Update configs according to latest release

- drop deprecated MetalLB configs
- update storage mapping with strict byPath


Change-Id: Ic36d2bf2f76783cd780184c9a1b5ee166212913f
diff --git a/bm_mcc_mosk/kaas-mgmt/cluster.yaml b/bm_mcc_mosk/kaas-mgmt/cluster.yaml
index 05e45a0..5e39da4 100644
--- a/bm_mcc_mosk/kaas-mgmt/cluster.yaml
+++ b/bm_mcc_mosk/kaas-mgmt/cluster.yaml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
       kind: BaremetalClusterProviderSpec
-      release: mke-16-1-0-3-7-5
+      #release: mke-16-1-0-3-7-5
       apiVersion: baremetal.k8s.io/v1alpha1
       dedicatedControlPlane: false
       dedicatedMetallbPools: true
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
             persistentVolumeClaimSize: 16Gi
-        release: kaas-2-26-0
+        #release: kaas-2-26-0
           enabled: true
diff --git a/bm_mcc_mosk/kaas-mgmt/ipam-objects.yaml b/bm_mcc_mosk/kaas-mgmt/ipam-objects.yaml
index eb5535d..2a88aa8 100644
--- a/bm_mcc_mosk/kaas-mgmt/ipam-objects.yaml
+++ b/bm_mcc_mosk/kaas-mgmt/ipam-objects.yaml
@@ -1,37 +1,4 @@
-# This template allows you to configure networking for servers
-# of the management cluster of Mirantis Container Cloud. Network
-# configuration requires the following resources.
-# WARNING: Since Container Cloud 2.24, the default networking
-# definition schema has been significantly changed.
-# Older templates will not work for 2.24+ release bootstrap deployment.
-# For details, see
-# https://docs.mirantis.com/container-cloud/latest/deployment-guide/deploy-bm-mgmt.html
-# The 'mgmt-lb-pxe' Subnet object defines the range of IP addresses
-# used by MetalLB to expose services in the PXE network. This
-# includes Ironic API (bare metal provisioning server), HTTP server
-# that provides images for network boot and server provisioning,
-# and the caching server for accessing the Container Cloud artifacts
-# deployed on the hosts.
-apiVersion: "ipam.mirantis.com/v1alpha1"
-kind: Subnet
-  name: mgmt-lb-pxe
-  namespace: default
-  labels:
-    kaas.mirantis.com/provider: baremetal
-    cluster.sigs.k8s.io/cluster-name: kaas-mgmt
-    ipam/SVC-MetalLB: "presents"
-    metallb/address-pool-auto-assign: "false"
-    metallb/address-pool-name: services-pxe
-    metallb/address-pool-protocol: layer2
-  cidr:
-  includeRanges:
-    -
 apiVersion: "ipam.mirantis.com/v1alpha1"
 kind: Subnet
@@ -103,31 +70,6 @@
-# The 'mgmt-k8s-lb' Subnet object defines the range of IP addresses
-# used by MetalLB to expose services in the LCM/Management network.
-# It defines the same MetalLB address pool that was previously defined
-# in MetalLB chart values configInline parameter (which is deprecated).
-# These services include Keycloak, MCC UI, Stacklight services,
-# and the caching server for accessing the Container Cloud artifacts
-# deployed on the hosts.
-apiVersion: "ipam.mirantis.com/v1alpha1"
-kind: Subnet
-  name: mgmt-k8s-lb
-  namespace: default
-  labels:
-    kaas.mirantis.com/provider: baremetal
-    cluster.sigs.k8s.io/cluster-name: kaas-mgmt
-    ipam/SVC-MetalLB: "presents"
-    metallb/address-pool-auto-assign: "true"
-    metallb/address-pool-name: default
-    metallb/address-pool-protocol: layer2
-  cidr:
-  includeRanges:
-    -
 apiVersion: ipam.mirantis.com/v1alpha1
 kind: MetalLBConfigTemplate
diff --git a/bm_mcc_mosk/kaas-mgmt/metallbconfig.yaml b/bm_mcc_mosk/kaas-mgmt/metallbconfig.yaml
index 8c218d0..9f2fa63 100644
--- a/bm_mcc_mosk/kaas-mgmt/metallbconfig.yaml
+++ b/bm_mcc_mosk/kaas-mgmt/metallbconfig.yaml
@@ -16,4 +16,29 @@
   name: kaas-mgmt-metallb
   namespace: default
-  templateName: kaas-mgmt-metallb
+  ipAddressPools:
+  - name: default
+    spec:
+      addresses:
+        -
+      autoAssign: true
+      avoidBuggyIPs: false
+  - name: services-pxe
+    spec:
+      addresses:
+        # IP address range to use for the MetalLB address pool to expose
+        # Kubernetes services in the PXE network.
+        # This address range must be within the PXE network.
+        # The minimum required address range size is 4 IP addresses.
+        -
+      autoAssign: false
+      avoidBuggyIPs: false
+  l2Advertisements:
+  - name: default
+    spec:
+      ipAddressPools:
+        - default
+  - name: pxe
+    spec:
+      ipAddressPools:
+        - services-pxe