Add new k8s genie-cni calico+flannel test

Change-Id: I9441cf3224358d272abe7d647d7209463f7cae0c
Related-PROD: PROD-21550
diff --git a/tcp_tests/managers/ b/tcp_tests/managers/
index ff81501..9b5588d 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/managers/
+++ b/tcp_tests/managers/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 import os
 import time
 from uuid import uuid4
+import six
 import requests
 import yaml
@@ -86,11 +86,13 @@
         return self._api_client
+    def ctl_hosts(self):
+        return [node for node in self.__config.underlay.ssh if
+                ext.UNDERLAY_NODE_ROLES.k8s_controller in node['roles']]
     def ctl_host(self):
-        nodes = [node for node in self.__config.underlay.ssh if
-                 ext.UNDERLAY_NODE_ROLES.k8s_controller in node['roles']]
-        return nodes[0]['node_name']
+        return self.ctl_hosts()[0]['node_name']
     def get_pod_phase(self, pod_name, namespace=None):
         return self.api.pods.get(
@@ -149,6 +151,8 @@
         :rtype: V1Pod
         """"Creating pod in k8s cluster")
+        if isinstance(body, six.string_types):
+            body = yaml.load(body)
             "POD spec to create:\n{}".format(
                 yaml.dump(body, default_flow_style=False))
@@ -156,7 +160,7 @@
         LOG.debug("Timeout for creation is set to {}".format(timeout))
         LOG.debug("Checking interval is set to {}".format(interval))
         pod = self.api.pods.create(body=body, namespace=namespace)
-        pod.wait_running(timeout=300, interval=5)
+        pod.wait_running(timeout=timeout, interval=interval)"Pod '{0}' is created in '{1}' namespace".format(
   , pod.namespace))
         return self.api.pods.get(, namespace=pod.namespace)
@@ -394,9 +398,8 @@
     @retry(300, exception=DevopsCalledProcessError)
     def nslookup(self, host, src):
-        with self.__underlay.remote(
-                node_name=self.ctl_host) as remote:
-            remote.check_call("nslookup {0} {1}".format(host, src))
+        self.__underlay.check_call(
+            "nslookup {0} {1}".format(host, src), node_name=self.ctl_host)
     @retry(300, exception=DevopsCalledProcessError)
     def curl(self, url):
@@ -406,8 +409,10 @@
         :param url: url to curl
         :return: response string
-        with self.__underlay.remote(node_name=self.ctl_host) as r:
-            return r.check_call("curl -s -S \"{}\"".format(url))['stdout']
+        result = self.__underlay.check_call(
+            "curl -s -S \"{}\"".format(url), node_name=self.ctl_host)
+        LOG.debug("curl \"{0}\" result: {1}".format(url, result['stdout']))
+        return result['stdout']
 # ---------------------------- Virtlet methods -------------------------------
     def install_jq(self):
@@ -709,11 +714,32 @@
         ctl_vip_pillar = self._salt.get_pillar(
-        return [vip for minion_id, vip in ctl_vip_pillar.items()][0]
+        return ctl_vip_pillar.values()[0]
     def get_sample_deployment(self, name, **kwargs):
         return K8SSampleDeployment(self, name, **kwargs)
+    def is_pod_exists_with_prefix(self, prefix, namespace, phase='Running'):
+        for pod in self.api.pods.list(namespace=namespace):
+            if and pod.phase == phase:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def get_pod_ips_from_container(self, pod_name, exclude_local=True):
+        """ Not all containers have 'ip' binary on-board """
+        cmd = "kubectl exec {0} ip a|grep \"inet \"|awk '{{print $2}}'".format(
+            pod_name)
+        result = self.__underlay.check_call(cmd, node_name=self.ctl_host)
+        ips = [line.strip().split('/')[0] for line in result['stdout']]
+        if exclude_local:
+            ips = [ip for ip in ips if not ip.startswith("127.")]
+        return ips
+    def create_pod_from_file(self, path, namespace=None):
+        with open(path) as f:
+            data =
+        return self.check_pod_create(data, namespace=namespace)
 class K8SSampleDeployment:
     def __init__(self, manager, name, replicas=2,
diff --git a/tcp_tests/tests/system/ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/
index 1d28a5f..c0f1b94 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/tests/system/
+++ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 #    under the License.
