Initial commit with fixtures

- add fixtures for hardware and underlay
- add fuel-devops template tcpcloud-default.yaml

* Migration of fixtures is not finished yet
diff --git a/tcp_tests/managers/ b/tcp_tests/managers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd937d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcp_tests/managers/
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#    Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from tcp_tests import logger
+from tcp_tests import settings
+LOG = logger.logger
+class RallyManager(object):
+    """docstring for RallyManager"""
+    image_name = 'rallyforge/rally'
+    image_version = '0.5.0'
+    def __init__(self, underlay, admin_node_name):
+        super(RallyManager, self).__init__()
+        self._admin_node_name = admin_node_name
+        self._underlay = underlay
+    def prepare(self):
+        content = """
+sed -i 's|#swift_operator_role = Member|swift_operator_role=SwiftOperator|g' /etc/rally/rally.conf  # noqa
+source /home/rally/openrc
+rally-manage db recreate
+rally deployment create --fromenv --name=tempest
+rally verify install
+rally verify genconfig
+rally verify showconfig"""
+        cmd = "cat > {path} << EOF\n{content}\nEOF".format(
+            path='/home/{user}/rally/'.format(
+                user=settings.SSH_LOGIN), content=content)
+        cmd1 = "chmod +x /home/{user}/rally/".format(
+            user=settings.SSH_LOGIN)
+        cmd2 = "cp /home/{user}/openrc-* /home/{user}/rally/openrc".format(
+            user=settings.SSH_LOGIN)
+        with self._underlay.remote(node_name=self._admin_node_name) as remote:
+  "Create rally workdir")
+            remote.check_call('mkdir -p /home/{user}/rally'.format(
+                user=settings.SSH_LOGIN))
+  "Create")
+            remote.check_call(cmd)
+  "Chmod +x")
+            remote.check_call(cmd1)
+  "Copy openstackrc")
+            remote.check_call(cmd2)
+    def pull_image(self, version=None):
+        version = version or self.image_version
+        image = self.image_name
+        cmd = "docker pull {image}:{version}".format(image=image,
+                                                     version=version)
+        with self._underlay.remote(node_name=self._admin_node_name) as remote:
+  "Pull {image}:{version}".format(image=image,
+                                                     version=version))
+            remote.check_call(cmd)
+        with self._underlay.remote(node_name=self._admin_node_name) as remote:
+  "Getting image id")
+            cmd = "docker images | grep 0.5.0| awk '{print $3}'"
+            res = remote.check_call(cmd)
+            self.image_id = res['stdout'][0].strip()
+  "Image ID is {}".format(self.image_id))
+    def run(self):
+        with self._underlay.remote(node_name=self._admin_node_name) as remote:
+            cmd = ("docker run --net host -v /home/{user}/rally:/home/rally "
+                   "-tid -u root {image_id}".format(
+                       user=settings.SSH_LOGIN, image_id=self.image_id))
+  "Run Rally container")
+            remote.check_call(cmd)
+            cmd = ("docker ps | grep {image_id} | "
+                   "awk '{{print $1}}'| head -1").format(
+                       image_id=self.image_id)
+  "Getting container id")
+            res = remote.check_call(cmd)
+            self.docker_id = res['stdout'][0].strip()
+  "Container ID is {}".format(self.docker_id))
+    def run_tempest(self, test=''):
+        docker_exec = ('source /home/{user}/rally/openrc; '
+                       'docker exec -i {docker_id} bash -c "{cmd}"')
+        commands = [
+            docker_exec.format(cmd="./",
+                               user=settings.SSH_LOGIN,
+                               docker_id=self.docker_id),
+            docker_exec.format(
+                cmd="source /home/rally/openrc && "
+                    "rally verify start {test}".format(test=test),
+                user=settings.SSH_LOGIN,
+                docker_id=self.docker_id),
+            docker_exec.format(
+                cmd="rally verify results --json --output-file result.json",
+                user=settings.SSH_LOGIN,
+                docker_id=self.docker_id),
+            docker_exec.format(
+                cmd="rally verify results --html --output-file result.html",
+                user=settings.SSH_LOGIN,
+                docker_id=self.docker_id),
+        ]
+        with self._underlay.remote(node_name=self._admin_node_name) as remote:
+  "Run tempest inside Rally container")
+            for cmd in commands:
+                remote.check_call(cmd, verbose=True)