HA node reboot test cases for ovs virt env


Related: PROD-16560

Change-Id: Ib55a6f7dea34f0923e01f6a01775f08fa2f9f127
diff --git a/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_failover.py b/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_failover.py
index 2f74a26..615e26f 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_failover.py
+++ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_failover.py
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
             4. Check targets before restart
             5. Restart mon01
             6. Check targets after restart
-            6. Run LMA smoke after failover
+            7. Run LMA smoke after failover
@@ -526,3 +526,78 @@
                 assert 'passed' in test['outcome'], \
                     'Failed test {}'.format(test)
         LOG.info("*************** DONE **************")
+    @pytest.mark.grab_versions
+    @pytest.mark.fail_snapshot
+    @pytest.mark.revert_snapshot(ext.SNAPSHOT.sl_deployed)
+    def test_restart_mon_with_vip(self, sl_os_deployed,
+                                  openstack_actions, salt_actions,
+                                  common_services_actions, show_step):
+        """Test restart mon with VIP
+        Scenario:
+            1. Prepare salt on hosts
+            2. Setup controller nodes
+            3. Setup compute and monitoring nodes
+            4. Check LMA before mon node restart
+            5. Find mon minion id with VIP
+            6. Restart mon minion id with VIP
+            7. Check that VIP was actually migrated on a new node
+            8. Run tempest smoke after failover
+        """
+        # TR case #4753939
+        common_services_actions.check_keepalived_pillar()
+        salt = salt_actions
+        # STEP #1,2,3
+        show_step(1)
+        show_step(2)
+        show_step(3)
+        # STEP #4
+        show_step(4)
+        mon_nodes = sl_os_deployed.get_monitoring_nodes()
+        LOG.debug('Mon nodes list {0}'.format(mon_nodes))
+        before_result = sl_os_deployed.run_sl_tests_json(
+            'cfg01', '/root/stacklight-pytest/stacklight_tests/',
+            'tests/prometheus/', 'test_alerts.py')
+        failed_tests = [test['name'] for test in
+                        before_result if 'passed' not in test['outcome']]
+        # STEP #5
+        show_step(5)
+        mon_vip_pillar = salt.get_pillar(
+            tgt="mon0*",
+            pillar="_param:cluster_vip_address")[0]
+        vip = [vip for minion_id, vip in mon_vip_pillar.items()][0]
+        minion_vip = common_services_actions.get_keepalived_vip_minion_id(vip)
+        LOG.info("VIP {0} is on {1}".format(vip, minion_vip))
+        # STEP #6
+        show_step(6)
+        openstack_actions.warm_restart_nodes(minion_vip)
+        # STEP #7
+        show_step(7)
+        # Check that VIP has been actually migrated to a new node
+        new_minion_vip = common_services_actions.get_keepalived_vip_minion_id(
+            vip)
+        LOG.info("Migrated VIP {0} is on {1}".format(vip, new_minion_vip))
+        assert new_minion_vip != minion_vip, (
+            "VIP {0} wasn't migrated from {1} after node reboot!"
+            .format(vip, new_minion_vip))
+        common_services_actions.check_keepalived_pillar()
+        # STEP #8
+        show_step(8)
+        # Run SL component tetsts
+        after_result = sl_os_deployed.run_sl_tests_json(
+            'cfg01', '/root/stacklight-pytest/stacklight_tests/',
+            'tests/prometheus/', 'test_alerts.py')
+        for test in after_result:
+            if test['name'] not in failed_tests:
+                assert 'passed' in test['outcome'], \
+                    'Failed test {}'.format(test)
+        LOG.info("*************** DONE **************")
diff --git a/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_failover_openstack_services.py b/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_failover_openstack_services.py
index 37cff72..efbba58 100644
--- a/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_failover_openstack_services.py
+++ b/tcp_tests/tests/system/test_failover_openstack_services.py
@@ -600,3 +600,60 @@
         assert not results['fail'], self.show_failed_msg(results['fail'])
         LOG.info("*************** DONE **************")
+    @pytest.mark.grab_versions
+    @pytest.mark.fail_snapshot
+    def test_restart_ctl_with_vip(self, underlay, openstack_deployed,
+                                  openstack_actions, salt_actions,
+                                  common_services_actions, show_step):
+        """Test restart clt with VIP
+        Scenario:
+            1. Prepare salt on hosts
+            2. Setup controller nodes
+            3. Setup compute nodes
+            4. Find controller minion id with VIP
+            5. Restart controller minion id with VIP
+            6. Check that VIP was actually migrated on a new node
+            7. Run tempest smoke after failover
+        """
+        # TR case #3385671
+        common_services_actions.check_keepalived_pillar()
+        salt = salt_actions
+        # STEP #1,2,3
+        show_step(1)
+        show_step(2)
+        show_step(3)
+        # STEP #4
+        show_step(4)
+        ctl_vip_pillar = salt.get_pillar(
+            tgt="I@nova:controller:enabled:True",
+            pillar="_param:cluster_vip_address")[0]
+        vip = [vip for minion_id, vip in ctl_vip_pillar.items()][0]
+        minion_vip = common_services_actions.get_keepalived_vip_minion_id(vip)
+        LOG.info("VIP {0} is on {1}".format(vip, minion_vip))
+        # STEP #5
+        show_step(5)
+        openstack_actions.warm_restart_nodes(minion_vip)
+        # STEP #6
+        show_step(6)
+        # Check that VIP has been actually migrated to a new node
+        new_minion_vip = common_services_actions.get_keepalived_vip_minion_id(
+            vip)
+        LOG.info("Migrated VIP {0} is on {1}".format(vip, new_minion_vip))
+        assert new_minion_vip != minion_vip, (
+            "VIP {0} wasn't migrated from {1} after node reboot!"
+            .format(vip, new_minion_vip))
+        common_services_actions.check_keepalived_pillar()
+        # STEP #7
+        show_step(7)
+        openstack_actions.run_tempest(pattern='smoke')
+        LOG.info("*************** DONE **************")