Add swarm-run-pytest job to JJB

Remove obsolete parameters


Change-Id: I976d72b8968d4f25f36946ba88d80c836762e597
diff --git a/jobs/pipelines/swarm-run-pytest.groovy b/jobs/pipelines/swarm-run-pytest.groovy
index 8ef7122..1ebee5a 100644
--- a/jobs/pipelines/swarm-run-pytest.groovy
+++ b/jobs/pipelines/swarm-run-pytest.groovy
@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@
  *   PARENT_WORKSPACE              Path to the workspace of the parent job to use tcp-qa repo
  *   TCP_QA_REFS                   Reference to the tcp-qa change on Gerrit, like refs/changes/46/418546/41
  *   SHUTDOWN_ENV_ON_TEARDOWN      optional, shutdown fuel-devops environment at the end of the job
- *   LAB_CONFIG_NAME               Not used (backward compatibility, for manual deployment steps only)
- *   REPOSITORY_SUITE              Not used (backward compatibility, for manual deployment steps only)
- *   MCP_IMAGE_PATH1604            Not used (backward compatibility, for manual deployment steps only)
- *   IMAGE_PATH_CFG01_DAY01        Not used (backward compatibility, for manual deployment steps only)
  *   TEMPEST_IMAGE_VERSION         Tempest image version: pike by default, can be queens.
  *   TEMPEST_TARGET                Node where tempest will be run
  *   MAKE_SNAPSHOT_STAGES          optional, use " snapshot" to snapshot stages
diff --git a/jobs/project.yaml b/jobs/project.yaml
index 83ce236..1250a84 100644
--- a/jobs/project.yaml
+++ b/jobs/project.yaml
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
       - download-config-drive
       - swarm-deploy-cicd
       - swarm-deploy-platform
+      - swarm-run-pytest
       # - generate-report - can't moved to JJB, a lot of parameters is not supported like Inject environment variables
       # - mark-reports - can't moved to JJB, a lot of parameters is not supported like Inject environment variables
       - cookied-cicd-queens-dvr-sl-heat
diff --git a/jobs/templates/swarm-run-pytest.yml b/jobs/templates/swarm-run-pytest.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eced52e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jobs/templates/swarm-run-pytest.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+- job-template:
+    project-type: pipeline
+    description: '{job-description}'
+    concurrent: true
+    disabled: false
+    name: swarm-run-pytest
+    parameters:
+    - string:
+        default: ''
+        description: 'Required: Fuel-devops environment name'
+        name: ENV_NAME
+        trim: 'false'
+    - string:
+        default: ''
+        description: 'Example: refs/changes/89/411189/36
+                       (for now - only one reference allowed)'
+        name: TCP_QA_REFS
+        trim: 'false'
+    - string:
+        default: ''
+        description: 'Required: Name of the jenkins slave to create the environment
+                      To be set by the parent deployment job.'
+        name: PARENT_NODE_NAME
+        trim: 'false'
+    - string:
+        default: ''
+        description: 'Completed steps to install components on the environment.
+                      If tests require some additional components, it may be installed in
+                      appropriate fixtures, so set the PASSED_STEPS correctly for the
+                      testing environment.'
+        name: PASSED_STEPS
+        trim: 'false'
+    - string:
+        default: ''
+        description: 'Required: Workspace on the jenkins slave to reuse for the job
+                      To be set by the parent deployment job.'
+        name: PARENT_WORKSPACE
+        trim: 'false'
+    - bool:
+        default: false
+        description: 'Shutdown the fuel-devops environment at the end of the job'
+        trim: 'false'
+    - bool:
+        default: false
+        description: 'Use " snapshot" to snapshot stages of deploy if ENV_MANAGER is devops'
+    - text:
+        default: ''
+        description: |-
+          Pytest option -k or -m, with expression to select necessary tests.
+          Additional pytest options are allowed.
+        name: RUN_TEST_OPTS
+        trim: 'false'
+    - string:
+        default: pike
+        description: ''
+        trim: 'false'
+    - string:
+        default: ''
+        description: ''
+        name: TEMPEST_TARGET
+        trim: 'false'
+    pipeline-scm:
+      lightweight-checkout: false
+      scm:
+      - git:
+          branches:
+          - FETCH_HEAD
+          refspec: ${{TCP_QA_REFS}}
+          url:
+      script-path: jobs/pipelines/swarm-run-pytest.groovy
diff --git a/src/com/mirantis/system_qa/SharedPipeline.groovy b/src/com/mirantis/system_qa/SharedPipeline.groovy
index c06e9a4..e25a1f0 100644
--- a/src/com/mirantis/system_qa/SharedPipeline.groovy
+++ b/src/com/mirantis/system_qa/SharedPipeline.groovy
@@ -386,14 +386,8 @@
                 string(name: 'PARENT_WORKSPACE', value: pwd()),
                 string(name: 'TCP_QA_REFS', value: "${tcp_qa_refs}"),
                 booleanParam(name: 'SHUTDOWN_ENV_ON_TEARDOWN', value: false),
-                string(name: 'LAB_CONFIG_NAME', value: "${LAB_CONFIG_NAME}"),
-                string(name: 'REPOSITORY_SUITE', value: "${MCP_VERSION}"),
-                string(name: 'MCP_IMAGE_PATH1604', value: "${MCP_IMAGE_PATH1604}"),
-                string(name: 'IMAGE_PATH_CFG01_DAY01', value: "${IMAGE_PATH_CFG01_DAY01}"),
                 string(name: 'TEMPEST_IMAGE_VERSION', value: "${tempest_image_version}"),
                 string(name: 'TEMPEST_TARGET', value: "${tempest_target}"),
-                string(name: 'TEMPEST_PATTERN', value: "${tempest_pattern}"),
-                string(name: 'TEMPEST_EXTRA_ARGS', value: "${tempest_extra_args}"),
                 booleanParam(name: 'MAKE_SNAPSHOT_STAGES', value: make_snapshot_stages),
         common.printMsg("Start building job 'swarm-run-pytest' with parameters:", "purple")