Extend conformance runs and get all results

Change-Id: I87acc1a26ab245031565d4dd195e4f4e35cb66d1
diff --git a/tcp_tests/fixtures/k8s_fixtures.py b/tcp_tests/fixtures/k8s_fixtures.py
index c6fa204..fbfe644 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/fixtures/k8s_fixtures.py
+++ b/tcp_tests/fixtures/k8s_fixtures.py
@@ -84,18 +84,64 @@
-def virtlet_logs(request, func_name, underlay, k8s_deployed):
-    """Finalizer to extract virtlet conformance logs"""
+def k8s_logs(request, func_name, underlay, k8s_deployed):
+    """Finalizer to extract conformance logs
-    grab_virtlet_result = request.keywords.get('grab_virtlet_results', None)
+    Usage:
+    @pytest.mark.grab_k8s_result(name=['file1', 'file2'])
+    ^^^^^
+    This mark says tcp-qa to download files that counted in array as
+    parameter 'name'. Files should be located at ctl01. Files will be
+    downloaded to the host, where your test runs.
+    @pytest.mark.extract(container_system='docker', extract_from='conformance',
+                         files_to_extract=['report'])
+    ^^^^^
+    This mark says tcp-qa to copy files from container. Docker or k8s system
+    supported.
+    container_system param says function what strategy should be
+    used.
+    extract_from param says what container should be used to copy. Note
+    that we are using grep to determine container ID, so if you have multiple
+    container with same substring to copy you may encounter unexpected issues.
+    files_to_extract param - this is array with paths of files/dirs to copy.
+    @pytest.mark.merge_xunit(path='/root/report',
+                             output='/root/conformance_result.xml')
+    ^^^^^
+    This mark will help you to merge xunit results in case if you have
+    multiple reports because of multiple threads.
+    path param says where xml results stored
+    output param says where result will be saved
+    """
+    grab_k8s_result = request.keywords.get('grab_k8s_results', None)
+    extract = request.keywords.get('extract', None)
+    merge_xunit = request.keywords.get('merge_xunit', None)
     def test_fin():
         if hasattr(request.node, 'rep_call') and \
                 (request.node.rep_call.passed or request.node.rep_call.failed)\
-                and grab_virtlet_result:
-            files = utils.extract_name_from_mark(grab_virtlet_result) \
+                and grab_k8s_result:
+            files = utils.extract_name_from_mark(grab_k8s_result) \
                     or "{}".format(func_name)
-            k8s_deployed.extract_file_to_node()
+            if extract:
+                container_system = utils.extract_name_from_mark(
+                    extract, 'container_system')
+                extract_from = utils.extract_name_from_mark(
+                    extract, 'extract_from')
+                files_to_extract = utils.extract_name_from_mark(
+                    extract, 'files_to_extract')
+                for path in files_to_extract:
+                    k8s_deployed.extract_file_to_node(
+                        system=container_system, container=extract_from,
+                        file_path=path)
+            else:
+                k8s_deployed.extract_file_to_node()
+            if merge_xunit:
+                path = utils.extract_name_from_mark(merge_xunit, 'path')
+                output = utils.extract_name_from_mark(merge_xunit, 'output')
+                k8s_deployed.combine_xunit(path, output)
diff --git a/tcp_tests/helpers/utils.py b/tcp_tests/helpers/utils.py
index 8cfa67a..15f9c8f 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/helpers/utils.py
+++ b/tcp_tests/helpers/utils.py
@@ -373,17 +373,18 @@
     return template
-def extract_name_from_mark(mark):
+def extract_name_from_mark(mark, info='name'):
     """Simple function to extract name from pytest mark
     :param mark: pytest.mark.MarkInfo
+    :param info: Kwarg with information
     :rtype: string or None
     if mark:
         if len(mark.args) > 0:
             return mark.args[0]
-        elif 'name' in mark.kwargs:
-            return mark.kwargs['name']
+        elif info in mark.kwargs:
+            return mark.kwargs[info]
     return None
diff --git a/tcp_tests/managers/k8smanager.py b/tcp_tests/managers/k8smanager.py
index e37ccaa..fd7952c 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/managers/k8smanager.py
+++ b/tcp_tests/managers/k8smanager.py
@@ -346,8 +346,8 @@
         with self.__underlay.remote(
                 node_name=self.ctl_host) as remote:
             result = remote.check_call(
-                "docker run --rm --net=host -e API_SERVER="
-                "'' {}".format(
+                "set -o pipefail; docker run --net=host -e API_SERVER="
+                "'' {} | tee k8s_conformance.log".format(
             return result
@@ -591,12 +591,32 @@
         master_host = self.__config.salt.salt_master_host
         with self.__underlay.remote(host=master_host) as r:
             for log_file in files:
-                cmd = "rsync {0}:/root/{1} /root/".format(self.ctl_host,
-                                                          log_file)
+                cmd = "rsync -r {0}:/root/{1} /root/".format(self.ctl_host,
+                                                             log_file)
                 r.check_call(cmd, raise_on_err=False)
                 LOG.info("Downloading the artifact {0}".format(log_file))
                 r.download(destination=log_file, target=os.getcwd())
+    def combine_xunit(self, path, output):
+        """
+        Function to combine multiple xmls with test results to
+        one.
+        :param path: Path where xmls to combine located
+        :param output: Path to xml file where output will stored
+        :return:
+        """
+        with self.__underlay.remote(node_name=self.ctl_host) as r:
+            cmd = "pip install xunitmerge"
+            LOG.debug('Installing xunitmerge')
+            r.check_call(cmd)
+            LOG.debug('Merging xunit')
+            cmd = ("cd {0}; arg = ''; "
+                   "for i in $(ls | grep xml); "
+                   "do arg=\"$arg $i\"; done && "
+                   "xunitmerge $arg {1}".format(path, output))
+            r.check_call(cmd)
     def manage_cncf_archive(self):
         Function to untar archive, move files, that we are needs to the
diff --git a/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_install_k8s.py b/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_install_k8s.py
index 018f561..e0e88cf 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_install_k8s.py
+++ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_install_k8s.py
@@ -184,10 +184,17 @@
         LOG.info("*************** DONE **************")
+    @pytest.mark.extract(container_system='docker', extract_from='conformance',
+                         files_to_extract=['report'])
+    @pytest.mark.merge_xunit(path='/root/report',
+                             output='/root/conformance_result.xml')
+    @pytest.mark.grab_k8s_results(name=['k8s_conformance.log',
+                                        'conformance_result.xml'])
-    def test_only_k8s_install(self, config, k8s_deployed, k8s_actions):
+    def test_only_k8s_install(self, config, show_step,
+                              k8s_deployed, k8s_actions, k8s_logs):
         """Test for deploying MCP environment with k8s and check it
@@ -199,5 +206,6 @@
         if config.k8s.k8s_conformance_run:
+            show_step(5)
         LOG.info("*************** DONE **************")
diff --git a/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_virtlet_actions.py b/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_virtlet_actions.py
index 7fd593e..1cf4bee 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_virtlet_actions.py
+++ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_virtlet_actions.py
@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@
-    @pytest.mark.grab_virtlet_results(name=['virtlet_conformance.log',
-                                            'report.xml'])
+    @pytest.mark.grab_k8s_results(name=['virtlet_conformance.log',
+                                        'report.xml'])
     def test_virtlet_conformance(self, show_step, config, k8s_deployed,
-                                 virtlet_logs):
+                                 k8s_logs):
         """Test run of virtlet conformance tests