Init BM MCC+MOSK commit

Just put templates to the repo


Change-Id: I2239dd7067d823d3ab15d1d46dc57fc2c7b9444b
diff --git a/bm_mcc_mosk/mcc_seed_2401_userdata.yaml b/bm_mcc_mosk/mcc_seed_2401_userdata.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06eb55f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bm_mcc_mosk/mcc_seed_2401_userdata.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+output : { all : '| tee -a /var/log/cloud-init-output.log' }
+ssh_pwauth: True
+disable_root: false
+  list: |
+    ubuntu:qalab
+    root:r00tme
+  expire: False
+  enabled: true
+  servers:
+    -
+    -
+    -
+    -
+# this would disable apt:submodule to refresh already overwritten (below) sources.list.
+  preserve_sources_list: true
+package_update: false
+package_upgrade: false
+package_reboot_if_required: false
+  - &instance_boot |
+    service="apt-daily-upgrade.service apt-daily.service apt-daily-upgrade.timer apt-daily.timer
+    kerneloops snapd snapd.socket cups-browsed.service cups apport.service apport-forward.socket motd-news.service motd-news.timer unattended-upgrades.service
+    ua-messaging.timer  ua-messaging.service  ua-timer.timer"
+    for r in ${service} ; do
+    systemctl disable ${r} || true
+    systemctl mask ${r} || true
+    systemctl stop ${r} || true
+    done
+    export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+    APT_OPTS="-o APT::Install-Suggests=0 -o APT::Install-Recommends=0 -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef"
+    apt-get ${APT_OPTS} -y remove --purge unattended-upgrades || true
+    function wait_condition_send() {
+      local status=${1:-SUCCESS}
+      local reason=${2:-empty}
+      local data_binary="{\"status\": \"$status\", \"reason\": \"$reason\"}"
+      echo "Sending signal to wait condition: $data_binary"
+      $wait_condition_notify -k --data-binary "$data_binary"
+      if [ "$status" == "FAILURE" ]; then
+        exit 1
+      fi
+    }
+    # Re-pin repo, just to cleanup src\and etc metadata download
+    source /etc/lsb-release
+    cat << EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list
+    deb [arch=amd64] ${DISTRIB_CODENAME} main restricted universe
+    deb [arch=amd64] ${DISTRIB_CODENAME}-updates main restricted universe
+    EOF
+    # Remove 50command-not-found and update cache
+    rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50command-not-found
+    apt-get update
+    if [[ -n "$hack_tuning_enabled" ]]; then
+      echo "Add dirty hacks in system"
+      sysctl -w vm.dirty_ratio=40
+      sysctl -w vm.dirty_background_ratio=20
+      echo 0 > /sys/block/vda/queue/rotational || true
+      echo 32768 > /sys/block/vda/queue/read_ahead_kb || true
+      GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=tty1 console=ttyS0 noibrs noibpb nopti nospectre_v2 nospectre_v1 l1tf=off nospec_store_bypass_disable no_stf_barrier mds=off tsx=on tsx_async_abort=off mitigations=off"
+      if ! [[ $(cat /proc/cmdline) =~ $GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT ]]; then
+        echo "Update mount options for / partition"
+        sed -i '/rootfs/s/defaults\t/rw,noatime,nodiratime,lazytime,nobarrier,commit=240,data=ordered\t/' /etc/fstab
+        echo "Update kernel cmdline in grub and reboot"
+        echo "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"${GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT}\"" > /etc/default/grub.d/60-make-linux-fast-again.cfg
+        update-grub2
+        cloud-init clean --reboot # clean cloud-init cache and reboot so it emulates first boot
+      fi
+    fi
+    netplan --debug apply
+    # NOTE(vsaienko): the netplan apply is asyncronous, there is no guarantee
+    # that changes are applied when command exited. Pause some time to make
+    # sure we call next check when network is reconfigured.
