Add swarm-deploy-cicd job under JJB

Add DIST_UPGRADE_NODES option to swarm-deploy-cicd


Change-Id: I00e36a7987f0248724124f32a803aaeb9ad72d84
diff --git a/jobs/templates/swarm-deploy-cicd.yml b/jobs/templates/swarm-deploy-cicd.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65e77fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jobs/templates/swarm-deploy-cicd.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+- job-template:
+    project-type: pipeline
+    description: '{job-description}'
+    concurrent: true
+    disabled: false
+    name: swarm-deploy-cicd
+    parameters:
+    - string:
+        default: '${{LAB_CONFIG_NAME}}'
+        description: 'Required: Fuel-devops environment name'
+        name: ENV_NAME
+        trim: 'false'
+    - string:
+        default: ''
+        description: 'Example: refs/changes/89/411189/36
+                       (for now - only one reference allowed)'
+        name: TCP_QA_REFS
+        trim: 'false'
+    - string:
+        default: 'core,cicd'
+        description: 'Stacks to install using cfg01 node'
+        name: STACK_INSTALL
+        trim: 'false'
+    - string:
+        default: 4800
+        description: ''
+        trim: 'false'
+    - string:
+        default: ''
+        description: 'Required: Name of the jenkins slave to create the environment
+                      To be set by the parent deployment job.'
+        name: PARENT_NODE_NAME
+        trim: 'false'
+    - string:
+        default: ''
+        description: 'Required: Workspace on the jenkins slave to reuse for the job
+                      To be set by the parent deployment job.'
+        name: PARENT_WORKSPACE
+        trim: 'false'
+    - bool:
+        default: false
+        description: 'Shutdown the fuel-devops environment at the end of the job'
+        trim: 'false'
+    - bool:
+        default: false
+        description: 'Use " snapshot" to snapshot stages of deploy if ENV_MANAGER is devops'
+    - string:
+        default: ''
+        description: ''
+        name: BATCH_SIZE
+        trim: 'false'
+    - bool:
+        default: false
+        description: Whether to perform dist-upgrade on virtual nodes during deployment
+        name: DIST_UPGRADE_NODES
+    pipeline-scm:
+      lightweight-checkout: false
+      scm:
+      - git:
+          branches:
+          - FETCH_HEAD
+          refspec: ${{TCP_QA_REFS}}
+          url:
+      script-path: jobs/pipelines/swarm-deploy-cicd.groovy