 import pytest
+import netaddr
+import os
 from tcp_tests import logger
 from tcp_tests import settings
@@ -140,16 +142,9 @@
             pytest.skip("Test requires metallb addon enabled")
-        pods = k8s_deployed.api.pods.list(namespace="metallb-system")
-        def is_pod_exists_with_prefix(prefix):
-            for pod in pods:
-                if and pod.phase == 'Running':
-                    return True
-            return False
-        assert is_pod_exists_with_prefix("controller")
-        assert is_pod_exists_with_prefix("speaker")
+        ns = "metallb-system"
+        assert k8s_deployed.is_pod_exists_with_prefix("controller", ns)
+        assert k8s_deployed.is_pod_exists_with_prefix("speaker", ns)
         samples = []
@@ -175,3 +170,111 @@
         for sample in samples:
             assert sample.is_service_available(external=True)
+    @pytest.mark.grap_versions
+    @pytest.mark.fail_snapshot
+    def test_k8s_genie_flannel(self, show_step, underlay, salt_deployed,
+                               k8s_deployed, k8s_copy_sample_testdata):
+        """Test genie-cni+flannel cni setup
+        Scenario:
+            1. Setup Kubernetes cluster with genie cni and flannel
+            2. Check that flannel pods created in kube-system namespace
+            3. Create sample deployment with flannel cni annotation
+            4. Check that the deployment have 1 ip addresses from cni provider
+            5. Create sample deployment with calico cni annotation
+            6. Check that the deployment have 1 ip addresses from cni provider
+            7. Create sample deployment with multi-cni annotation
+            8. Check that the deployment have 2 ip addresses from different
+            cni providers
+            9. Create sample deployment without cni annotation
+            10. Check that the deployment have 1 ip address
+            11. Check pods availability
+            12. Run conformance
+            13. Check pods availability
+        """
+        show_step(1)
+        # Find out calico and flannel networks
+        tgt_k8s_control = "I@kubernetes:control:enabled:True"
+        flannel_pillar = salt_deployed.get_pillar(
+            tgt=tgt_k8s_control,
+            pillar="kubernetes:master:network:flannel:private_ip_range")[0]
+        flannel_network = netaddr.IPNetwork(flannel_pillar.values()[0])
+"Flannel network: {}".format(flannel_network))
+        calico_network_pillar = salt_deployed.get_pillar(
+            tgt=tgt_k8s_control, pillar="_param:calico_private_network")[0]
+        calico_netmask_pillar = salt_deployed.get_pillar(
+            tgt=tgt_k8s_control, pillar="_param:calico_private_netmask")[0]
+        calico_network = netaddr.IPNetwork(
+            "{0}/{1}".format(calico_network_pillar.values()[0],
+                             calico_netmask_pillar.values()[0]))
+"Calico network: {}".format(calico_network))
+        show_step(2)
+        assert k8s_deployed.is_pod_exists_with_prefix("kube-flannel-",
+                                                      "kube-system")
+        data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testdata/k8s')
+        show_step(3)
+        flannel_pod = k8s_deployed.create_pod_from_file(
+            os.path.join(data_dir, 'pod-sample-flannel.yaml'))
+        show_step(4)
+        flannel_ips = k8s_deployed.get_pod_ips_from_container(
+        assert len(flannel_ips) == 1
+        assert netaddr.IPAddress(flannel_ips[0]) in flannel_network
+        show_step(5)
+        calico_pod = k8s_deployed.create_pod_from_file(
+            os.path.join(data_dir, 'pod-sample-calico.yaml'))
+        show_step(6)
+        calico_ips = k8s_deployed.get_pod_ips_from_container(
+        assert len(calico_ips) == 1
+        assert netaddr.IPAddress(calico_ips[0]) in calico_network
+        show_step(7)
+        multicni_pod = k8s_deployed.create_pod_from_file(
+            os.path.join(data_dir, 'pod-sample-multicni.yaml'))
+        show_step(8)
+        multicni_ips = \
+            k8s_deployed.get_pod_ips_from_container(
+        assert len(multicni_ips) == 2
+        for net in [calico_network, flannel_network]:
+            assert netaddr.IPAddress(multicni_ips[0]) in net or \
+                   netaddr.IPAddress(multicni_ips[1]) in net
+        show_step(9)
+        nocni_pod = k8s_deployed.create_pod_from_file(
+            os.path.join(data_dir, 'pod-sample.yaml'))
+        show_step(10)
+        nocni_ips = k8s_deployed.get_pod_ips_from_container(
+        assert len(nocni_ips) == 1
+        assert (netaddr.IPAddress(nocni_ips[0]) in calico_network or
+                netaddr.IPAddress(nocni_ips[0]) in flannel_network)
+        show_step(11)
+        def check_pod_availability(ip):
+            assert "Hello Kubernetes!" in k8s_deployed.curl(
+                "http://{}:8080".format(ip))
+        def check_pods_availability():
+            check_pod_availability(flannel_ips[0])
+            check_pod_availability(calico_ips[0])
+            check_pod_availability(multicni_ips[0])
+            check_pod_availability(multicni_ips[1])
+            check_pod_availability(nocni_ips[0])
+        check_pods_availability()
+        show_step(12)
+        k8s_deployed.run_conformance()
+        show_step(13)
+        check_pods_availability()
diff --git a/tcp_tests/tests/system/testdata/k8s/pod-sample-calico.yaml b/tcp_tests/tests/system/testdata/k8s/pod-sample-calico.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b5cbf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/testdata/k8s/pod-sample-calico.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Pod
+  name: pod-sample-calico
+  annotations:
+    cni: "calico"
+  containers:
+    - name: pod-sample-calico-container
+      image:
+      ports:
+        - containerPort: 8080
diff --git a/tcp_tests/tests/system/testdata/k8s/pod-sample-flannel.yaml b/tcp_tests/tests/system/testdata/k8s/pod-sample-flannel.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2618fc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/testdata/k8s/pod-sample-flannel.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Pod
+  name: pod-sample-flannel
+  annotations:
+    cni: "flannel"
+  containers:
+    - name: pod-sample-flannel-container
+      image:
+      ports:
+        - containerPort: 8080
diff --git a/tcp_tests/tests/system/testdata/k8s/pod-sample-multicni.yaml b/tcp_tests/tests/system/testdata/k8s/pod-sample-multicni.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c80203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/testdata/k8s/pod-sample-multicni.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Pod
+  name: pod-sample-multicni
+  annotations:
+    cni: "calico,flannel"
+  containers:
+    - name: pod-sample-multicni-container
+      image:
+      ports:
+        - containerPort: 8080
diff --git a/tcp_tests/tests/system/testdata/k8s/pod-sample.yaml b/tcp_tests/tests/system/testdata/k8s/pod-sample.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3853461
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/testdata/k8s/pod-sample.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Pod
+  name: pod-sample
+  containers:
+    - name: pod-sample-container
+      image:
+      ports:
+        - containerPort: 8080