to boot and become accessible
+        helpers.wait_pass(
+            lambda: salt.local(node, "", timeout=5),
+            timeout=60 * 10, interval=5)
+    # TODO: finish the test once ASK_CONFIRMATION option is added to
+    # 'deploy-update-package' pipeline
+    @pytest.mark.grab_versions
+    @pytest.mark.ubuntu_security_updates_pipeline
+    def _test_obtaining_ubuntu_security_updates_via_pipeline(
+            self, salt_actions, drivetrain_actions, show_step):
+        """Test obtaining Ubuntu security updates using Jenkins
+        Scenario:
+            1. Collect available package upgrades for nodes of the given server
+               role
+            2. Execute deploy-update-package pipeline for the given server role
+            3. Collect available package upgrades for server role nodes again
+            4. Check that there is no candidates for upgrade
+            5. Run cvp-sanity tests
+        Duration: ~  min
+        """
+        salt = salt_actions
+        dt = drivetrain_actions
+        role = "mon*"
+        nodes = salt.local(role, "")['return'][0].keys()
+        # Collect available package upgrades for nodes
+        show_step(1)
+        updates = self.get_available_pkg_updates(nodes, salt)
+"Packages to be updated on nodes:\n{}".format(
+                json.dumps(updates, indent=4)))
+        # Execute 'deploy-update-package' pipeline to upgrade packages on nodes
+        show_step(2)
+        status = dt.start_job_on_cid_jenkins(
+            job_name=self.UPDATE_JOB_NAME,
+            job_parameters=self.UPDATE_JOB_PARAMETERS,
+            start_timeout=self.JENKINS_START_TIMEOUT,
+            build_timeout=60 * 15
+        )
+        assert status == 'SUCCESS', (
+            "'{}' job run status is {} after upgrading packages on {} nodes. "
+            "Please check the build and executed stages.".format(
+                self.UPDATE_JOB_NAME, status, role)
+        )
+        # Collect available package upgrades for nodes again
+        show_step(3)
+        post_upgrade = self.get_available_pkg_updates(nodes, salt)
+        # Check that there is no available package upgrades
+        show_step(4)
+        for node in nodes:
+            assert not post_upgrade[node], (
+                "{} node still has upgrade candidates. Please check the "
+                "following packages and the reason why they are not "
+                "updated:\n{}".format(node, post_upgrade[node])
+            )
+        # Execute cvp-sanity tests
+        show_step(5)
+        status = self.run_cvp_sanity(dt)
+        assert status == 'SUCCESS', (
+            "'{0}' job run status is {1} after executing CVP-Sanity "
+            "tests".format(
+                self.SANITY_JOB_NAME, status)
+        )
+    @pytest.mark.grab_versions
+    @pytest.mark.ubuntu_security_updates_manual_infra_vms
+    def test_obtaining_ubuntu_security_updates_manual_infra_vms(
+            self, salt_actions, drivetrain_actions, show_step):
+        """Test obtaining Ubuntu security updates on virtual infra nodes.
+        Repeat the scenario for 01, 02 and 03 indexes of nodes.
