Merge "Add cassandra backup test"
diff --git a/tcp_tests/managers/ b/tcp_tests/managers/
index 096e468..8448169 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/managers/
+++ b/tcp_tests/managers/
@@ -131,3 +131,21 @@
+    def delete_key(self, key, short_path):
+        """
+        Remove key from the provided file
+        :param value: string, parameter which will be deleted
+        :param short_path: string,, path to reclass yaml file.
+            It takes into account default path where the reclass locates.
+            May look like cluster/*/cicd/control/leader.yml
+        :return: None
+        """
+        self.ssh.check_call(
+            "{reclass_tools} del-key {key} \
+            /srv/salt/reclass/classes/{path}".format(
+                reclass_tools=self.reclass_tools_cmd,
+                key=key,
+                path=short_path
+            ))
diff --git a/tcp_tests/tests/system/ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ce692b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+#    Copyright 2019 Mirantis, Inc.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import pytest
+import time
+from tcp_tests import logger
+from tcp_tests import settings
+LOG = logger.logger
+class TestBackupRestoreCassandra(object):
+    def get_cfg_fqn(self, salt):
+        salt_master = salt.local("I@salt:master", "network.get_fqdn")
+        return salt_master['return'][0].keys()[0]
+    def update_grains_and_mine(self, salt):
+        salt.run_state("I@cassandra:backup:client", "saltutil.sync_grains")
+        salt.run_state("I@cassandra:backup:client", "saltutil.mine.flush")
+        salt.run_state("I@cassandra:backup:client", "saltutil.mine.update")
+    def create_network(self, underlay_actions, network_name, cfg_node):
+        underlay_actions.check_call(
+            "source /root/keystonercv3 && " +
+            "openstack network create {}".format(network_name),
+            node_name=cfg_node,
+            raise_on_err=False)
+'Network {} created before backup'.format(network_name))
+    def is_network_restored(self, underlay_actions, network_name, cfg_node):
+        get_net_by_name = underlay_actions.check_call(
+            "source /root/keystonercv3 && " +
+            "openstack network list --name {}".format(network_name),
+            node_name=cfg_node,
+            raise_on_err=False)["stdout"]
+        return get_net_by_name != ['\n']
+    @pytest.fixture()
+    def handle_restore_params(self, reclass_actions):
+        reclass_actions.add_key(
+            "parameters.cassandra.backup.client.restore_latest",
+            "1",
+            "cluster/*/infra/backup/client_cassandra.yml")
+        reclass_actions.add_bool_key(
+            "parameters.cassandra.backup.client.enabled",
+            "True",
+            "cluster/*/infra/backup/client_cassandra.yml")
+        reclass_actions.add_key(
+            "parameters.cassandra.backup.client.restore_from",
+            "remote",
+            "cluster/*/infra/backup/client_cassandra.yml")
+        yield
+        reclass_actions.delete_key(
+            "parameters.cassandra.backup.client.restore_latest",
+            "cluster/*/infra/backup/client_cassandra.yml")
+        reclass_actions.delete_key(
+            "parameters.cassandra.backup.client.enabled",
+            "cluster/*/infra/backup/client_cassandra.yml")
+        reclass_actions.delete_key(
+            "parameters.cassandra.backup.client.restore_from",
+            "cluster/*/infra/backup/client_cassandra.yml")
+    @pytest.fixture()
+    def create_instant_backup(self):
+        def create(salt):
+            salt.run_state("*", "saltutil.refresh_pillar")
+            salt.run_state(
+                "I@cassandra:backup:client or I@cassandra:backup:server",
+                "state.sls salt.minion")
+            self.update_grains_and_mine(salt)
+            salt.run_state("I@cassandra:backup:server",
+                           "state.apply linux.system")
+            salt.run_state("I@cassandra:backup:client",
+                           "state.sls openssh.client,cassandra.backup")
+            salt.run_state("cfg01*", "state.sls reclass")
+            backup = salt.run_state(
+                "I@cassandra:backup:client",
+                "",
+                "bash /usr/local/bin/")
+        return create
+    @pytest.mark.grab_versions
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("_", [settings.ENV_NAME])
+    @pytest.mark.run_mcp_update
+    def test_backup_creation(self, salt_actions, show_step,
+                             create_instant_backup, _):
+        """ Backup Cassandra Database
+        Scenario:
+            1. Enable Cassandra backup. Refresh pillars on all the nodes
+               (default parameters for backup)
+               Apply the salt.minion state
+               Refresh grains and mine for the cassandra client node
+               Add a Cassandra user
+               Apply required states
+               Sync reclass state
+               Create an instant backup
+            2. Verify that a complete backup has been created
+        """
+        salt = salt_actions
+        show_step(1)
+        create_instant_backup(salt)
+        show_step(2)
+        backup_on_client_node = salt.run_state(
+            "I@cassandra:backup:client",
+            "",
+            "ls /var/backups/cassandra/full")
+        assert len(backup_on_client_node[0]['return'][0].values()) > 0, \
+            "Backup is not created on Cassandra client node"
+        backup_on_server_node = salt.run_state(
+            "I@cassandra:backup:server",
+            "",
+            "ls /srv/volumes/backup/cassandra/full")
+        assert len(backup_on_server_node[0]['return'][0].values()) > 0, \
+            "Backup is not created on Cassandra server node"
+    @pytest.mark.grab_versions
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("_", [settings.ENV_NAME])
