Switch credential to maintenance-team-robot for build-config-drive job

Also drop ssh-agent custom code


Change-Id: Id3ed14b8eee5e18c53afe97278034853c24c1174
diff --git a/jobs/pipelines/swarm-create-cfg-config-drive.groovy b/jobs/pipelines/swarm-create-cfg-config-drive.groovy
index aff36df..b64e867 100644
--- a/jobs/pipelines/swarm-create-cfg-config-drive.groovy
+++ b/jobs/pipelines/swarm-create-cfg-config-drive.groovy
@@ -42,54 +42,52 @@
         withCredentials([[$class: 'SSHUserPrivateKeyBinding',
                           keyFileVariable: "GERRIT_KEY",
                           credentialsId: env.GERRIT_MCP_CREDENTIALS_ID,
-                          usernameVariable: "GERRIT_USERNAME",
-                          passwordVariable: "GERRIT_PASSWORD"]]) {
+                          usernameVariable: "GERRIT_USERNAME"]]) {
             def gerrit_user = env.GERRIT_USERNAME
-            def gerrit_password = env.GERRIT_PASSWORD
             String gerrit_host = "gerrit.mcp.mirantis.com"
             String gerrit_port = "29418"
-            ssh.prepareSshAgentKey(env.GERRIT_MCP_CREDENTIALS_ID)
-            ssh.agentSh(
-                "set -ex; " +
-                "git clone ssh://${gerrit_user}@${gerrit_host}:${gerrit_port}/mcp/mcp-common-scripts mcp-common-scripts-git; " +
-                "git clone --mirror ssh://${gerrit_user}@${gerrit_host}:${gerrit_port}/mk/mk-pipelines mk-pipelines; " +
-                "git clone --mirror ssh://${gerrit_user}@${gerrit_host}:${gerrit_port}/mcp-ci/pipeline-library pipeline-library")
-            if (COMMON_SCRIPTS_COMMIT != '') {
-                sh ("""\
-                    set -ex
-                    cd mcp-common-scripts-git
-                    git checkout ${COMMON_SCRIPTS_COMMIT}
-                    git log -1
-                """)
-            }
-            if (MCP_COMMON_SCRIPTS_REFS != '') {
-                ssh.agentSh(
+            sshagent([env.GERRIT_MCP_CREDENTIALS_ID]) {
+                sh (
                     "set -ex; " +
-                    "cd mcp-common-scripts-git; " +
-                    "git fetch https://${gerrit_host}/mcp/mcp-common-scripts ${MCP_COMMON_SCRIPTS_REFS} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD; " +
-                    "git log -1")
-            }
+                    "git clone ssh://${gerrit_user}@${gerrit_host}:${gerrit_port}/mcp/mcp-common-scripts mcp-common-scripts-git; " +
+                    "git clone --mirror ssh://${gerrit_user}@${gerrit_host}:${gerrit_port}/mk/mk-pipelines mk-pipelines; " +
+                    "git clone --mirror ssh://${gerrit_user}@${gerrit_host}:${gerrit_port}/mcp-ci/pipeline-library pipeline-library")
-            if (PIPELINE_LIBRARY_REF != '') {
-                ssh.agentSh(
-                    "set -ex; " +
-                    "cd pipeline-library; " +
-                    "git fetch https://${gerrit_host}/mcp-ci/pipeline-library ${PIPELINE_LIBRARY_REF}; " +
-                    "git tag ${MCP_VERSION} FETCH_HEAD -f; " +
-                    "git branch -f release/${MCP_VERSION} FETCH_HEAD; " +
-                    "git log -1")
-            }
-            if (MK_PIPELINES_REF != '') {
-                ssh.agentSh(
-                    "set -ex; " +
-                    "cd mk-pipelines; " +
-                    "git fetch https://${gerrit_host}/mk/mk-pipelines ${MK_PIPELINES_REF}; " +
-                    "git tag ${MCP_VERSION} FETCH_HEAD -f; " +
-                    "git branch -f release/${MCP_VERSION} FETCH_HEAD; " +
-                    "git log -1")
+                if (COMMON_SCRIPTS_COMMIT != '') {
+                    sh ("""\
+                        set -ex
+                        cd mcp-common-scripts-git
+                        git checkout ${COMMON_SCRIPTS_COMMIT}
+                        git log -1
+                    """)
+                }
+                if (MCP_COMMON_SCRIPTS_REFS != '') {
+                    sh (
+                        "set -ex; " +
+                        "cd mcp-common-scripts-git; " +
+                        "git fetch https://${gerrit_host}/mcp/mcp-common-scripts ${MCP_COMMON_SCRIPTS_REFS} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD; " +
+                        "git log -1")
+                }
+                if (PIPELINE_LIBRARY_REF != '') {
+                    sh (
+                        "set -ex; " +
+                        "cd pipeline-library; " +
+                        "git fetch https://${gerrit_host}/mcp-ci/pipeline-library ${PIPELINE_LIBRARY_REF}; " +
+                        "git tag ${MCP_VERSION} FETCH_HEAD -f; " +
+                        "git branch -f release/${MCP_VERSION} FETCH_HEAD; " +
+                        "git log -1")
+                }
+                if (MK_PIPELINES_REF != '') {
+                    sh (
+                        "set -ex; " +
+                        "cd mk-pipelines; " +
+                        "git fetch https://${gerrit_host}/mk/mk-pipelines ${MK_PIPELINES_REF}; " +
+                        "git tag ${MCP_VERSION} FETCH_HEAD -f; " +
+                        "git branch -f release/${MCP_VERSION} FETCH_HEAD; " +
+                        "git log -1")
+                }
diff --git a/jobs/templates/swarm-create-cfg-config-drive-jjb.yaml b/jobs/templates/swarm-create-cfg-config-drive-jjb.yaml
index 979ce74..3012008 100644
--- a/jobs/templates/swarm-create-cfg-config-drive-jjb.yaml
+++ b/jobs/templates/swarm-create-cfg-config-drive-jjb.yaml
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
         trim: 'false'
     - string:
-        default: 'f4fb9dd6-ba63-4085-82f7-3fa601334d95'
+        default: 'maintenance-team-ssh'
         description: 'Credentials ID to access gerrit.mcp.mirantis.net'
         trim: 'false'
     - string: