Add model for contrail4.0

Change-Id: I94b65dd06ce8eb376dd8e9bcf96d786621d32233
diff --git a/tcp_tests/templates/cookied-bm-contrail40/ b/tcp_tests/templates/cookied-bm-contrail40/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a250862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcp_tests/templates/cookied-bm-contrail40/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+#!/bin/bash -xe
+export SALT_MASTER_MINION_ID=${SALT_MASTER_MINION_ID:-"cfg01.cookied-bm-contrail40.local"}
+export http_proxy=${http_proxy:-""}
+export https_proxy=${https_proxy:-""}
+export MCP_VERSION=${MCP_VERSION:-"proposed"}
+export MCP_SALT_REPO="deb [arch=amd64] $MCP_SALT_REPO_URL $MCP_VERSION salt"
+export FORMULAS="salt-formula-*"
+# Not avaible in 2018.4 and pre.
+export LOCAL_REPOS=false
+#for cloning from aptly image use port 8088
+function _apt_cfg(){
+  # TODO remove those function after 2018.4 release
+  echo "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order gz;" >/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99compression-workaround-salt
+  echo "Acquire::EnableSrvRecords false;" >/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99enablesrvrecords-false
+  echo "Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth 0;" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99aws-s3-mirrors-workaround-salt
+  echo "APT::Install-Recommends false;" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99dont_install_recommends-salt
+  echo "APT::Install-Suggests false;" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99dont_install_suggests-salt
+  echo "Acquire::Languages none;" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99dont_acquire_all_languages-salt
+  echo "APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists 0;" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99dont_update_package_list-salt
+  echo "APT::Periodic::Download-Upgradeable-Packages 0;" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99dont_update_download_upg_packages-salt
+  echo "APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade 0;" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99disable_unattended_upgrade-salt
+  echo "INFO: cleaning sources lists"
+  rm -rv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* || true
+  echo > /etc/apt/sources.list  || true
+function _post_maas_cfg(){
+  local PROFILE=mirantis
+  # TODO: remove those check, and use only new version, adfter 2018.4 release
+  if [[ -f /var/lib/maas/ ]]; then
+    /var/lib/maas/
+  else
+    echo "WARNING: Attempt to use old maas login schema.."
+    TOKEN=$(cat /var/lib/maas/.maas_credentials);
+    maas list | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs -I{} maas logout {}
+    maas login $PROFILE "${TOKEN}"
+  fi
+  # disable backports for maas enlist pkg repo
+  maas ${PROFILE} package-repository update 1 "disabled_pockets=backports"
+  maas ${PROFILE} package-repository update 1 "arches=amd64"
+  # Download ubuntu image from MAAS local mirror
+  if [[ "$LOCAL_REPOS" == "true" ]] ; then
+    maas ${PROFILE} boot-source-selections create 2 os="ubuntu" release="xenial" arches="amd64" subarches="*" labels="*"
+    echo "WARNING: Removing default MAAS stream:"
+    maas ${PROFILE} boot-source read 1
+    maas ${PROFILE} boot-source delete 1
+    maas ${PROFILE} boot-resources import
+    # TODO wait for finish,and stop import.
+  else
+    maas ${PROFILE} boot-source-selections create 1 os="ubuntu" release="xenial" arches="amd64" subarches="*" labels="*"
+    maas ${PROFILE} boot-resources import
+  fi
+  while [ ! -d /var/lib/maas/boot-resources/current/ubuntu/amd64/generic/xenial ]
+  do
+    sleep 10
+    echo "WARNING: Image is still not ready"
+  done
+### Body
+echo "Preparing metadata model"
+mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/
+cp -rT /mnt/model/model /srv/salt/reclass
+chown -R root:root /srv/salt/reclass/*
+chown -R root:root /srv/salt/reclass/.git* || true
+chmod -R 644 /srv/salt/reclass/classes/cluster/* || true
+chmod -R 644 /srv/salt/reclass/classes/system/*  || true
+echo "Configuring salt"
+#service salt-master restart
+envsubst < /root/minion.conf > /etc/salt/minion.d/minion.conf
+service salt-minion restart
+while true; do
+    salt-key | grep "$SALT_MASTER_MINION_ID" && break
+    sleep 5
+sleep 5
+for i in $(salt-key -l accepted | grep -v Accepted | grep -v "$SALT_MASTER_MINION_ID"); do
+    salt-key -d $i -y
+find /var/lib/jenkins/jenkins.model.JenkinsLocationConfiguration.xml -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e 's/'$SALT_MASTER_DEPLOY_IP'/g'
+echo "updating git repos"
+if [[ "$PIPELINES_FROM_ISO" == "true" ]] ; then
+  cp -r /mnt/mk-pipelines/* /home/repo/mk/mk-pipelines/
+  cp -r /mnt/pipeline-library/* /home/repo/mcp-ci/pipeline-library/
+  umount /dev/cdrom || true
+  chown -R git:www-data /home/repo/mk/mk-pipelines/*
+  chown -R git:www-data /home/repo/mcp-ci/pipeline-library/*
+  umount /dev/cdrom || true
+  git clone --mirror "${PIPELINE_REPO_URL}/mk-pipelines.git" /home/repo/mk/mk-pipelines/
+  git clone --mirror "${PIPELINE_REPO_URL}/pipeline-library.git" /home/repo/mcp-ci/pipeline-library/
+  chown -R git:www-data /home/repo/mk/mk-pipelines/*
+  chown -R git:www-data /home/repo/mcp-ci/pipeline-library/*
+echo "installing formulas"
+curl -s $MCP_SALT_REPO_KEY | sudo apt-key add -
+echo $MCP_SALT_REPO > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mcp_salt.list
+apt-get update
+apt-get install -y $FORMULAS
+rm -rf /srv/salt/reclass/classes/service/*
+cd /srv/salt/reclass/classes/service/;ls /usr/share/salt-formulas/reclass/service/ -1 | xargs -I{} ln -s /usr/share/salt-formulas/reclass/service/{};cd /root
+salt-call saltutil.refresh_pillar
+salt-call saltutil.sync_all
+if ! $(reclass -n ${SALT_MASTER_MINION_ID} > /dev/null ) ; then
+  echo "ERROR: Reclass render failed!"
+  exit 1
+salt-call state.sls,linux,openssh,salt
+salt-call -t5 pkg.install salt-master,salt-minion
+sleep 5
+salt-call state.sls salt
+# Sometimes, maas can stuck :(
+salt-call state.sls maas.cluster,maas.region || salt-call state.sls maas.cluster,maas.region
+salt-call state.sls reclass,ntp
+salt-call state.sls maas.cluster,maas.region || salt-call state.sls maas.cluster,maas.region
+ssh-keyscan cfg01 > /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/known_hosts || true
+pillar=$(salt-call jenkins:client)
+if [[ $pillar == *"job"* ]]; then
+  salt-call state.sls jenkins.client