[virtlet] Refactor virtlet part
- Remove virtlet roles
- Remove virtlet fixtures due virtlet officially installed as
addon if option is enabled
- Move virtlet core test functions under k8smanager.py
- Add show_step into virtlet tests
- Add checks that virtlet is enabled to the beginning of tests
Change-Id: Ibfb499b29727b367afafc68fa13199db13bcccdf
diff --git a/tcp_tests/managers/k8smanager.py b/tcp_tests/managers/k8smanager.py
index 87e3eaf..12dd2dc 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/managers/k8smanager.py
+++ b/tcp_tests/managers/k8smanager.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
# under the License.
import time
+from uuid import uuid4
import yaml
@@ -399,3 +400,98 @@
node_name=self.ctl_host) as remote:
remote.check_call("nslookup {0} {1}".format(host, src))
+# ---------------------------- Virtlet methods -------------------------------
+ def install_jq(self):
+ """Install JQuery on node. Required for changing yamls on the fly.
+ :return:
+ """
+ cmd = "apt install jq -y"
+ return self.__underlay.check_call(cmd, node_name=self.ctl_host)
+ def git_clone(self, project, target):
+ cmd = "git clone {0} {1}".format(project, target)
+ return self.__underlay.check_call(cmd, node_name=self.ctl_host)
+ def run_vm(self, name=None, yaml_path='~/virtlet/examples/cirros-vm.yaml'):
+ if not name:
+ name = 'virtlet-vm-{}'.format(uuid4())
+ cmd = (
+ "kubectl convert -f {0} --local "
+ "-o json | jq '.metadata.name|=\"{1}\"' | kubectl create -f -")
+ self.__underlay.check_call(cmd.format(yaml_path, name),
+ node_name=self.ctl_host)
+ return name
+ def get_vm_info(self, name, jsonpath="{.status.phase}", expected=None):
+ cmd = "kubectl get po {} -n default".format(name)
+ if jsonpath:
+ cmd += " -o jsonpath={}".format(jsonpath)
+ return self.__underlay.check_call(
+ cmd, node_name=self.ctl_host, expected=expected)
+ def wait_active_state(self, name, timeout=180):
+ helpers.wait(
+ lambda: self.get_vm_info(name)['stdout'][0] == 'Running',
+ timeout=timeout,
+ timeout_msg="VM {} didn't Running state in {} sec. "
+ "Current state: ".format(
+ name, timeout, self.get_vm_info(name)['stdout'][0]))
+ def delete_vm(self, name, timeout=180):
+ cmd = "kubectl delete po -n default {}".format(name)
+ self.__underlay.check_call(cmd, node_name=self.ctl_host)
+ helpers.wait(
+ lambda:
+ "Error from server (NotFound):" in
+ " ".join(self.get_vm_info(name, expected=[0, 1])['stderr']),
+ timeout=timeout,
+ timeout_msg="VM {} didn't Running state in {} sec. "
+ "Current state: ".format(
+ name, timeout, self.get_vm_info(name)['stdout'][0]))
+ def adjust_cirros_resources(
+ self, cpu=2, memory='256',
+ target_yaml='virtlet/examples/cirros-vm-exp.yaml'):
+ # We will need to change params in case of example change
+ cmd = ("cd ~/virtlet/examples && "
+ "cp cirros-vm.yaml {2} && "
+ "sed -r 's/^(\s*)(VirtletVCPUCount\s*:\s*\"1\"\s*$)/ "
+ "\1VirtletVCPUCount: \"{0}\"/' {2} && "
+ "sed -r 's/^(\s*)(memory\s*:\s*128Mi\s*$)/\1memory: "
+ "{1}Mi/' {2}".format(cpu, memory, target_yaml))
+ self.__underlay.check_call(cmd, node_name=self.ctl_host)
+ def get_domain_name(self, vm_name):
+ cmd = ("~/virtlet/examples/virsh.sh list --name | "
+ "grep -i {0} ".format(vm_name))
+ result = self.__underlay.check_call(cmd, node_name=self.ctl_host)
+ return result['stdout'].strip()
+ def get_vm_cpu_count(self, domain_name):
+ cmd = ("~/virtlet/examples/virsh.sh dumpxml {0} | "
+ "grep 'cpu' | grep -o '[[:digit:]]*'".format(domain_name))
+ result = self.__underlay.check_call(cmd, node_name=self.ctl_host)
+ return int(result['stdout'].strip())
+ def get_vm_memory_count(self, domain_name):
+ cmd = ("~/virtlet/examples/virsh.sh dumpxml {0} | "
+ "grep 'memory unit' | "
+ "grep -o '[[:digit:]]*'".format(domain_name))
+ result = self.__underlay.check_call(cmd, node_name=self.ctl_host)
+ return int(result['stdout'].strip())
+ def get_domain_id(self, domain_name):
+ cmd = ("virsh dumpxml {} | grep id=\' | "
+ "grep -o [[:digit:]]*".format(domain_name))
+ result = self.__underlay.check_call(cmd, node_name=self.ctl_host)
+ return int(result['stdout'].strip())
+ def list_vm_volumes(self, domain_name):
+ domain_id = self.get_domain_id(domain_name)
+ cmd = ("~/virtlet/examples/virsh.sh domblklist {} | "
+ "tail -n +3 | awk {{'print $2'}}".format(domain_id))
+ result = self.__underlay.check_call(cmd, node_name=self.ctl_host)
+ return result['stdout'].strip()
\ No newline at end of file