Added 'k8s_deployed' fixture
Created a separate fixture for Kubernetes deployment.
Modified existing k8s related fixtures / tests so they
use it now and updated templates with k8s environments.
Also this patch includes few minor changes:
* removed unused fixture 'deploy_openstack' which
was a full copy of 'openstack_deployed' fixture;
* removed unused modules imports;
* fixed typos and docstrings.
Change-Id: Ic35551f3e52913cede753b92e7d5a81f54570b01
Reviewed-by: <>
Reviewed-by: Dennis Dmitriev <>
Tested-by: Tatyanka Leontovich <>
diff --git a/tcp_tests/managers/ b/tcp_tests/managers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3801436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcp_tests/managers/
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Mirantis, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import time
+import yaml
+from devops.helpers import helpers
+from tcp_tests import logger
+from tcp_tests.managers.execute_commands import ExecuteCommandsMixin
+from tcp_tests.managers.k8s import cluster
+LOG = logger.logger
+class K8SManager(ExecuteCommandsMixin):
+ """docstring for K8SManager"""
+ __config = None
+ __underlay = None
+ def __init__(self, config, underlay, salt):
+ self.__config = config
+ self.__underlay = underlay
+ self._salt = salt
+ self._api_client = None
+ super(K8SManager, self).__init__(
+ config=config, underlay=underlay)
+ def install(self, commands):
+ self.execute_commands(commands,
+ label='Install Kubernetes services')
+ self.__config.k8s.k8s_installed = True
+ self.__config.k8s.kube_host = self.get_proxy_api()
+ def get_proxy_api(self):
+ k8s_proxy_ip_pillars = self._salt.get_pillar(
+ tgt='I@haproxy:proxy:enabled:true',
+ pillar='haproxy:proxy:listen:k8s_secure:binds:address')
+ k8s_proxy_ip = set([ip
+ for item in k8s_proxy_ip_pillars
+ for node,ip in item.items()])
+ assert len(k8s_proxy_ip) == 1, \
+ ("Found {0} Kubernetes endpoints in pillars,"
+ " expected one!").format(len(k8s_proxy_ip))
+ return k8s_proxy_ip.pop()
+ @property
+ def api(self):
+ if self._api_client is None:
+ self._api_client = cluster.K8sCluster(
+ user=self.__config.k8s_deploy.kubernetes_admin_user,
+ password=self.__config.k8s_deploy.kubernetes_admin_password,
+ host=self.__config.k8s.kube_host,
+ port=self.__config.k8s.kube_apiserver_port,
+ default_namespace='default')
+ return self._api_client
+ def get_pod_phase(self, pod_name, namespace=None):
+ return self.api.pods.get(
+ name=pod_name, namespace=namespace).phase
+ def wait_pod_phase(self, pod_name, phase, namespace=None, timeout=60):
+ """Wait phase of pod_name from namespace while timeout
+ :param str: pod_name
+ :param str: namespace
+ :param list or str: phase
+ :param int: timeout
+ :rtype: None
+ """
+ if isinstance(phase, str):
+ phase = [phase]
+ def check():
+ return self.get_pod_phase(pod_name, namespace) in phase
+ helpers.wait(check, timeout=timeout,
+ timeout_msg='Timeout waiting, pod {pod_name} is not in '
+ '"{phase}" phase'.format(
+ pod_name=pod_name, phase=phase))
+ def wait_pods_phase(self, pods, phase, timeout=60):
+ """Wait timeout seconds for phase of pods
+ :param pods: list of K8sPod
+ :param phase: list or str
+ :param timeout: int
+ :rtype: None
+ """
+ if isinstance(phase, str):
+ phase = [phase]
+ def check(pod_name, namespace):
+ return self.get_pod_phase(pod_name, namespace) in phase
+ def check_all_pods():
+ return all(check(, pod.metadata.namespace) for pod in pods)
+ helpers.wait(
+ check_all_pods,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ timeout_msg='Timeout waiting, pods {0} are not in "{1}" '
+ 'phase'.format([ for pod in pods], phase))
+ def check_pod_create(self, body, namespace=None, timeout=300, interval=5):
+ """Check creating sample pod
+ :param k8s_pod: V1Pod
+ :param namespace: str
+ :rtype: V1Pod
+ """
+"Creating pod in k8s cluster")
+ LOG.debug(
+ "POD spec to create:\n{}".format(
+ yaml.dump(body, default_flow_style=False))
+ )
+ LOG.debug("Timeout for creation is set to {}".format(timeout))
+ LOG.debug("Checking interval is set to {}".format(interval))
+ pod = self.api.pods.create(body=body, namespace=namespace)
+ pod.wait_running(timeout=300, interval=5)
+"Pod '{0}' is created in '{1}' namespace".format(
+, pod.namespace))
+ return self.api.pods.get(, namespace=pod.namespace)
+ def wait_pod_deleted(self, podname, timeout=60, interval=5):
+ helpers.wait(
+ lambda: podname not in [ for pod in self.api.pods.list()],
+ timeout=timeout,
+ interval=interval,
+ timeout_msg="Pod deletion timeout reached!"
