Refactor reclass cloning
SALT_MODELS_REF_CHANGE is specified then it means we don't need to do a
checkout to special commit. SALT_MODELS_COMMIT is specified but
SALT_MODELS_REF_CHANGE is not, then we need to checkout that commit.
* This change refactor the logic across all templates.
* This change introduce for loop for SALT_MODELS_REF_CHANGE. Several
commits can be specified using space as separator. Here is an example
export SALT_MODELS_REF_CHANGE='refs/changes/12/8412/2 refs/changes/58/8458/1'
All commits should not have any conflicts. In case of conflicts create
dependant commits and use top one.
* The 'cmd:' for the step "Clone reclass models with submodules" was moved
to shared-salt.yaml and included to other templates as a jinja2 'macro'.
* SALT_MODELS_SYSTEM_COMMIT now works as expected. If not specified then
will be used the 'system' commit specified in the cluster model
Change-Id: I0d57b1eea79a7c011231dcf7f46fb3599a62c33f
Signed-off-by: Sergii Golovatiuk <>
Reviewed-by: Sergii Golovatiuk <>
Reviewed-by: Dennis Dmitriev <>
Tested-by: Dennis Dmitriev <>
diff --git a/tcp_tests/templates/virtual-mcp-ocata-cicd/salt.yaml b/tcp_tests/templates/virtual-mcp-ocata-cicd/salt.yaml
index bb54f8e..bfcc888 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/templates/virtual-mcp-ocata-cicd/salt.yaml
+++ b/tcp_tests/templates/virtual-mcp-ocata-cicd/salt.yaml
@@ -2,27 +2,9 @@
{% from 'virtual-mcp-ocata-cicd/underlay.yaml' import REPOSITORY_SUITE with context %}
-{% set SALT_MODELS_BRANCH = os_env('SALT_MODELS_BRANCH','master') %}
-{% set SALT_MODELS_COMMIT = os_env('SALT_MODELS_COMMIT','master') %}
+# Other salt model repository parameters see in shared-salt.yaml
-# Reference to a patch that should be applied to the model if required, for example: export SALT_MODELS_REF_CHANGE=refs/changes/19/7219/12
-# Address pools for reclass cluster model are taken in the following order:
-# 1. environment variables,
-# 2. config.underlay.address_pools based on fuel-devops address pools
-# (see generated '.ini' file after underlay is created),
-# 3. defaults
-{% set address_pools = config.underlay.address_pools %}
-{% set IPV4_NET_ADMIN = os_env('IPV4_NET_ADMIN', address_pools.get('admin-pool01', '')) %}
-{% set IPV4_NET_CONTROL = os_env('IPV4_NET_CONTROL', address_pools.get('private-pool01', '')) %}
-{% set IPV4_NET_TENANT = os_env('IPV4_NET_TENANT', address_pools.get('tenant-pool01', '')) %}
-{% set IPV4_NET_EXTERNAL = os_env('IPV4_NET_EXTERNAL', address_pools.get('external-pool01', '')) %}
-{% set IPV4_NET_ADMIN_PREFIX = '.'.join(IPV4_NET_ADMIN.split('.')[0:3]) %}
-{% set IPV4_NET_CONTROL_PREFIX = '.'.join(IPV4_NET_CONTROL.split('.')[0:3]) %}
-{% set IPV4_NET_TENANT_PREFIX = '.'.join(IPV4_NET_TENANT.split('.')[0:3]) %}
-{% set IPV4_NET_EXTERNAL_PREFIX = '.'.join(IPV4_NET_EXTERNAL.split('.')[0:3]) %}
+{% import 'shared-salt.yaml' as SHARED with context %}
# Install salt to the config node
@@ -66,44 +48,9 @@
retry: {count: 1, delay: 1}
skip_fail: false
- description: Clone reclass models with submodules
cmd: |
- ssh-keyscan -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts;
- git clone -b {{ SALT_MODELS_BRANCH }} --recurse-submodules {{ SALT_MODELS_REPOSITORY }} /srv/salt/reclass;
- pushd /srv/salt/reclass && git checkout {{ SALT_MODELS_COMMIT }} && popd;
- {%- if SALT_MODELS_REF_CHANGE != '' %}
- pushd /srv/salt/reclass && git fetch {{ SALT_MODELS_REPOSITORY }} {{ SALT_MODELS_REF_CHANGE }} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD && popd;
- {%- endif %}
- mkdir -p /srv/salt/reclass/classes/service;
- # Replace firstly to an intermediate value to avoid intersection between
- # already replaced and replacing networks.
