Add possibility to use ENV_MANAGER=heat in test pipelines

- If ENV_MANAGER=heat, environment snapshots are unavailable.
  Carefully select the test cases for such environments.
- Added a new job swarm-bootstrap-salt-cluster-heat.groovy
  to create environment in OpenStack
- Added new parameters for parent jobs:
  ENV_MANAGER (default=devops)
  OS_AUTH_URL (for ENV_MANAGER=heat) - Keystone URL
  OS_PROJECT_NAME (for ENV_MANAGER=heat) - OS project name
  OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME (for ENV_MANAGER=heat) - OS user domain name
  OS_CREDENTIALS (for ENV_MANAGER=heat) - Jenkins credentials
    with username and password to access OpenStack
  LAB_PARAM_DEFAULTS (for ENV_MANAGER=heat) - environment file
    for Heat template with 'parameter_defaults' dict.
- Added requirements 'python-openstackclient' and 'python-glanceclient'
  to operate images and heat stack from Jenkins pipeline scripts.

Related-task: #PROD-27687
Change-Id: I5b3a2fa3aac0bf3d592efa3617e25b8a965f377f
diff --git a/jobs/pipelines/swarm-bootstrap-salt-cluster-heat.groovy b/jobs/pipelines/swarm-bootstrap-salt-cluster-heat.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc12976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jobs/pipelines/swarm-bootstrap-salt-cluster-heat.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+ *
+ * Create fuel-devops environment, generate a model for it
+ * and bootstrap a salt cluster on the environment nodes
+ *
+ * Expected parameters:
+ *   PARENT_NODE_NAME              Name of the jenkins slave to create the environment
+ *   PARENT_WORKSPACE              Path to the workspace of the parent job to use tcp-qa repo
+ *   LAB_CONFIG_NAME               Name of the tcp-qa deployment template
+ *   ENV_NAME                      Fuel-devops environment name
+ *   MCP_VERSION                   MCP version, like 2018.4 or proposed
+ *   MCP_IMAGE_PATH1604            Local path to the image
+ *   IMAGE_PATH_CFG01_DAY01        Local path to the image
+ *   CFG01_CONFIG_IMAGE_NAME       Name for the creating config drive image, like cfg01.${LAB_CONFIG_NAME}-config-drive.iso
+ *   TCP_QA_REFS                   Reference to the tcp-qa change on, like refs/changes/46/418546/41
+ *   PIPELINE_LIBRARY_REF          Reference to the pipeline-library change
+ *   MK_PIPELINES_REF              Reference to the mk-pipelines change
+ *   COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_COMMIT  Commit/tag/branch for cookiecutter-templates repository. If empty, then takes ${MCP_VERSION} value
+ *   SALT_MODELS_SYSTEM_COMMIT     Commit/tag/branch for reclass-system repository. If empty, then takes ${MCP_VERSION} value
+ *   SHUTDOWN_ENV_ON_TEARDOWN      optional, shutdown fuel-devops environment at the end of the job
+ *   MCP_SALT_REPO_URL             Base URL for MCP repositories required to bootstrap cfg01 node. Leave blank to use default
+ *                                 ( from mcp-common-scripts)
+ *   MCP_SALT_REPO_KEY             URL of the key file. Leave blank to use default
+ *                                 (${MCP_SALT_REPO_URL}/${MCP_VERSION}/salt-formulas/xenial/archive-salt-formulas.key from mcp-common-scripts)
+ *   OS_AUTH_URL                   OpenStack keystone catalog URL
+ *   OS_PROJECT_NAME               OpenStack project (tenant) name
+ *   OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME           OpenStack user domain name
+ *   OS_CREDENTIALS                OpenStack username and password credentials ID in Jenkins
+ *   LAB_PARAM_DEFAULTS            Filename placed in tcp_tests/templates/_heat_environments, with default parameters for the heat template
+ *
+ */
+import groovy.xml.XmlUtil
+common = new
+shared = new com.mirantis.system_qa.SharedPipeline()
+if (! env.PARENT_NODE_NAME) {
+    error "'PARENT_NODE_NAME' must be set from the parent deployment job!"
+currentBuild.description = "${PARENT_NODE_NAME}:${ENV_NAME}"
+def cfg01_day01_image_name = "cfg01-day01-${MCP_VERSION}"
+def ubuntu_vcp_image_name = "ubuntu-vcp-${MCP_VERSION}"
+def ubuntu_foundation_image_name = "ubuntu-16.04-foundation-${MCP_VERSION}"
+node ("${PARENT_NODE_NAME}") {
+    if (! fileExists("${PARENT_WORKSPACE}")) {
+        error "'PARENT_WORKSPACE' contains path to non-existing directory ${PARENT_WORKSPACE} on the node '${PARENT_NODE_NAME}'."
