Create phoronix job for mosk-bm environment

Related-Prod: PROD-37294
Change-Id: Id9abf2499f985ca81e6571cf649b500f09ccd0be
diff --git a/jobs/templates/mosk-phoronix.yml b/jobs/templates/mosk-phoronix.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9ca98f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jobs/templates/mosk-phoronix.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+- job-template:

+    project-type: pipeline

+    description: '{job-description}'

+    concurrent: true

+    disabled: false

+    name: mosk-phoronix

+    parameters:

+    - string:

+        default: "sre-team-infra"

+        description: ''

+        name: NODE_LABEL

+        trim: 'false'

+    - string:

+        name: SEED_EXT_IP

+        description: ''

+        trim: 'false'

+        default: ''

+    - string:

+        default: bm-mcc-mosk

+        description: ''

+        name: ENV_NAME

+        trim: 'false'

+    - string:

+        default: ''

+        description: |-

+          Example: refs/changes/89/411189/36

+          (for now - only one reference allowed)

+        name: TCP_QA_REFS

+        trim: 'false'

+    - string:

+          default: 'phoronix-test-suite-10.8.4.tar.gz'

+          description: |-

+              Example: phoronix-test-suite-10.8.4.tar.gz

+              show version from

+          name: PHORONIX_PACKAGE

+          trim: 'false'

+    - string:

+          default: '4'

+          description: |-

+              Example: 1-7

+              How many phoronix clients do you need to create?

+          name: PHORONIX_PACKAGE

+          trim: 'false'

+    - text:

+        default: ''

+        description: |-

+          Add env vars for deploy and testing

+        name: EXTRA_VARS

+        trim: 'false'

+    pipeline-scm:

+      lightweight-checkout: false

+      scm:

+      - git:

+          branches:

+          - FETCH_HEAD

+          refspec: ${{TCP_QA_REFS}}

+          url:

+      script-path: jobs/pipelines/mosk/mosk-phoronix-bm.groovy

+    logrotate:

+      daysToKeep: 365