- # For example, if generated IPV4_NET_ADMIN_PREFIX=10.16.0 , then there is a risk of replacing twice:
- # 192.168.10 -> 10.16.0 (generated network for admin)
- # 10.16.0 -> <external network>
- # So let's replace constant networks to the keywords, and then keywords to the desired networks.
- find /srv/salt/reclass/ -type f -exec sed -i 's/192\.168\.10\./==IPV4_NET_ADMIN_PREFIX==/g' {} +
- find /srv/salt/reclass/ -type f -exec sed -i 's/172\.16\.10\./==IPV4_NET_CONTROL_PREFIX==/g' {} +
- find /srv/salt/reclass/ -type f -exec sed -i 's/10\.1\.0\./==IPV4_NET_TENANT_PREFIX==/g' {} +
- find /srv/salt/reclass/ -type f -exec sed -i 's/10\.16\.0\./==IPV4_NET_EXTERNAL_PREFIX==/g' {} +
- find /srv/salt/reclass/ -type f -exec sed -i 's/==IPV4_NET_ADMIN_PREFIX==/{{ IPV4_NET_ADMIN_PREFIX }}./g' {} +
- find /srv/salt/reclass/ -type f -exec sed -i 's/==IPV4_NET_CONTROL_PREFIX==/{{ IPV4_NET_CONTROL_PREFIX }}./g' {} +
- find /srv/salt/reclass/ -type f -exec sed -i 's/==IPV4_NET_TENANT_PREFIX==/{{ IPV4_NET_TENANT_PREFIX }}./g' {} +
- find /srv/salt/reclass/ -type f -exec sed -i 's/==IPV4_NET_EXTERNAL_PREFIX==/{{ IPV4_NET_EXTERNAL_PREFIX }}./g' {} +
- find /srv/salt/reclass/ -type f -exec sed -i 's/apt_mk_version:.*/apt_mk_version: {{ REPOSITORY_SUITE }}/g' {} +
- # Disable checkouting the model from remote repository
- cat << 'EOF' >> /srv/salt/reclass/nodes/{{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}.yml
- # local storage
- reclass:
- storage:
- data_source:
- engine: local
# Show the changes to the console
cd /srv/salt/reclass/; git diff
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
@@ -308,21 +255,3 @@
node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
retry: {count: 1, delay: 10}
skip_fail: false
-#- description: Hack gtw node
-# cmd: salt 'gtw*' "ip addr del {{ IPV4_NET_CONTROL_PREFIX }}.110/24 dev ens4; ip addr flush dev ens4";
-# node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
-# retry: {count: 1, delay: 10}
-# skip_fail: false
-#- description: Hack cmp01 node
-# cmd: salt 'cmp01*' "ip addr del {{ IPV4_NET_CONTROL_PREFIX }}.105/24 dev ens4; ip addr flush dev ens4";
-# node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
-# retry: {count: 1, delay: 10}
-# skip_fail: false
-#- description: Hack cmp02 node
-# cmd: salt 'cmp02*' "ip addr del {{ IPV4_NET_CONTROL_PREFIX }}.106/24 dev ens4; ip addr flush dev ens4";
-# node_name: {{ HOSTNAME_CFG01 }}
-# retry: {count: 1, delay: 10}
-# skip_fail: false