Testcases for services failover
- keepalived restart # 4756965
- keepalived stop # 3385682
- RallyManager refactored to use updated rally container with tempest
- Added 'rally.create_rally_task' and 'rally.run_task' methods to
generate load on the OpenStack cluster with the specified task config
- new mark for test cases that configure 'rally' fixture:
- a new method common_services_deployed.check_keepalived_pillar()
to check the keepalived pillar settings consistency
- a new fixture 'func_name' returns the current test function name
- a new method 'underlay.get_target_node_names(target='ctl')' to get
a list of all nodes which name starts with the specified target string
- a new method underlay.delayed_call() which can postpone the specified
shell command to run in several minutes later in the background
on the specified node
- fixture 'grab_versions' now works also for failed tests
Change-Id: Icede63163ae0b3569e8463563cb548e2d314899d
diff --git a/tcp_tests/tests/system/conftest.py b/tcp_tests/tests/system/conftest.py
index a4a72a2..ec3846d 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/tests/system/conftest.py
+++ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/conftest.py
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
+ 'func_name',
# config_fixtures
# underlay_fixtures
diff --git a/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_failover_openstack_services.py b/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_failover_openstack_services.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87159d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_failover_openstack_services.py
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Mirantis, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import pytest
+from tcp_tests import logger
+LOG = logger.logger
+def rally_load_task(times=10, concurrency=2):
+ return """{{
+ "NovaServers.boot_and_delete_server": [
+ {{
+ "args": {{
+ "flavor": {{
+ "name": "m1.tiny"
+ }},
+ "image": {{
+ "name": "^cirros.*-disk$"
+ }},
+ "auto_assign_nic": true
+ }},
+ "runner": {{
+ "type": "constant",
+ "times": {times},
+ "concurrency": {concurrency}
+ }},
+ "context": {{
+ "users": {{
+ "tenants": 3,
+ "users_per_tenant": 2
+ }},
+ "network": {{
+ "start_cidr": "",
+ "networks_per_tenant": 2
+ }}
+ }}
+ }}
+ ]
+ }}""".format(times=times, concurrency=concurrency)
+class TestFailoverOpenStackServices(object):
+ """Test class for testing MCP services failover"""
+ def show_failed_msg(self, failed):
+ return "There are failed tempest tests:\n\n {0}".format(
+ '\n\n '.join([(name + ': ' + detail)
+ for name, detail in failed.items()]))
+ @pytest.mark.grab_versions
+ @pytest.mark.fail_snapshot
+ @pytest.mark.with_rally(rally_node="gtw01.", prepare_openstack=True)
+ def test_restart_keepalived(self, func_name, underlay, config,
+ openstack_deployed, common_services_actions,
+ salt_actions, openstack_actions,
+ rally, show_step):
+ """Test restart keepalived on ctl* nodes
+ Scenario:
+ 1. Set keepalived to restart on ctl* nodes in few minutes
+ 2. Run rally task to generate load (some tasks should fail
+ because of step 2)
+ 3. Check that keepalived was restarted on ctl* nodes
+ 4. Run tempest smoke after failover
+ 5. Check tempest report for failed tests
+ Requiremets:
+ - Salt cluster
+ - OpenStack cluster
+ """
+ # TR case #4756965
+ common_services_actions.check_keepalived_pillar()
+ salt = salt_actions
+ ctl_node_names = underlay.get_target_node_names(
+ target='ctl')
+ # Get the ps output with datetime of the process
+ ps_before = {
+ node_name: underlay.check_call(
+ "ps -eo lstart,cmd|grep [^]]keepalived",
+ node_name=node_name)['stdout_str']
+ for node_name in ctl_node_names
+ }
+ # STEP #1
+ show_step(1)
+ underlay.delayed_call(
+ "salt 'ctl*' service.restart keepalived",
+ host=config.salt.salt_master_host,
+ delay_min=2,
+ delay_max=3)
+ # STEP #2
+ show_step(2)
+ # Create a task file in the directory that will be mounted to rally
+ rally.create_rally_task('/root/rally/rally_load_task.json',
+ rally_load_task(times=60, concurrency=6))
+ # Run rally task with created task file
+ rally.run_task('/home/rally/.rally/rally_load_task.json', timeout=900,
+ raise_on_timeout=False)
+ # STEP #3
+ show_step(3)
+ ret = salt.service_status("I@nova:controller:enabled:True",
+ "keepalived")
+ LOG.info(ret)
+ ps_after = {
+ node_name: underlay.check_call(
+ "ps -eo lstart,cmd|grep [^]]keepalived",
+ node_name=node_name)['stdout_str']
+ for node_name in ctl_node_names
+ }
+ for node_name, ps in ps_before.items():
+ assert ps != ps_after[node_name], "Keepalived wasn't restarted!"