+    }
+    dir("${PARENT_WORKSPACE}") {
+        if (env.TCP_QA_REFS) {
+            stage("Update working dir to patch ${TCP_QA_REFS}") {
+                shared.update_working_dir()
+            }
+        }
+        withCredentials([
+           [$class          : 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
+           credentialsId   : env.OS_CREDENTIALS,
+           passwordVariable: 'OS_PASSWORD',
+           usernameVariable: 'OS_USERNAME']
+        ]) {
+            env.OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION = 3
+            stage("Cleanup: erase ${ENV_NAME} and remove config drive") {
+                // delete heat stack
+                println "Remove heat stack '${ENV_NAME}'"
+                shared.run_cmd("""\
+                    # export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3
+                    # export OS_AUTH_URL=${OS_AUTH_URL}
+                    # export OS_USERNAME=${OS_USERNAME}
+                    # export OS_PASSWORD=${OS_PASSWORD}
+                    # export OS_PROJECT_NAME=${OS_PROJECT_NAME}
+                    openstack --insecure stack delete -y ${ENV_NAME} || true
+                    while openstack --insecure stack show ${ENV_NAME} -f value -c stack_status; do sleep 10; done
+                """)
+                println "Remove config drive ISO"
+                shared.run_cmd("""\
+                    rm /home/jenkins/images/${CFG01_CONFIG_IMAGE_NAME} || true
+                """)
+            }
+            stage("Generate the model") {
+                def IPV4_NET_ADMIN=shared.run_cmd_stdout("./tcp_tests/utils/ management_subnet_cidr").trim().split().last()
+                def IPV4_NET_CONTROL=shared.run_cmd_stdout("./tcp_tests/utils/ control_subnet_cidr").trim().split().last()
+                def IPV4_NET_TENANT=shared.run_cmd_stdout("./tcp_tests/utils/ tenant_subnet_cidr").trim().split().last()
+                def IPV4_NET_EXTERNAL=shared.run_cmd_stdout("./tcp_tests/utils/ external_subnet_cidr").trim().split().last()
+                shared.generate_cookied_model(IPV4_NET_ADMIN, IPV4_NET_CONTROL, IPV4_NET_TENANT, IPV4_NET_EXTERNAL)
+            }
+            stage("Generate config drive ISO") {
+                def SALT_MASTER_IP=shared.run_cmd_stdout("./tcp_tests/utils/ management_subnet_cfg01_ip").trim().split().last()
+                def ADMIN_NETWORK_GW=shared.run_cmd_stdout("./tcp_tests/utils/ management_subnet_gateway_ip").trim().split().last()
+                shared.generate_configdrive_iso(SALT_MASTER_IP, ADMIN_NETWORK_GW)
+            }
+            stage("Upload Ubuntu image for foundation node") {
+                shared.run_cmd("""\
+                    if ! openstack --insecure image show ${ubuntu_foundation_image_name} -f value -c name; then
+                        wget -O ./${ubuntu_foundation_image_name}
+                        openstack --insecure image create ${ubuntu_foundation_image_name} --file ./${ubuntu_foundation_image_name} --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare
+                        rm ./${ubuntu_foundation_image_name}
+                    else
+                        echo Image ${ubuntu_foundation_image_name} already exists
+                    fi
+                """)
+            }
+            stage("Upload cfg01-day01 and VCP images") {
+                shared.run_cmd("""\
+                    # export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3
+                    # export OS_AUTH_URL=${OS_AUTH_URL}
+                    # export OS_USERNAME=${OS_USERNAME}
+                    # export OS_PASSWORD=${OS_PASSWORD}
+                    # export OS_PROJECT_NAME=${OS_PROJECT_NAME}
+                    openstack --insecure image show ${cfg01_day01_image_name} -f value -c name || openstack --insecure image create ${cfg01_day01_image_name} --file ${IMAGE_PATH_CFG01_DAY01} --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare
+                    openstack --insecure image show ${ubuntu_vcp_image_name} -f value -c name || openstack --insecure image create ${ubuntu_vcp_image_name} --file ${MCP_IMAGE_PATH1604} --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare
+                """)
+            }
+            stage("Upload generated config drive ISO into volume on cfg01 node") {
+                shared.run_cmd("""\
+                    # export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3
+                    # export OS_AUTH_URL=${OS_AUTH_URL}
+                    # export OS_USERNAME=${OS_USERNAME}
+                    # export OS_PASSWORD=${OS_PASSWORD}
+                    # export OS_PROJECT_NAME=${OS_PROJECT_NAME}
+                    openstack --insecure image delete cfg01.${ENV_NAME}-config-drive.iso || true
+                    sleep 3
+                    openstack --insecure image create cfg01.${ENV_NAME}-config-drive.iso --file /home/jenkins/images/${CFG01_CONFIG_IMAGE_NAME} --disk-format iso --container-format bare
+                """)
+            }
+            stage("Create Heat stack '${ENV_NAME}'") {
+                // Create stack and wait for CREATE_COMPLETED status, manual analog:
+                //    openstack --insecure stack create ${ENV_NAME} \
+                //        --template ./tcp_tests/templates/${LAB_CONFIG_NAME}/ \
+                //        --environment ./tcp_tests/templates/_heat_environments/${LAB_PARAM_DEFAULTS} \
+                //        --parameter env_name=${ENV_NAME} --parameter mcp_version=${MCP_VERSION}
+                shared.run_cmd("""\
+                    export BOOTSTRAP_TIMEOUT=3600
+                    export ENV_MANAGER=heat
+                    export TEST_GROUP=test_create_environment
+                    export SHUTDOWN_ENV_ON_TEARDOWN=false
+                    export PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8
+                    export REPOSITORY_SUITE=${MCP_VERSION}
+                    export ENV_NAME=${ENV_NAME}
+                    export LAB_CONFIG_NAME=${LAB_CONFIG_NAME}
+                    export LAB_PARAM_DEFAULTS=${LAB_PARAM_DEFAULTS}
+                    py.test --cache-clear -vvv -s -p no:django -p no:ipdb --junit-xml=deploy_hardware.xml -k \${TEST_GROUP}
+                """)
+            }
+            stage("Add the Jenkins slave node") {
+                def jenkins_slave_ip_value_name = "foundation_floating"
+                def jenkins_slave_ip = shared.run_cmd_stdout("openstack --insecure stack output show ${ENV_NAME} ${jenkins_slave_ip_value_name} -f value -c output_value").trim().split().last()
+                def jenkins_slave_executors = 2
+                common.printMsg("JENKINS_SLAVE_NODE_NAME=${JENKINS_SLAVE_NODE_NAME}", "green")
+                common.printMsg("JENKINS_SLAVE_IP=${jenkins_slave_ip}", "green")
+        withCredentials([
+           [$class          : 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
+           credentialsId   : "${CREATE_JENKINS_NODE_CREDENTIALS}",
+           passwordVariable: 'JENKINS_PASS',
+           usernameVariable: 'JENKINS_USER']
+        ]) {
+                script_delete_agent = ("""\
+                    CRUMB=\$(curl --fail -0 -u \"\${JENKINS_USER}:\${JENKINS_PASS}\" \${JENKINS_URL}\'/crumbIssuer/api/xml?xpath=concat(//crumbRequestField,":",//crumb)\' 2>/dev/null)
+                    curl -w '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null \
+                        -u \"\${JENKINS_USER}:\${JENKINS_PASS}\" \
+                        -H \"Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded\" \
+                        -H \"\$CRUMB\" \
+                        \"\${JENKINS_URL}/computer/\${JENKINS_SLAVE_NODE_NAME}/doDelete\" \
+                        --request \'POST\' --data \'\'
+                    sleep 10
+                """)
+                script_create_agent = ("""\
+                    CRUMB=\$(curl --fail -0 -u \"\${JENKINS_USER}:\${JENKINS_PASS}\" \${JENKINS_URL}\'/crumbIssuer/api/xml?xpath=concat(//crumbRequestField,":",//crumb)\' 2>/dev/null)
+                    curl -L -sS -w '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null \
+                        -u \"\${JENKINS_USER}:\${JENKINS_PASS}\" \
+                        -H \"Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded\" \
+                        -H \"\$CRUMB\" \
+                        -X POST -d 'json={\
+                            \"name\": \"'\"\$JENKINS_SLAVE_NODE_NAME\"'\", \
+                            \"nodeDescription\": \"'\"\$ENV_NAME\"'\", \
+                            \"numExecutors\": \"'\"${jenkins_slave_executors}\"'\", \
+                            \"remoteFS\": \"'\"/home/jenkins/workspace\"'\", \
+                            \"labelString\": \"'\"\$ENV_NAME\"'\", \
+                            \"mode\": \"EXCLUSIVE\", \
+                            \"\": [\"hudson.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher\", \"hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy\$Always\"], \
+                            \"launcher\": {\
+                                \"stapler-class\": \"hudson.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher\", \
