Add waiting for the correct build_id in the JenkinClient:run_build()

If the job is queued while waiting for the free executors, then
the method was getting the wrong build_id belonging to the
previous job, for instance it will return build_id=28 in this example:

  №2​9 (pending—Build #28 is already in progress (ETA:17 min))
  №2​8 [In progress]  May 31, 2018 6:07 PM

* Add 'timeout' parameter (default 600sec) in run_build()
  to wait until the queued build is started
* Add pooling the queue until the build is started, get the
  build number assigned to build in queue object
* Add 'verbose' parameter (default False) to show the reason
  from Jenkins why the build is not started yet, for example:

    pending the job 'deploy_openstack' : Build #22 is already in progress (ETA:1 min 48 sec)
    pending the job 'deploy_openstack' : Build #22 is already in progress (ETA:1 min 18 sec)
    pending the job 'deploy_openstack' : Build #22 is already in progress (ETA:48 sec)

* Rename the parameter 'print_job_output' to 'verbose'
  in the method wait_end_of_build() to have the common parameter

Change-Id: Id49b5b45a8127e769b89860b19424081f37f6f38
diff --git a/tcp_tests/managers/jenkins/ b/tcp_tests/managers/jenkins/
index 8c9939f..0b0d7de 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/managers/jenkins/
+++ b/tcp_tests/managers/jenkins/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
-import time
 import jenkins
 import requests
@@ -48,20 +47,33 @@
              for j in job_params])
         return def_params
-    def run_build(self, name, params=None):
+    def run_build(self, name, params=None, timeout=600, verbose=False):
         params = params or self.make_defults_params(name)
-        self.__client.build_job(name, params)
-        time.sleep(10)  # wait while jobs started:
-        build_id = self.job_info(name)['lastBuild']['number']
+        num = self.__client.build_job(name, params)
+        def is_blocked():
+            queued = self.__client.get_queue_item(num)
+            status = not queued['blocked']
+            if not status and verbose:
+                print("pending the job [{}] : {}".format(name, queued['why']))
+            return status
+        helpers.wait(
+            is_blocked,
+            timeout=timeout,
+            interval=30,
+            timeout_msg='Timeout waiting to run the job [{}]'.format(name))
+        build_id = self.__client.get_queue_item(num)['executable']['number']
         return name, build_id
     def wait_end_of_build(self, name, build_id, timeout=600,
-                          print_job_output=False):
+                          verbose=False):
         start = [0]
         def building():
             status = not self.build_info(name, build_id)['building']
-            if print_job_output:
+            if verbose:
                 res = self.get_progressive_build_output(name,