+    sleep 15
+    echo "Checking connectivity to"
+    wait_time=0
+    until $( timeout 30s curl -s >> /dev/null ); do
+      if [[ $wait_time -gt 5 ]]; then
+        echo "FAILURE: unable to access (network check)"
+        wait_condition_send "FAILURE" " is unreachable"
+        exit 1
+      fi
+      sleep $(( 3 * wait_time++ ))
+    done
+    echo "Configuring regional user for clean-seed scenarios"
+    sudo groupadd docker
+    sudo groupadd regional
+    sudo useradd -g regional -G users,admin,docker -s /bin/bash -m regional
+    echo -e "\nregional ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers
+    sudo mkdir -p /home/regional/.ssh
+    sudo cp /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/regional/.ssh/authorized_keys
+    sudo chmod 600 /home/regional/.ssh/authorized_keys
+    sudo chown -R regional:regional /home/regional
+    apt-get ${APT_OPTS} -y install bridge-utils ipmitool wget golang-cfssl jq
+    usermod -aG docker ubuntu
+    cd /root/
+    wget
+    chmod 0755
+    ./
+    cp /root/mirantis.lic kaas-bootstrap/
+    echo "Sending wait_condition signal"
+    wait_condition_send "SUCCESS" "Instance is UP and running"
+  - [bash, -cex, *instance_boot]
+  - path: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
+    content: |
+        ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDeGiSOs0zAwcxuc9y6BzidYFXQXLOLcBKSoW1tPYJ+bVGRwNRVh63/+/X+eOPbBp6xTNNHVyOpYHt1WUbIHsAqAx/XbzBp+j3/4+8+ucvWR3X9TTxK7Q+oB3SSy2iEeimiJmxfjiHu1hfcgN8L9YvXVquGC/EZbk/r27j7Gcxli7zesr9/kBBhigDSQeehJBJZ0ux3luVkjWSDYTeKqZhNNPFoD6eWmOfsAKNMhe/8IRD9e0zY4MsELi1tZl2zoQ69249e4M1aCuGxm+t+tHLzywX0tVZmM1yX7TDuszHbiii8HrjNwB1/K80HRwRrwVIne9P7wFSlC2exLkdfWd2D vkhlyunev
+        ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDci6MBY68s3FJ9V1OP5vdtVo/daJnkNXCPSPYbCX8/d0E3UJKgE81YvsxfuKp3r1rUNwTuGnkq+VUWcbIgpQNy69OuKxQkoGsRgYTA8n4ZZcuWz+dVenP90xLYHcnyACg63HUVEp5foLvu1WzOdH2A4bHmsl0ePM5IdnFyToHj+Nhwz1NSvbK1OkQHoEcIbkbIkIa/kWY2mgEIIUgb9YmaCI96eiVtQpFPQ4k7hpdrUAkG4e0jT8JA3zQoB++S12p0d0K3SQtJ3+YATUm+rKnHchHZ/uEAgBgoOLiu99p7Aiie76jlGxZp8A/hPqU/zS61z7ER4lJeyR/pXh53Ja+1 maintenance-ci
+        ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCXWwy6p3t4AGvaCtFDJxqKZiPDotJnbu2IKg2p7sl7YXQw+APLKk9maHyUehQQuGzidgBZpmBOMAXENcO1FGFj56cnp4W9tldTiRq1bWcUMq42wfNwIToP6dAXj5ZyhL+UZj1GsCThSasDhFe4Xife0cn69KHJqtmahApQK6D7tpZr2UNDYNWh/2JIrUOcJXZU+BqNg7zm1KNb6e9lKXL6KLDeaCiQ0bj+L/unqepLdg26eO7AQSZ/rt2qAnbfcquozECtDhT4cbK8q9xJODlJQ3eQGOgTH3m8jGijL+3UdPFUzbo4KwSK4V9FmB711HVBCQM4nlH9zumIUSxutnkd rlubianyi@rlubianyi-pc
+        ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDhZxqF+NSuP+Dr2nmGHf4NIpH2xWSmq+UE/HGP6j81rKSBZeRb2SuRXLtLVh3NZ+3GLa4UQGvedcnsqzgvSt05LYujloHnLxIsrsOWbLxOcdUYkorhXenGKBxKopwViRNV2PovMAnwyZ27GkXH8RQ52XISOdTIIV7r8M3kLpxCor2jHnOzJOcr7rhLeSFTK5zw6//T3S+IOQ5/HEs+8NK1sNw2lxBTuk+dAydiaCsQqm4GMl5vZSy0j7cnsy+lq69zN2/Bi4JzKLDKF2ap4zDh/ELhUBoQhh12T0djFV9Qv9fTWI4LUW8cVyqxbfreJrZqSAyMgSRrGSUBclFTmn5Z pavel@pavel-All-Series
+        ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCqfNIy3WuxzRzOY/GBNGOnP5UrCFWZ8uMzW6hEl4wgIEYYIcv8o+C1/hvrfHimG/I/rAwYRS6Dx0bZ7m49zATNxe+EVer3BV63ru34Hzel/XxxyD34ULmrDgvP3olaAKFI17gVOFQ7hCBzDRp3s4YN3ojQspPyeiO+Jt8OwVomxJWgLauAHhl7Z/XPVHpT/fssJGG/eC4oOz4RZ4jAk0BH3Yl8s63grfwrgB79H/+nr0UvBdTkBn3T5WiC4gxnm+jQQwci7/BLQsg1Z3OykfTuyftIexNyVVy/SmdsGi37RJGFKRMMovoZx+261JgaHWBoHqBJa5UpV2usi9z3Py2z avgoor@MacBook-Pro-Denis.local
+  - path: /etc/bash_completion.d/kaas
+    content: |
+        PATH=${PATH}:~/kaas-bootstrap/bin:/home/ubuntu/bootstrap/dev/bin
+        if [ -f ~/kubeconfig ]; then export KUBECONFIG=~/kubeconfig ; fi
+        if [ -f ~/bootstrap/dev/kubeconfig ]; then export KUBECONFIG=~/bootstrap/dev/kubeconfig; fi
+        echo "KUBECONFIG=${KUBECONFIG}"
+        echo "kubectl=$(which kubectl)"