+                                \"\$class\": \"hudson.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher\", \
+                                \"host\": \"'\"${jenkins_slave_ip}\"'\", \
+                                \"credentialsId\": \"'\"\$ACCESS_JENKINS_NODE_CREDENTIALS\"'\", \
+                                \"port\": \"'\"22\"'\", \
+                                \"javaPath\": \"\", \
+                                \"jvmOptions\": \"\", \
+                                \"prefixStartSlaveCmd\": \"\", \
+                                \"suffixStartSlaveCmd\": \"\", \
+                                \"launchTimeoutSeconds\": \"\", \
+                                \"maxNumRetries\": \"\", \
+                                \"retryWaitTime\": \"\", \
+                                \"sshHostKeyVerificationStrategy\": {\
+                                    \"\$class\": \"hudson.plugins.sshslaves.verifiers.NonVerifyingKeyVerificationStrategy\" \
+                                }, \
+                                \"tcpNoDelay\": \"true\"\
+                            }, \
+                            \"retentionStrategy\": {\
+                                \"stapler-class\": \"hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy\$Always\", \
+                                \"\$class\": \"hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy\$Always\"\
+                            }, \
+                            \"nodeProperties\": {\
+                                \"stapler-class-bag\": \"true\"\
+                            }, \
+                            \"type\": \"hudson.slaves.DumbSlave\", \
+                            \"crumb\": \"'\"\$CRUMB\"'\"}' \
+                        \"\${JENKINS_URL}/computer/doCreateItem?name=\${JENKINS_SLAVE_NODE_NAME}&type=hudson.slaves.DumbSlave\"
+                """)
+                shared.verbose_sh(script_delete_agent, true, false, true)
+                shared.verbose_sh(script_create_agent, true, false, true)
+        } // withCredentials
+            }// stage
+        } // withCredentials
+    } // dir
+} // node
+    dir("${PARENT_WORKSPACE}") {
+        stage("Clean the environment and clone tcp-qa") {
+            deleteDir()
+            shared.run_cmd("""\
+                git clone ${PARENT_WORKSPACE}
+            """)
+            shared.update_working_dir()
+        }
+        withCredentials([
+           [$class          : 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
+           credentialsId   : env.OS_CREDENTIALS,
+           passwordVariable: 'OS_PASSWORD',
+           usernameVariable: 'OS_USERNAME']
+        ]) {
+            stage("Run the 'underlay' and 'salt-deployed' fixtures to bootstrap salt cluster") {
+                def xml_report_name = "deploy_salt.xml"
+                try {
+                    // deploy_salt.xml
+                    shared.run_sh("""\
+                        export ENV_NAME=${ENV_NAME}
+                        export LAB_CONFIG_NAME=${LAB_CONFIG_NAME}
+                        export LAB_PARAM_DEFAULTS=${LAB_PARAM_DEFAULTS}
+                        export ENV_MANAGER=heat
+                        export SHUTDOWN_ENV_ON_TEARDOWN=false
+                        export BOOTSTRAP_TIMEOUT=3600
+                        export PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8
+                        export REPOSITORY_SUITE=${MCP_VERSION}
+                        export TEST_GROUP=test_bootstrap_salt
+                        py.test -vvv -s -p no:django -p no:ipdb --junit-xml=${xml_report_name} -k \${TEST_GROUP}
+                    """)
+                    // Wait for jenkins to start and IO calm down
+                    sleep(60)
+                } catch (e) {
+                      common.printMsg("Saltstack cluster deploy is failed", "purple")
+                      if (fileExists(xml_report_name)) {
+                          shared.download_logs("deploy_salt_${ENV_NAME}")
+                          def String junit_report_xml = readFile(xml_report_name)
+                          def String junit_report_xml_pretty = new XmlUtil().serialize(junit_report_xml)
+                          throw new Exception(junit_report_xml_pretty)
+                      } else {
+                          throw e
+                      }
+                } finally {
+                    // TODO(ddmitriev): add checks for salt cluster
+                }
+            } // stage
+        } // withCredentials
+    } // dir
+} // node