Modify model

Fix model
Fix bug with keystone deploy

Change-Id: Ie0f7290d1f9848204d479f56cb696519a1557589
diff --git a/tcp_tests/templates/cookied-bm-mcp-dvr-vxlan/salt-context-lab03-environment.yaml b/tcp_tests/templates/cookied-bm-mcp-dvr-vxlan/salt-context-lab03-environment.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a9c33d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcp_tests/templates/cookied-bm-mcp-dvr-vxlan/salt-context-lab03-environment.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+    cfg01.cookied-bm-mcp-dvr-vxlan.local:
+      reclass_storage_name: infra_config_node01
+      roles:
+      - infra_config
+      - linux_system_codename_xenial
+      interfaces:
+        ens3:
+          role: single_dhcp
+#        ens4:
+#          role: single_vlan_ctl
+    # Physical nodes
+    kvm01.cookied-bm-mcp-dvr-vxlan.local:
+      reclass_storage_name: infra_kvm_node01
+      roles:
+      - infra_kvm
+      - linux_system_codename_xenial
+      interfaces:
+        enp2s0f0:
+          role: single_mgm_dhcp
+        enp2s0f1:
+          role: bond0_ab_ovs_vlan_ctl
+    kvm02.cookied-bm-mcp-dvr-vxlan.local:
+      reclass_storage_name: infra_kvm_node02
+      roles:
+      - infra_kvm
+      - linux_system_codename_xenial
+      interfaces:
+        enp2s0f0:
+          role: single_mgm_dhcp
+        enp2s0f1:
+          role: bond0_ab_ovs_vlan_ctl
+    kvm03.cookied-bm-mcp-dvr-vxlan.local:
+      reclass_storage_name: infra_kvm_node03
+      roles:
+      - infra_kvm
+      - linux_system_codename_xenial
+      interfaces:
+        eno1:
+          role: single_mgm_dhcp
+        eno2:
+          role: bond0_ab_ovs_vlan_ctl
+    cmp001.cookied-bm-mcp-dvr-vxlan.local:
+      reclass_storage_name: openstack_compute_node01
+      roles:
+      - openstack_compute
+      - linux_system_codename_xenial
+      interfaces:
+        enp3s0f0:
+          role: single_dhcp
+        enp3s0f1:
+          role: bond0_ab_ovs_vxlan_ctl_mesh
+          single_address: ${_param:openstack_compute_node01_control_address}
+          tenant_address: ${_param:openstack_compute_node01_tenant_address}
+        enp5s0f0:
+          role: bond0_ab_ovs_vxlan_ctl_mesh
+# Which of enp5s0f1. enp5s0f2, enp5s0f3 is for floating?
+#        ens6:
+#          role: bond1_ab_ovs_floating
+    cmp002.cookied-bm-mcp-dvr-vxlan.local:
+      reclass_storage_name: openstack_compute_node02
+      roles:
+      - openstack_compute
+      - linux_system_codename_xenial
+      interfaces:
+        eno1:
+          role: single_dhcp
+        enp5s0f0:
+          role: bond0_ab_ovs_vxlan_ctl_mesh
+          single_address: ${_param:openstack_compute_node02_control_address}
+          tenant_address: ${_param:openstack_compute_node02_tenant_address}
+        enp5s0f2:
+          role: bond0_ab_ovs_vxlan_ctl_mesh
+# Which of eno2, enp5s0f1, enp5s0f3 is for floating?
+#        ens6:
+#          role: bond1_ab_ovs_floating
+    gtw01.cookied-bm-mcp-dvr-vxlan.local:
+      reclass_storage_name: openstack_gateway_node01
+      roles:
+      - openstack_gateway
+      - linux_system_codename_xenial
+      interfaces:
+        enp3s0f0:
+          role: single_dhcp
+        enp3s0f1:
+          role: bond0_ab_dvr_vxlan_ctl_mesh_floating
+    #gtw02.cookied-bm-mcp-dvr-vxlan.local:
+    #  reclass_storage_name: openstack_gateway_node02
+    #  roles:
+    #  - openstack_gateway
+    #  - linux_system_codename_xenial
+    #  interfaces:
+    #    eno1:
+    #      role: single_dhcp
+    #    eno2:
+    #      role: bond0_ab_dvr_vxlan_ctl_mesh_floating