Add swarm-testrail-report to jjb

Related-Prod: PROD-36999

Change-Id: I5baedd336ececef2cccb20daed7ba85eb2be6a0b
diff --git a/jobs/project.yaml b/jobs/project.yaml
index 600ca3d..fcef52f 100644
--- a/jobs/project.yaml
+++ b/jobs/project.yaml
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
       - swarm-cookied-model-generator
       - swarm-run-pytest
       - generate-report
+      - swarm-testrail-report-jjb
       # - mark-reports - can't moved to JJB, a lot of parameters is not supported like Inject environment variables
       # - diff_params_reclass_system - can't moved to JJB, unsupported parameters
       # - diff_params_reclass_system - can't moved to JJB, unsupported parameters
diff --git a/jobs/templates/swarm-testrail-report-jjb.yml b/jobs/templates/swarm-testrail-report-jjb.yml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..976bbd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jobs/templates/swarm-testrail-report-jjb.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+- job-template:

+    project-type: pipeline

+    description: '{job-description}'

+    concurrent: true

+    disabled: false

+    name: swarm-testrail-report-jjb

+    parameters:

+    - string:

+        name: ENV_NAME

+        default:

+        description: 'Required: Fuel-devops environment name'

+        trim: 'false'

+    - string:

+        name: PASSED_STEPS

+        default: ''

+        description: |-

+          Completed steps to install components on the environment.<br>

+          If tests require some additional components,

+          it may be installed in appropriate fixtures,<br>

+          so set the PASSED_STEPS correctly for the testing environment.

+        trim: 'false'

+    - string:

+        name: PARENT_NODE_NAME

+        default: ''

+        description: |-

+          Required: Name of the jenkins slave to create the environment<br>

+          To be set by the parent deployment job.

+        trim: 'false'

+    - string:

+        name: PARENT_WORKSPACE

+        default: ''

+        description: |-

+          Required: Workspace on the jenkins slave to reuse for the job<br>

+          To be set by the parent deployment job.

+        trim: 'false'

+    - string:

+        name: MCP_VERSION

+        default: 'proposed'

+        description: ''

+        trim: 'false'

+    - string:

+        name: TCP_QA_REFS

+        default: ''

+        description: |-

+          Example: refs/changes/89/411189/36 (for now - only one reference allowed)

+        trim: 'false'

+    - string:


+        default: '[MCP1.1_PIKE]Tempest'

+        description: ''

+        trim: 'false'

+    - string:

+        name: LAB_CONFIG_NAME

+        default: ''

+        description: ''

+        trim: 'false'

+    - string:

+        name: TEST_PLAN_NAME_PREFIX

+        default: ''

+        description: |-

+          Prefix for creating Test Plan name in TestRail

+        trim: 'false'

+    - string:

+        name: TEST_PLAN_NAME

+        default: ''

+        description: ''

+        trim: 'false'

+    - string:

+        name: REPORT_FILE_URL

+        default: ''

+        description: |-

+          Url to download the xml file with xUnit report

+        trim: 'false'

+    - choice:

+        name: REPORT_FILE_NAME

+        choices:

+        -

+        - nosetests.xml

+        - report_tempest.xml

+        - stacklight_report.xml

+        - cvp_sanity_results.xml

+        description: |-

+          Choose a type of downloading xml file <br>

+          <br>nosetests.xml - file for tcp-qa reports <br>

+          report_tempest.xml - for tempest report <br>

+          stacklight_report.xml  - for LMA stacklight report <br>

+          cvp_sanity_results.xml - for CVP Sanity report<br>

+          <br>

+          # [not_supported] deployment_${{ENV_NAME}}.xml   - file for deployment report

+    pipeline-scm:

+      lightweight-checkout: false

+      scm:

+      - git:

+          branches:

+          - FETCH_HEAD

+          refspec: ${{TCP_QA_REFS}}

+          url:

+      script-path: jobs/pipelines/swarm-testrail-report.groovy

+    logrotate:

+      daysToKeep: 30
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jobs/view.yaml b/jobs/view.yaml
index 32ed948..660579d 100644
--- a/jobs/view.yaml
+++ b/jobs/view.yaml
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@
       - generate-report
       - mark-reports
+      - swarm-testrail-report-jjb
       - status
       - weather
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/system_qa/SharedPipeline.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/system_qa/SharedPipeline.groovy
index 832cf9b..30de7bc 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/system_qa/SharedPipeline.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/system_qa/SharedPipeline.groovy
@@ -419,9 +419,9 @@
                 string(name: 'TEMPEST_TEST_SUITE_NAME', value: "${tempest_test_suite_name}"),
                 string(name: 'TEST_PLAN_NAME_PREFIX', value: "${test_plan_name_prefix}")
-        common.printMsg("Start building job 'swarm-testrail-report' with parameters:", "purple")
+        common.printMsg("Start building job 'swarm-testrail-report-jjb' with parameters:", "purple")
-        build job: 'swarm-testrail-report',
+        build job: 'swarm-testrail-report-jjb',
             parameters: parameters