+ )
+ def check_pod_delete(self, k8s_pod, timeout=300, interval=5,
+ namespace=None):
+ """Deleting pod from k8s
+ :param k8s_pod: tcp_tests.managers.k8s.nodes.K8sNode
+ :param k8sclient: tcp_tests.managers.k8s.cluster.K8sCluster
+ """
+"Deleting pod '{}'".format(
+ LOG.debug("Pod status:\n{}".format(k8s_pod.status))
+ LOG.debug("Timeout for deletion is set to {}".format(timeout))
+ LOG.debug("Checking interval is set to {}".format(interval))
+ self.api.pods.delete(body=k8s_pod,,
+ namespace=namespace)
+ self.wait_pod_deleted(, timeout, interval)
+ LOG.debug("Pod '{}' is deleted".format(
+ def check_service_create(self, body, namespace=None):
+ """Check creating k8s service
+ :param body: dict, service spec
+ :param namespace: str
+ :rtype: K8sService object
+ """
+"Creating service in k8s cluster")
+ LOG.debug(
+ "Service spec to create:\n{}".format(
+ yaml.dump(body, default_flow_style=False))
+ )
+ service =, namespace=namespace)
+"Service '{0}' is created in '{1}' namespace".format(
+, service.namespace))
+ return,
+ namespace=service.namespace)
+ def check_ds_create(self, body, namespace=None):
+ """Check creating k8s DaemonSet
+ :param body: dict, DaemonSet spec
+ :param namespace: str
+ :rtype: K8sDaemonSet object
+ """
+"Creating DaemonSet in k8s cluster")
+ LOG.debug(
+ "DaemonSet spec to create:\n{}".format(
+ yaml.dump(body, default_flow_style=False))
+ )
+ ds = self.api.daemonsets.create(body=body, namespace=namespace)
+"DaemonSet '{0}' is created in '{1}' namespace".format(
+, ds.namespace))
+ return self.api.daemonsets.get(, namespace=ds.namespace)
+ def check_ds_ready(self, dsname, namespace=None):
+ """Check if k8s DaemonSet is ready
+ :param dsname: str, ds name
+ :return: bool
+ """
+ ds = self.api.daemonsets.get(name=dsname, namespace=namespace)
+ return (ds.status.current_number_scheduled ==
+ ds.status.desired_number_scheduled)
+ def wait_ds_ready(self, dsname, namespace=None, timeout=60, interval=5):
+ """Wait until all pods are scheduled on nodes
+ :param dsname: str, ds name
+ :param timeout: int
+ :param interval: int
+ """
+ helpers.wait(
+ lambda: self.check_ds_ready(dsname, namespace=namespace),
+ timeout=timeout, interval=interval)
+ def check_namespace_create(self, name):
+ """Check creating k8s Namespace
+ :param name: str
+ :rtype: K8sNamespace object
+ """
+"Creating Namespace in k8s cluster")
+ ns = self.api.namespaces.create(body={'metadata': {'name': name}})
+"Namespace '{0}' is created".format(
+ # wait 10 seconds until a token for new service account is created
+ time.sleep(10)
+ return self.api.namespaces.get(
+ def create_objects(self, path):
+ if isinstance(path, str):
+ path = [path]
+ params = ' '.join(["-f {}".format(p) for p in path])
+ cmd = 'kubectl create {params}'.format(params=params)
+ with self.__underlay.remote(
+ host=self.__config.k8s.kube_host) as remote:
+"Running command '{cmd}' on node {node}".format(
+ cmd=cmd,
+ node=remote.hostname)
+ )
+ result = remote.check_call(cmd)
+ def get_running_pods(self, pod_name, namespace=None):
+ pods = [pod for pod in self.api.pods.list(namespace=namespace)
+ if (pod_name in and pod.status.phase == 'Running')]
+ return pods
+ def get_pods_number(self, pod_name, namespace=None):
+ pods = self.get_running_pods(pod_name, namespace)
+ return len(pods)
+ def get_running_pods_by_ssh(self, pod_name, namespace=None):
+ with self.__underlay.remote(
+ host=self.__config.k8s.kube_host) as remote:
+ result = remote.check_call("kubectl get pods --namespace {} |"
+ " grep {} | awk '{{print $1 \" \""
+ " $3}}'".format(namespace,
+ pod_name))['stdout']
+ running_pods = [data.strip().split()[0] for data in result
+ if data.strip().split()[1] == 'Running']
+ return running_pods
+ def get_pods_restarts(self, pod_name, namespace=None):
+ pods = [pod.status.container_statuses[0].restart_count
+ for pod in self.get_running_pods(pod_name, namespace)]
+ return sum(pods)