+  - path: /etc/netplan/51-kaas-init.yaml
+    content: |
+      network:
+        version: 2
+        renderer: networkd
+        ethernets:
+          ens3:
+            nameservers:
+              addresses: $nameservers
+            dhcp4: false
+            dhcp6: false
+        bridges:
+          br0:
+            dhcp4: false
+            dhcp6: false
+            addresses:
+              -
+            mtu: 9100
+            nameservers:
+              addresses:
+                -
+                -
+                -
+              search: [ ]
+            interfaces:
+            - ens3
+            routes:
+              - to:
+                via:
+            parameters:
+                forward-delay: 4
+                stp: false
+  - path: /root/
+    content: |
+      set -e
+      source /root/
+      while [ ! -d /root/templates ] ; do sleep 4 ; done
+      [[ "$(sed -n 693p /root/kaas-bootstrap/" -eq "configure" ]] && sed -i "693d" /root/kaas-bootstrap/
+      /root/kaas-bootstrap/ all
+      export KUBECONFIG=/root/kubeconfig
+      echo r00tme | /root/kaas-bootstrap/container-cloud bootstrap user add --username root --roles global-admin,management-admin,reader,writer,operator --kubeconfig kubeconfig --password-stdin
+  - path: /root/
+    content: |
+      set -e
+      while [ ! -d /root/child/templates ] ; do echo 'no child templates!' ; sleep 4 ; done
+      export KUBECONFIG=/root/kubeconfig
+      kubectl apply -f /root/child/templates/project.yaml
+      sleep 2 && kubectl -n mosk apply -f /root/child/templates/ssh_pubkeys.yaml
+      sleep 2 && kubectl -n mosk apply -f /root/child/templates/cluster.yaml
+      sleep 2 && kubectl -n mosk apply -f /root/child/templates/baremetalhosts.yaml
+      sleep 2 && kubectl -n mosk apply -f /root/child/templates/baremetalhostprofiles.yaml
+      sleep 2 && kubectl -n mosk apply -f /root/child/templates/subnets.yaml
+      sleep 2 && kubectl -n mosk apply -f /root/child/templates/l2_templates.yaml
+      sleep 2 && kubectl -n mosk apply -f /root/child/templates/metallbconfig.yaml
+      sleep 2 && kubectl -n mosk apply -f /root/child/templates/machines.yaml
+      sleep 2 && kubectl -n mosk apply -f /root/child/templates/kaascephcluster.yaml
+  - path: /etc/udev/rules.d/60-ssd-scheduler.rules
+    content: |
+        ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="sd[a-z]", ATTR{queue/rotational}=="0", ATTR{queue/scheduler}="deadline"
+  - path: /root/
+    content: |
+        export KAAS_BM_ENABLED="true"
+        export KAAS_BM_PXE_IP=""
+        export KAAS_BM_PXE_MASK="23"
+        export KAAS_BM_PXE_BRIDGE="br0"
+        export CLUSTER_NAME=kaas-mgmt
+        export OUT_DIR=/root/templates
+  - path: /root/
+    content: |
+        /root/kaas-bootstrap/bin/kubectl --kubeconfig /root/kubeconfig -n mosk get secrets mosk-kubeconfig -o jsonpath='{.data.admin\.conf}' | base64 -d | sed 's/:5443/:443/g' | tee /root/child.kubeconfig
+        export KUBECONFIG=/root/child.kubeconfig
+  - path: /root/mirantis.lic
+    content: |
+        eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9Cg.eyJleHAiOjE3MzgzOTY4MDAsImlhdCI6MTY3NTMyNDgwMCwic3ViIjoiZGV2fHNpLWRldiIsImxpY2Vuc2UiOnsiZGV2Ijp0cnVlLCJsaW1pdHMiOnsiY2x1c3RlcnMiOjAsIndvcmtlcnNfcGVyX2NsdXN0ZXIiOjB9LCJvcGVuc3RhY2siOnsiY2x1c3RlcnMiOjAsIndvcmtlcnNfcGVyX2NsdXN0ZXIiOjB9fX0K.18naIn5bHkrQJGnqsiv8BHAEhdz_mnMSR2Oz0hAKyhVTdn5Hd7ESJFvPe2agEl7IJf4n6--NPa9zqW0y9zcixnoxB_7xvMntNCaPzfAap8Lm7RSghDJicyJ1xXTj4NNf3ocnbA8rCUNkrSbh2GKFNBqiDMqZTGC7Jozee5HjBzaxFUF0Z0Nr3T0q53DrZmiAhe0P8LtbxFhMICptcMnX-c4mw_hc5TziLZdpR0TUCJk4B0Cit4PABzZWjDCt5gWpy70ZCTTG2xo5dikd-WYBp6f43U5LUroYkhKTHjLMphHnsEDDBu2qaV18ONSuFSQ-Sfg_Mg9ndS_IMTvS9IipsA
+  - path: /etc/docker/daemon.json
+    content: '{"default-address-pools": [{"base": "","size": 24}]}'