Add fix for upgrade galera with mysql 5.7

--add update-mysql-version parametr for major upgrade

Related-Prod: PROD-36708
Change-Id: Ic1eb785c7f42a7532f55946aa6c024430810e0bf
diff --git a/tcp_tests/managers/ b/tcp_tests/managers/
index 3952b5f..c7ec298 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/managers/
+++ b/tcp_tests/managers/
@@ -215,6 +215,26 @@
+    def create_yaml_with_context(self, yaml_context, short_path):
+        """
+        Create yaml file with context
+        :param yaml_context: string, yaml with extra context
+        :param short_path: string, path to reclass yaml file.
+        """
+        tmp_file = "/tmp/extra_context.yaml"
+        with open(tmp_file, "w") as f:
+            f.write(yaml_context)
+        self.ssh.upload(tmp_file, tmp_file)
+        self.ssh.check_call(
+            "cat {yaml} > \
+            /srv/salt/reclass/classes/{path}".format(
+                reclass_tools=self.reclass_tools_cmd,
+                yaml=tmp_file,
+                path=short_path
+            ))
     def commit(self, text_commit):
             "cd /srv/salt/reclass; git add -u && git commit --allow-empty "