add steps to deploy case (until contrail)
diff --git a/tcp_tests/tests/system/ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/
index 9804a4e..b7273ec 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/tests/system/
+++ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/
@@ -17,21 +17,304 @@
 from tcp_tests import settings
 from tcp_tests.helpers import ext
+from tcp_tests import logger
+LOG = logger.logger
 class TestTCPInstaller(object):
     """Test class for testing TCP deployment"""
-    # @pytest.mark.snapshot_needed
+    salt_cmd = 'salt -l debug '  # For debug output
+    salt_call_cmd = 'salt-call -l debug '  # For debug output
+    #salt_cmd = 'salt --state-verbose=False '  # For reduced output
+    #salt_call_cmd = 'salt-call --state-verbose=False '  # For reduced output
+    @pytest.mark.steps({
+        '1': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'cfg01*' state.sls linux",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '2': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'cfg01*' state.sls openssh",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '3': {
+            'cmd': "echo '    StrictHostKeyChecking no' >> /root/.ssh/config",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 1, 'delay': 1},
+        },
+        '4': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'cfg01*' state.sls salt",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '5': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'cfg01*' state.sls",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '6': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'*' saltutil.refresh_pillar",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '7': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl*' state.sls ntp",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '8': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl*' state.sls linux,salt.minion,openssh",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '9': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl01*' state.sls keepalived",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '10': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl01*' 'ip a'",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '11': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl0[23].*' state.sls keepalived",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '12': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl*' state.sls glusterfs.server.service",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '13': {
+            'cmd': salt_call_cmd + "state.sls glusterfs.server.setup",
+            'node_name': 'ctl01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '14': {
+            'cmd': "gluster peer status",
+            'node_name': 'ctl01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '15': {
+            'cmd': "gluster volume status",
+            'node_name': 'ctl01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '16': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl*' state.sls rabbitmq",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '17': {
+            'cmd': salt_call_cmd + "state.sls galera",
+            'node_name': 'ctl01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '18': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl0[23]*' state.sls galera",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '19': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl01*'  mysql.status | grep -A1 'wsrep_incoming_addresses:'",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '20': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl*' state.sls haproxy",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '21': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl*' 'netstat -tulnp | grep 3306'",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '22': {
+            'cmd': salt_call_cmd + "state.sls memcached,keystone",
+            'node_name': 'ctl01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '23': {
+            'cmd': salt_call_cmd + "state.sls memcached,keystone",
+            'node_name': 'ctl02.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '24': {
+            'cmd': salt_call_cmd + "state.sls memcached,keystone",
+            'node_name': 'ctl03.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '25': {
+            'cmd': "source ~/keystonerc; keystone user-list",
+            'node_name': 'ctl01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '26': {
+            'cmd': "source ~/keystonerc; keystone tenant-list",
+            'node_name': 'ctl01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '27': {
+            'cmd': "source ~/keystonerc; keystone endpoint-list",
+            'node_name': 'ctl01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '28': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl*' state.sls glance",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '29': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl*' state.sls glusterfs.client",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '30': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl*' 'df -h'",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '31': {
+            'cmd': salt_call_cmd + "state.sls keystone",
+            'node_name': 'ctl01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '32': {
+            'cmd': ("source ~/keystonerc;"
+                    "wget;"
+                    "glance image-create --name 'cirros-0.3.4'"
+                    "  --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare"
+                    "  --progress --file /root/cirros-0.3.4-i386-disk.img;"
+                    "glance image-list;"),
+            'node_name': 'ctl01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '33': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl*' 'ls -al /var/lib/keystone/fernet-keys' ",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '34': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl*' cinder",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '35': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl*' nova",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '36': {
+            'cmd': "source ~/keystonerc; cinder list",
+            'node_name': 'ctl01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '37': {
+            'cmd': "source ~/keystonerc; nova-manage service list",
+            'node_name': 'ctl01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '38': {
+            'cmd': "source ~/keystonerc; nova list",
+            'node_name': 'ctl01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '39': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl*' state.sls neutron",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '40': {
+            'cmd': ("source ~/keystonerc;"
+                    "neutron net-create --router:external=true  --shared external;"
+                    "neutron subnet-create external;"
+                    "neutron floatingip-create;"),
+            'node_name': 'ctl01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '41': {
+            'cmd': salt_cmd + "'ctl*' state.sls opencontrail.database",
+            'node_name': 'cfg01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+        '42': {
+            'cmd': ("nodetool status;"
+                    "nodetool compactionstats;"
+                    "nodetool describecluster;"),
+            'node_name': 'ctl01.mk20-lab-advanced.local',  # hardcoded for now
+            'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 5},
+        },
+    })
-    @pytest.mark.fail_snapshot
-    def test_tcp_install_default(self, underlay, tcp_actions, show_step):
+    # @pytest.mark.snapshot_needed
+    # @pytest.mark.fail_snapshot
+    def test_tcp_install_default(self, underlay, tcp_actions, steps, show_step):
         """Test for deploying an tcp environment and check it
-            1. Show TCP config
+            1. Run 'linux' formula on cfg01
+            2. Run 'openssh' formula on cfg01
+            3. *Workaround* of the bug
+            4. Run 'salt' formula on cfg01
+            5. Generate inventory for all the nodes to the /srv/salt/reclass/nodes/_generated
+            6. Refresh pillars on all minions
+            7. Configure ntp on controllers
+            8. Configure linux, openssh and salt.minion on controllers
+            9. Install keepalived on primary controller
+            10. Show VIP on primary controller
+            11. Install keepalived on other controllers
+            12. Install glusterfs on all controllers
+            13. Setup glusterfs on primary controller
+            14. Show glusterfs peer status
+            15. Show glusterfs volume status
+            16. Install RabbitMQ on all controllers
+            17. Install Galera on primary controller
+            18. Install Galera on other controllers
+            19. Check Galera addresses
+            20. Install haproxy on all controllers
+            21. Check haproxy on all controllers with Galera port
+            22. Install memcached and keystone on ctl01
+            23. Install memcached and keystone on ctl02
+            24. Install memcached and keystone on ctl03
+            25. Check keystone user-list
+            26. Check keystone tenant-list
+            27. Check keystone endpoint-list
+            28. Install glance on controllers
+            29. Install glusterfs on controllers
+            30. Check that glusterfs was added on controllers
+            31. *Workaround* Re-run keystone formula on ctl01 to create fernet keys
+            32. Check glance on ctl01
+            33. Check keystone fernet keys on controllers
+            34. Install cinder on controllers
+            35. Install nova on controllers
+            36. Check cinder status
+            37. Check nova services status
+            38. Check nova status
+            39. Install neutron on controllers
+            40. Create a neutron subnet
+            41. Install contrail database on controllers
+            42. Check cassandra status on ctl01
-        show_step(1)
-        tcp_actions.show_tcp_config()
+        for step in sorted(steps):
+  "     #######################################################################")
+            show_step(int(step))
+            with underlay.remote(node_name=steps[step]['node_name']) as remote:
+                for x in range(steps[step]['retry']['count']):
+                    result = remote.execute(steps[step]['cmd'], verbose=True)
+                    if result.exit_code != 0:
+                        sleep(steps[step]['retry']['delay'])
+              " ========================= retry...")
+                    else:
+                        break