+    @pytest.mark.run_mcp_update
+    def test_restore_automatic(self, salt_actions, reclass_actions,
+                               drivetrain_actions,
+                               show_step, underlay_actions,
+                               handle_restore_params, create_instant_backup, _
+                               ):
+        """ Restore Cassandra Database using Jenkins job
+        Scenario:
+            0. Prepare restore parameters
+            1. Create network to be backuped
+            2. Create an instant backup
+            3. Restore from the backup. Add job class for restore Cassandra
+            4. Restore from the backup. Run Jenkins job
+        """
+        salt = salt_actions
+        reclass = reclass_actions
+        dt = drivetrain_actions
+        cfg_node = self.get_cfg_fqn(salt)
+        fixture_network_name = "test1"
+        jenkins_start_timeout = 60
+        jenkins_build_timeout = 1800
+        show_step(1)
+        self.create_network(underlay_actions, fixture_network_name, cfg_node)
+        show_step(2)
+        create_instant_backup(salt)
+        show_step(3)
+        reclass.add_class(
+            "system.jenkins.client.job.deploy.update.restore_cassandra",
+            "cluster/*/cicd/control/leader.yml")
+        salt.run_state("I@jenkins:client", "jenkins.client")
+        show_step(4)
+        job_name = "deploy-cassandra-db-restore"
+        run_cassandra_restore = dt.start_job_on_cid_jenkins(
+            start_timeout=jenkins_start_timeout,
+            build_timeout=jenkins_build_timeout,
+            job_name=job_name)
+        assert run_cassandra_restore == "SUCCESS"
+        network_presented = self.is_network_restored(
+            underlay_actions,
+            fixture_network_name,
+            cfg_node)
+        assert network_presented, \
+            'Network {} is not restored'.format(fixture_network_name)
+    @pytest.mark.grab_versions
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("_", [settings.ENV_NAME])
+    @pytest.mark.run_mcp_update
+    def test_backup_restore_manual(self, salt_actions,
+                                   show_step,
+                                   underlay_actions, create_instant_backup,
+                                   handle_restore_params, _,):
+        """ Restore Cassandra Database
+        Scenario:
+            0. Prepare restore parameters
+            1. Create network to be backuped
+            2. Create an instant backup
+            3. Restore from the backup. Stop the supervisor-database service
+                on the OpenContrail control nodes
+            4. Restore: Remove the Cassandra files on control nodes
+            5. Restore: Start the supervisor-database service on the
+                Cassandra client backup node
+            6. Restore: Apply the cassandra state
+            7. Restore: Reboot the Cassandra backup client role node
+            8. Restore: Reboot the other OpenContrail control nodes
+            9. Restore: Restart the supervisor-database service
+            10. Restore: verify that OpenContrail is in correct state
+        """
+        salt = salt_actions
+        fixture_network_name = "backuptest2"
+        cfg_node = self.get_cfg_fqn(salt)
+        show_step(1)
+        self.create_network(underlay_actions, fixture_network_name, cfg_node)
+        show_step(2)
+        create_instant_backup(salt)
+        show_step(3)
+        salt.run_state("I@opencontrail:control",
+                       "",
+                       "doctrail controller systemctl stop contrail-database")
+        show_step(4)
+        salt.run_state("I@opencontrail:control",
+                       "",
+                       "rm -rf /var/lib/configdb/*")
+        show_step(5)
+        salt.run_state("I@opencontrail:control",
+                       "",
+                       "doctrail controller systemctl start contrail-database")
+        show_step(6)
+        salt.run_state("I@cassandra:backup:client",
+                       "",
+                       "/var/backups/cassandra/dbrestored")
+        salt.run_state("I@cassandra:backup:client", "state.sls", "cassandra")
+        show_step(7)
+        salt.run_state("I@cassandra:backup:client", "system.reboot")
+        show_step(8)
+        salt.run_state(
+            "I@opencontrail:control and not I@cassandra:backup:client",
+            "system.reboot")
+        show_step(9)
+        time.sleep(60)
+        salt.run_state(
+            "I@opencontrail:control",
+            "",
+            "doctrail controller systemctl restart contrail-database")
+        show_step(10)
+        time.sleep(80)
+        network_presented = self.is_network_restored(
+            underlay_actions,
+            fixture_network_name,
+            cfg_node)
+        assert network_presented, \
+            'Network {} is not restored'.format(fixture_network_name)
+        statuses_ok = True
+        failures = ''
+        statuses = salt.run_state(
+            "I@opencontrail:control",
+            "",
+            "doctrail controller contrail-status")
+        for node_name, statuses_output in statuses[0]["return"][0].iteritems():
+            for status_line in statuses_output.splitlines():
+                if not status_line.startswith("==") and status_line != '':
+                    service, status = status_line.split(':')
+                    status = status.strip()
+                    if status not in ["active", "backup"]:
+                        statuses_ok = False
+                        failures += "On node {} service {} has "\
+                                    "unexpected status after restore:" \
+                                    " {} \n".format(node_name,
+                                                    service.strip(),
+                                                    status)
+        assert statuses_ok, failures