Testcases for services failover

- keepalived restart # 4756965
- keepalived stop # 3385682

- RallyManager refactored to use updated rally container with tempest
- Added 'rally.create_rally_task' and 'rally.run_task' methods to
  generate load on the OpenStack cluster with the specified task config
- new mark for test cases that configure 'rally' fixture:
- a new method common_services_deployed.check_keepalived_pillar()
  to check the keepalived pillar settings consistency
- a new fixture 'func_name' returns the current test function name
- a new method 'underlay.get_target_node_names(target='ctl')' to get
  a list of all nodes which name starts with the specified target string
- a new method underlay.delayed_call() which can postpone the specified
  shell command to run in several minutes later in the background
  on the specified node
- fixture 'grab_versions' now works also for failed tests

Change-Id: Icede63163ae0b3569e8463563cb548e2d314899d
diff --git a/tcp_tests/managers/common_services_manager.py b/tcp_tests/managers/common_services_manager.py
index 658657a..e29cdd6 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/managers/common_services_manager.py
+++ b/tcp_tests/managers/common_services_manager.py
@@ -12,7 +12,11 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+from tcp_tests.helpers import exceptions
 from tcp_tests.managers.execute_commands import ExecuteCommandsMixin
+from tcp_tests import logger
+LOG = logger.logger
 class CommonServicesManager(ExecuteCommandsMixin):
@@ -32,3 +36,162 @@
                               label='Install common services')
         self.__config.common_services.common_services_installed = True
+    def get_keepalived_vip_minion_id(self, vip):
+        """Get minion ID where keepalived VIP is at the moment"""
+        tgt = 'I@keepalived:cluster:enabled:True'
+        grains = 'ip_interfaces'
+        result = self._salt.get_grains(tgt=tgt, grains=grains)[0]
+        minion_ids = [
+            minion_id for minion_id, interfaces in result.items()
+            for interface, ips in interfaces.items()
+            for ip in ips
+            if ip == vip
+        ]
+        LOG.debug("VIP '{0}' found on minions {1}".format(vip, minion_ids))
+        if len(minion_ids) != 1:
+            raise Exception("VIP {0} is expected on a single node. Actual "
+                            "nodes with VIP: {1}".format(vip, minion_ids))
+        return minion_ids[0]
+    def get_keepalived_vips(self):
+        tgt = 'I@keepalived:cluster:enabled:True'
+        pillar = 'keepalived:cluster:instance'
+        return self._salt.get_pillar(tgt=tgt, pillar=pillar)[0]
+    def check_keepalived_pillar(self):
+        """Check the keepalived pillars for VIPs
+        Check for:
+        - the same VIP is used for the same 'virtual_router_id'
+        - the same password is used for the same 'virtual_router_id'
+        - no 'virtual_router_id' or VIP doubles in different
+          keepalived instances on the same node
+        - no 'priority' doubles inside the same 'virtual_router_id'
+          on different nodes
+        :param pillar_vips: dict {
+            <minion_id>: {
+                <keepalived instance>: {
+                    <address>: str,
+                    <password>: str,
+                    <virtual_router_id>: int,
+                    <priority>: int
+                },
+                ...
+            },
+        }
+        :return dict: {
+            <str:vip1> : {
+                'instance_name': <str>
+                'virtual_router_id': <int>,
+                'password': <str>,
+                'nodes' : {<str:node1>: <int:priority>,
+                           <str:node2>: <int:priority>,
+                           ...},
+            },
+            <str:vip2> : { ...
+            },
+        }
+        """
+        def check_single_address(vips, minion_id, instance, data):
+            for vip in vips:
+                if vips[vip]['virtual_router_id'] == data['virtual_router_id']\
+                        and (vip != data['address'] or
+                             vips[vip]['instance_name'] != instance):
+                    message = (
+                        "'virtual_router_id': {0} for keepalived instance "
+                        "{1}: {2} is already used for {3}: {4} on nodes {5}"
+                        .format(data['virtual_router_id'],
+                                instance, data['address'],
+                                vips[vip]['instance_name'],
+                                vip,
+                                vips[vip]['nodes'].keys())
+                    )
+                    raise exceptions.SaltPillarError(
+                        minion_id,
+                        'keepalived:cluster:instance',
+                        message)
+        def check_single_router_id(vips, minion_id, instance, data):
+            for vip in vips:
+                if vips[vip]['virtual_router_id'] != data['virtual_router_id']\
+                        and vip == data['address']:
+                    message = (
+                        "'virtual_router_id': {0} for keepalived instance "
+                        "{1}: {2} is not the same as for {3}: {4} on nodes {5}"
+                        .format(data['virtual_router_id'],
+                                instance, data['address'],
+                                vips[vip]['instance_name'],
+                                vip,
+                                vips[vip]['nodes'].keys())
+                    )
+                    raise exceptions.SaltPillarError(
+                        minion_id,
+                        'keepalived:cluster:instance',
+                        message)
+        pillar_vips = self.get_keepalived_vips()
+        vips = {}
+        for minion_id in pillar_vips:
+            for instance, data in pillar_vips[minion_id].items():
+                address = data['address']
+                password = data['password']
+                virtual_router_id = data['virtual_router_id']
+                priority = data['priority']
+                if address not in vips:
+                    # Check that there is the same VIP
+                    # for the same virtual_router_id
+                    check_single_address(vips, minion_id, instance, data)
+                    # Add new VIP
+                    vips[address] = {
+                        'instance_name': instance,
+                        'virtual_router_id': virtual_router_id,
+                        'password': password,
+                        'nodes': {
+                            minion_id: priority,
+                        }
+                    }
+                else:
+                    # Check that there is the same virtual_router_id
+                    # for the same VIP
+                    check_single_router_id(vips, minion_id, instance, data)
+                    if vips[address]['password'] != password:
+                        message = (
+                            "'password': {0} for keepalived instance "
+                            "{1}: {2} is not the same as for {3}: {4} on "
+                            "nodes {5}".format(data['password'],
+                                               instance, data['address'],
+                                               vips[address]['instance_name'],
+                                               address,
+                                               vips[address]['nodes'].keys())
+                        )
+                        raise exceptions.SaltPillarError(
+                            minion_id,
+                            'keepalived:cluster:instance',
+                            message)
+                    if any([priority == prio
+                            for node, prio in vips[address]['nodes'].items()]):
+                        message = (
+                            "'priority': {0} for keepalived instance "
+                            "{1}: {2} is the same as for {3}: {4} on "
+                            "nodes {5}".format(data['priority'],
+                                               instance, data['address'],
+                                               vips[address]['instance_name'],
+                                               address,
+                                               vips[address]['nodes'].keys())
+                        )
+                        raise exceptions.SaltPillarError(
+                            minion_id,
+                            'keepalived:cluster:instance',
+                            message)
+                    # Add data to the vips
+                    vips[address]['nodes'][minion_id] = priority
+        LOG.debug("keepalived pillars check passed: {0}".format(vips))
+        return vips