+ # STEP #4
+ show_step(4)
+ results = rally.run_tempest(pattern='set=smoke',
+ report_prefix=func_name,
+ timeout=1800)
+ # Step #5
+ show_step(5)
+ assert not results['fail'], self.show_failed_msg(results['fail'])
+ LOG.info("*************** DONE **************")
+ @pytest.mark.grab_versions
+ @pytest.mark.fail_snapshot
+ @pytest.mark.with_rally(rally_node="gtw01.", prepare_openstack=True)
+ def test_stop_keepalived(self, func_name, underlay, config,
+ openstack_deployed, common_services_actions,
+ salt_actions, openstack_actions,
+ rally, show_step):
+ """Test stop keepalived on ctl node with VIP under load
+ Scenario:
+ 1. Find controller minion id with VIP
+ 2. Set keepalived to stop on the ctl node with VIP in few minutes
+ 3. Run rally task to generate load (some tasks should fail
+ because of step 2)
+ 4. Check that keepalived was stopped on the ctl node with VIP
+ 5. Run tempest smoke after failover
+ 6. Check tempest report for failed tests
+ Requiremets:
+ - Salt cluster
+ - OpenStack cluster
+ """
+ # TR case #3385682
+ common_services_actions.check_keepalived_pillar()
+ salt = salt_actions
+ ctl_node_names = underlay.get_target_node_names(
+ target='ctl')
+ # Get the ps output with datetime of the process
+ ps_before = {
+ node_name: underlay.check_call(
+ "ps -eo lstart,cmd|grep [^]]keepalived",
+ node_name=node_name)['stdout_str']
+ for node_name in ctl_node_names
+ }
+ # STEP #1
+ show_step(1)
+ ctl_vip_pillar = salt.get_pillar(
+ tgt="I@nova:controller:enabled:True",
+ pillar="_param:cluster_vip_address")[0]
+ vip = [vip for minion_id, vip in ctl_vip_pillar.items()][0]
+ minion_vip = common_services_actions.get_keepalived_vip_minion_id(vip)
+ LOG.info("VIP {0} is on {1}".format(vip, minion_vip))
+ # STEP #2
+ show_step(2)
+ underlay.delayed_call(
+ "salt '{0}' service.stop keepalived".format(minion_vip),
+ host=config.salt.salt_master_host,
+ delay_min=2,
+ delay_max=3)
+ # STEP #3
+ show_step(3)
+ # Create a task file in the directory that will be mounted to rally
+ rally.create_rally_task('/root/rally/rally_load_task.json',
+ rally_load_task(times=60, concurrency=6))
+ # Run rally task with created task file
+ rally.run_task('/home/rally/.rally/rally_load_task.json', timeout=900,
+ raise_on_timeout=False)
+ # STEP #4
+ show_step(4)
+ ret = salt.service_status("I@nova:controller:enabled:True",
+ "keepalived")
+ LOG.info(ret)
+ ps_after = {
+ node_name: underlay.check_call(
+ "ps -eo lstart,cmd|grep [^]]keepalived",
+ node_name=node_name, raise_on_err=False)['stdout_str']
+ for node_name in ctl_node_names
+ }
+ for node_name, ps in ps_before.items():
+ if node_name == minion_vip:
+ # Check that keepalived actually stopped on <minion_vip> node
+ assert not ps_after[node_name], (
+ "Keepalived was not stopped on node {0}"
+ .format(minion_vip))
+ else:
+ # Check that keepalived on other ctl nodes was not restarted
+ assert ps == ps_after[node_name], (
+ "Keepalived was restarted while it shouldn't!")
+ # STEP #5
+ show_step(5)
+ results = rally.run_tempest(pattern='set=smoke',
+ report_prefix=func_name,
+ timeout=1800)
+ # Step #6
+ show_step(6)
+ assert not results['fail'], self.show_failed_msg(results['fail'])
+ LOG.info("*************** DONE **************")