Add a runner for contrail-test Juniper tests
- add steps in tcp_tests/templates/opencontrail to prepare tests
- add a fixture and a test runner 'test_opencontrail' that gets
the two variables from environment to pass them to test runner:
- fix docstrings for fixtures
- add print of the environment variables that can be used in tests
and current defaults (taking into account the exported variables)
diff --git a/tcp_tests/templates/opencontrail/mk22-lab-basic-opencontrail.yaml b/tcp_tests/templates/opencontrail/mk22-lab-basic-opencontrail.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7838d18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcp_tests/templates/opencontrail/mk22-lab-basic-opencontrail.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# Prepare Juniper contrail-test
+- description: Allow password authentication for SSH on compute nodes
+ cmd: salt 'cmp*' "sed -i -e 's/^PasswordAuthentication./PasswordAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config ; service ssh restart"
+ node_name: cfg01.mk22-lab-basic.local
+- description: Install contrail-test on ctl01
+ cmd: wget;
+ chmod +x ./;
+ ./ install contrail-test --ci-ref R3.0.2.x --fab-ref R3.0.2.x --test-ref R3.0.2.x;
+ node_name: ctl01.mk22-lab-basic.local
+- description: Install OpenJDK-7 for contrail tests
+ cmd: apt-get -y install openjdk-7-jdk
+ node_name: ctl01.mk22-lab-basic.local
+- description: Create with lab parameters
+ cmd: |
+ cat << EOF >> /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/
+ from fabric.api import env
+ #Management ip addresses of hosts in the cluster
+ os_ctrl_1 = 'root@'
+ os_ctrl_2 = 'root@'
+ os_ctrl_3 = 'root@'
+ c_ctrl_1 = 'root@'
+ c_ctrl_2 = 'root@'
+ c_ctrl_3 = 'root@'
+ c_compute_1 = 'root@'
+ #c_compute_2 = 'root@'
+ vip_ctrl = 'root@'
+ ext_routers = [
+ ('gateway1',''),
+ #('gateway2',''),
+ ]
+ #Autonomous system number
+ router_asn = 64512
+ #Host from which the fab commands are triggered to install and provision
+ deploy_node = 'root@'
+ #Role definition of the hosts.
+ env.roledefs = {
+ 'all': [os_ctrl_1,c_ctrl_1,c_ctrl_2,c_ctrl_3,os_ctrl_2,os_ctrl_3,c_compute_1],
+ 'cfgm': [c_ctrl_1,c_ctrl_2,c_ctrl_3],
+ 'openstack': [os_ctrl_1,os_ctrl_2,os_ctrl_3],
+ 'control': [c_ctrl_1,c_ctrl_2,c_ctrl_3],
+ 'compute': [c_compute_1],
+ 'collector': [c_ctrl_1,c_ctrl_2,c_ctrl_3],
+ #'webui': [c_ctrl_1,c_ctrl_2,c_ctrl_3],
+ 'webui': [vip_ctrl],
+ 'database': [c_compute_1],
+ 'build': [deploy_node],
+ }
+ #Openstack admin password
+ env.openstack_admin_password = 'admin'
+ env.password = 'r00tme'
+ #Passwords of each host
+ env.passwords = {
+ os_ctrl_1: 'r00tme',
+ c_ctrl_1: 'r00tme',
+ c_ctrl_2: 'r00tme',
+ c_ctrl_3: 'r00tme',
+ os_ctrl_2: 'r00tme',
+ os_ctrl_3: 'r00tme',
+ c_compute_1: 'r00tme',
+ deploy_node: 'r00tme',
+ }
+ env.ha = {
+ 'internal_vip' : '',
+ #'external_vip' : '',
+ 'contrail_internal_vip' : '',
+ #'contrail_external_vip' : '',
+ }
+ multi_tenancy = True
+ env.keystone = {
+ 'admin_user' : 'admin',
+ 'admin_password' : 'workshop',
+ 'service_tenant': 'admin',
+ 'admin_tenant' : 'admin',
+ 'keystone_ip' : '',
+ }
+ os_username = 'admin'
+ os_password = 'workshop'
+ os_tenant_name = 'admin'
+ control_data = {
+ os_ctrl_1 : { 'ip': '', 'gw' : '', 'device':'eth1' },
+ os_ctrl_2 : { 'ip': '', 'gw' : '', 'device':'eth1' },
+ os_ctrl_3 : { 'ip': '', 'gw' : '', 'device':'eth1' },
+ c_ctrl_1 : { 'ip': '', 'gw' : '', 'device':'eth1' },
+ c_ctrl_2 : { 'ip': '', 'gw' : '', 'device':'eth1' },
+ c_ctrl_3 : { 'ip': '', 'gw' : '', 'device':'eth1' },
+ c_compute_1 : { 'ip': '', 'gw' : '', 'device':'eth1' },
+ }
+ env.test = {
+ 'mail_to': 'user@test.mlx',
+ 'mail_server': '10.204.x.x',
+ 'mail_sender': ''
+ }
+ node_name: ctl01.mk22-lab-basic.local