Add 'packer-image-create' job
- add packer-image-create.groovy to create images with packer
- add 'tcp_tests/templates/_packer/' with configs for 'foundation'
Change-Id: I23379bef389adad791df9343930095a57af3fb55
diff --git a/jobs/pipelines/packer-image-create.groovy b/jobs/pipelines/packer-image-create.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94133a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jobs/pipelines/packer-image-create.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ *
+ * Deploy the product cluster using Jenkins master on CICD cluster
+ *
+ * Expected parameters:
+ * IMAGE_NAME Name of the resulting image in the Glance or in artifacts
+ * BUILD_CONFIG_DRIVE_PATH Relative path in tcp-qa to the directory with meta-data and user-data files
+ * BUILD_PACKER_CONFIG_PATH Relative path in tcp-qa to the file with packer config (packer.json)
+ * BASE_IMAGE_URL Base image to build a new image, in qcow2. For example, released ubuntu cloud image
+ * BASE_IMAGE_MD5 Base image MD5 checksum. Image will be re-downloaded if not match with the local image checksum
+ * PACKER_URL URL to the zip archive with packer binary, see
+ * PACKER_ZIP_MD5 MD5 of the zip archive with packer binary
+ * OS_AUTH_URL OpenStack keystone catalog URL
+ * OS_PROJECT_NAME OpenStack project (tenant) name
+ * OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME OpenStack user domain name
+ * OS_CREDENTIALS OpenStack username and password credentials ID in Jenkins
+ * UPLOAD_IMAGE_TO_GLANCE If True: upload image to glance; if False: store as an artifact
+ * TCP_QA_REFS Reference to the tcp-qa change on, like refs/changes/46/418546/41
+ */
+def common = new
+def shared = new com.mirantis.system_qa.SharedPipeline()
+timeout(time: 6, unit: 'HOURS') {
+ node () {
+ try {
+ stage("Clean the environment and clone tcp-qa") {
+ deleteDir()
+ shared.run_cmd("""\
+ git clone ${WORKSPACE}
+ """)
+ shared.update_working_dir(false)
+ sh "mkdir ./tmp"
+ }
+ def packer_zipname = "/tmp/"
+ def configdrive_isoname = "./tmp/config-drive.iso"
+ stage("Prepare Packer") {
+ // Check that the archive is already downloaded and has a correct checksum. Remove if not match
+ if (fileExists(packer_zipname)) {
+ sh(script: "bash -cex 'md5sum -c --status <(echo ${PACKER_ZIP_MD5} ${packer_zipname})' || rm -f ${packer_zipname}", returnStdout: true)
+ }
+ // If the file is missing or removed, then download it and check the checksum
+ if (!fileExists(packer_zipname)) {
+ sh(script: "wget --quiet -O ${packer_zipname} ${PACKER_URL}", returnStdout: true)
+ // Should fail the job if not match
+ sh(script: "bash -cex 'md5sum -c --status <(echo ${PACKER_ZIP_MD5} ${packer_zipname})'", returnStdout: true)
+ }
+ sh "unzip ${packer_zipname}"
+ }
+ stage("Build the cloudinit ISO") {
+ // Check that genisoimage is installed, or try to install it
+ sh "which genisoimage || sudo apt-get -y install genisoimage"
+ // Generate config-drive ISO
+ sh "mkisofs -o ${configdrive_isoname} -V cidata -r -J --quiet ${BUILD_CONFIG_DRIVE_PATH}"
+ }
+ stage("Build the image '${IMAGE_NAME}'") {
+ // Build the image
+ sh (script: """\
+ set -ex;
+ export PACKER_LOG=1;
+ export PACKER_CACHE_DIR='/tmp/packer_cache_${IMAGE_NAME}/';
+ mkdir -p \${PACKER_CACHE_DIR};
+ ./packer build -machine-readable -parallel=false -only='qemu' ${BUILD_PACKER_CONFIG_PATH};
+ """, returnStdout: true)
+ }
+ stage("Upload generated config drive ISO into volume on cfg01 node") {
+ withCredentials([
+ [$class : 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
+ credentialsId : env.OS_CREDENTIALS,
+ passwordVariable: 'OS_PASSWORD',
+ usernameVariable: 'OS_USERNAME']
+ ]) {
+ def imagePath = "tmp/${IMAGE_NAME}/${IMAGE_NAME}.qcow2"
+ shared.run_cmd("""\
+ openstack --insecure image delete ${IMAGE_NAME} || true
+ sleep 3
+ openstack --insecure image create ${IMAGE_NAME} --file ${imagePath} --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare
+ """)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ stage("Archive artifacts") {
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: "tmp/${IMAGE_NAME}/${IMAGE_NAME}.qcow2"
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ common.printMsg("Job is failed", "purple")
+ throw e
+ } finally {
+ // Remove the image after job is finished
+ sh "rm -f ./tmp/${IMAGE_NAME}.qcow2 || true"
+ } // try
+ } // node
+} // timeout
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