management_subnet_cidr management_subnet_gateway_ip management_subnet_cfg01_ip control_subnet_cidr tenant_subnet_cidr external_subnet_cidr
Also, the following parameters might be useful to define:
management_subnet_pool_start management_subnet_pool_end
Node roles are automatically gathered in the from OS::Nova::Server , where defined as a list using "metadata:roles" key:
cfg01_node: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: metadata: roles: - salt_master
Network roles are automatically gathered in the from OS::Neutron::Subnet , where defined as list of tags:
control_subnet: type: OS::Neutron::Subnet properties: ... tags: - private-pool01
There are four fixed network roles at the moment:
admin-pool01 # for management_subnet_cidr private-pool01 # for control_subnet_cidr tenant-pool01 # for tenant_subnet_cidr external-pool01 # for external_subnet_cidr
There are parameters which are automatically defined outside of the template defaults in the, and can be used in the template to define or find specified resources:
env_name # set from environment variable ENV_NAME. Matches heat stack name mcp_version # set from environment variable MCP_VERSION
Public network for floating IP addresses should be pre-defined. Heat templates must use this network to define floating IPs.
Jenkins pipeline swarm-bootstrap-salt-cluster-heat.groovy check and create required images. In the template, the following image names should be used:
# Image used to bootstrap salt master node cfg01: image: { list_join: ['', [ 'cfg01-day01-', { get_param: mcp_version } ]] } # Config drive image to boot cfg01, with user-data and reclass model image: { list_join: ['', [ 'cfg01.', { get_param: env_name }, '-config-drive.iso' ]] } # Image used to bootstrap VCP nodes: image: { list_join: ['', [ 'ubuntu-vcp-', { get_param: mcp_version } ]] } # Image used to bootstrap the Foundation node: image: { list_join: ['', [ 'ubuntu-16.04-foundation-', { get_param: mcp_version } ]] }
This node is used to launch a Jenkins agent and run Jenkins jobs inside the heat stack. Depending on environment, the Foundation node could be connected to several or to all the internal networks to run necessary tests.
The template 'outputs' should contain the 'foundation_floating' key, for example:
outputs: foundation_floating: description: foundation node IP address (floating) from external network value: get_attr: - foundation_node - instance_floating_address