+        Scenario:
+            1. Select set of virtual nodes for upgrade
+            2. Collect available package upgrades for the nodes
+            3. Upgrade the nodes
+            4. Collect available package upgrades for the nodes again
+            5. Check that there is no candidates for upgrade on the nodes
+            6. Run cvp-sanity tests
+        Duration: ~ 100 min
+        """
+        salt = salt_actions
+        dt = drivetrain_actions
+        for index in ('01', '02', '03'):
+            msg = ("# Executing scenario for '{i}' index of nodes #".format(
+                i=index))
+                "\n\n{pad}\n{msg}\n{pad}".format(pad="#" * len(msg), msg=msg))
+            # Select set of nodes for current iteration of updates
+            show_step(1)
+            tgt = "*{}* and E@^(?!kvm|cfg|cmp|osd).*$".format(index)
+            nodes = salt.local(tgt, "")['return'][0].keys()
+  "Nodes to be upgraded:\n{}".format(
+                json.dumps(nodes, indent=4)))
+            # Collect available package upgrades for the nodes
+            show_step(2)
+            updates = self.get_available_pkg_updates(nodes, salt)
+            # Upgrade the selected nodes
+            show_step(3)
+            for node in nodes:
+                    "Starting upgrade of '{}' node.\nThe following packages "
+                    "will be updated:\n{}".format(
+                        node, json.dumps(updates[node], indent=4))
+                )
+                salt.cmd_run(node, self.UPGRADE_CMD)
+            # Collect available package upgrades for the nodes again
+            show_step(4)
+            post_upgrade = self.get_available_pkg_updates(nodes, salt)
+            # Check that there is no package upgrades candidates on the nodes
+            show_step(5)
+            missed_upd = {
+                node: pkgs for (node, pkgs) in post_upgrade.items() if pkgs}
+            assert not missed_upd, (
+                "{} nodes still have upgrade candidates. Please check the "
+                "nodes and reason why the listed packages are not "
+                "updated:\n{}".format(
+                    missed_upd.keys(), json.dumps(missed_upd, indent=4))
+            )
+        # Execute cvp-sanity tests
+        show_step(6)
+        status = self.run_cvp_sanity(dt)
+        assert status == 'SUCCESS', (
+            "'{0}' job run status is {1} after executing CVP-Sanity smoke "
+            "tests".format(self.SANITY_JOB_NAME, status))
+    @pytest.mark.grab_versions
+    @pytest.mark.ubuntu_security_updates_manual_hw_nodes
+    def test_obtaining_ubuntu_security_updates_manual_hw_nodes(
+            self,
+            salt_actions,
+            underlay_actions,
+            drivetrain_actions,
+            show_step):
+        """Test obtaining Ubuntu security updates on HW nodes.
+        Repeat the scenario for 01, 02 and 03 indexes of nodes.
+        Scenario:
+            1. Select set HW nodes for upgrade
+            2. Collect available package upgrades for the nodes
+            3. Upgrade the nodes
+            4. Collect available package upgrades for the nodes again
+            5. Check that there is no candidates for upgrade on the nodes
+            6. Run cvp-sanity tests
+        Duration: ~ 70 min
+        """
+        salt = salt_actions
+        ssh = underlay_actions
+        dt = drivetrain_actions
+        for index in ('01', '02', '03'):
+            msg = ("# Executing scenario for '{i}' index of nodes #".format(
+                i=index))
+                "\n\n{pad}\n{msg}\n{pad}".format(pad="#" * len(msg), msg=msg))
+            # Select set of nodes for current iteration of updates
+            show_step(1)
+            tgt = "E@^(kvm|cmp).?{}.*$".format(index)
+            nodes = salt.local(tgt, "")['return'][0].keys()
+  "Nodes to be upgraded:\n{}".format(
+                json.dumps(nodes, indent=4)))
+            # Collect available package upgrades for the nodes
+            show_step(2)
+            updates = self.get_available_pkg_updates(nodes, salt)
+            # Upgrade the selected nodes
+            show_step(3)
+            for node in nodes:
+                    "Starting upgrade of '{}' node.\nThe following packages "
+                    "will be updated:\n{}".format(
+                        node, json.dumps(updates[node], indent=4))
+                )
+                salt.cmd_run(node, self.UPGRADE_CMD)
+                # Update Linux headers on compute nodes
+                if "cmp" in node:
+                        "Updating linux headers on '{}' node.".format(node))
+                    salt.cmd_run(node, self.INST_LINUX_HEADERS_CMD)
+                # Reboot the node after upgrade
+      "Starting reboot of '{}' node.".format(node))
+                self.reboot_hw_node(ssh, salt, node)
+      "'{}' node is back after reboot.".format(node))
+            # Collect available package upgrades for the nodes again
+            show_step(4)
+            post_upgrade = self.get_available_pkg_updates(nodes, salt)
+            # Check that there is no package upgrades candidates on the nodes
+            show_step(5)
+            missed_upd = {
+                node: pkgs for (node, pkgs) in post_upgrade.items() if pkgs}
+            assert not missed_upd, (
+                "{} nodes still have upgrade candidates. Please check the "
+                "nodes and reason why the listed packages are not "
+                "updated:\n{}".format(
+                    missed_upd.keys(), json.dumps(missed_upd, indent=4))
+            )
+        # Execute cvp-sanity tests
+        show_step(6)
+        status = self.run_cvp_sanity(dt)
+        assert status == 'SUCCESS', (
+            "'{0}' job run status is {1} after executing CVP-Sanity "
+            "tests".format(self.SANITY_JOB_NAME, status))