Jinja 2.9.x breaks password generation in cookiecutter templates

Change-Id: I3269ea465e109f401566ce5976d9aad210f73c87
1 file changed
tree: 034a6e2f02c70b99798eef1fddaa4354b59d886a
  1. examples/
  2. reclass_tools/
  3. .gitignore
  4. .gitreview
  5. .pylintrc
  6. .pylintrc_gerrit
  7. bindep.txt
  9. README.md
  10. requirements.txt
  11. run_tests.sh
  12. setup.cfg
  13. setup.py
  14. test-requirements.txt
  15. tox.ini


QA tools for manipulating reclass models


apt-get install python-virtualenv python-pip build-essential python-dev libssl-dev
pip install git+https://github.com/dis-xcom/reclass-tools


Please send patches using gerrithub.io:

git remote add gerrit ssh://review.gerrithub.io:29418/dis-xcom/reclass-tools
git review


This tool can be used to create a new class 'environment' generated from custom inventory.

See all the nodes available from reclass inventory (including generated nodes):

reclass-tools list-nodes

See only VCP nodes for specific domain:

reclass-tools list-nodes -d mcp11-ovs-dpdk.local --vcp-only

See only non-VCP nodes for specific domain (baremetal nodes):

reclass-tools list-nodes -d mcp11-ovs-dpdk.local --non-vcp-only

Find specific key in the path (without reclass render):

reclass-tools get-key parameters._param.cluster_domain /srv/salt/reclass/classes/cluster/physical_mcp11_ovs_dpdk/

Collect all parameters._param into a single dict, to track _param changes from commit to commit:

reclass-tools list-params /srv/salt/reclass/classes/

Trace all the modifications of the key parameters._param.keepalived_vip_interface during loading the model:

reclass-tools trace-key parameters._param.keepalived_vip_interface --node=ctl01.virtual-mcp-ocata-cicd.local


  • Installed and configured 'reclass' package
  • Prepared 'cluster', 'system' and 'service' classes
  • [Optional] Nodes generated with salt-call state.sls reclass.storage

Create 'environment' class

This is a PoC of creating the 'environment' class. For CI tests, please generate your 'inventory.yaml' for step #3 and create the cookiecutter template based on example template from /examples directory.

For this example will be used the 'cluster' model 'mcp11-ovs-dpdk.local' from 'mcp-baremetal-lab' repo.

All steps should be performed on the installed salt-master node, when all nodes have been generated with 'reclass.storage' state.

  1. Create a context file with nodes list and 'linux.network.interface' configuration from the current reclass inventory.
reclass-tools show-context -d mcp11-ovs-dpdk.local parameters.linux.network.interface > /tmp/context-mcp11-ovs-dpdk.local.yaml
  1. Remove existing hardware-related 'linux.network.interface' object from 'cluster', 'system' and 'service' classes. WARNING! Make sure that you have created the context file with 'linux.network.interface' as a backup.
reclass-tools del-key parameters.linux.network.interface /srv/salt/reclass/classes/cluster/physical_mcp11_ovs_dpdk
reclass-tools del-key parameters.linux.network.interface /srv/salt/reclass/classes/system/
reclass-tools del-key parameters.linux.network.interface /usr/share/salt-formulas/reclass/
  1. Render the 'environment' class using example template based on cookiecutter:
git clone https://github.com/dis-xcom/reclass_tools ~/reclass_tools
reclass-tools render -e lab03_ovs_dpdk -t ~/reclass_tools/examples/environment -o /tmp/environment -c /tmp/context-mcp11-ovs-dpdk.local.yaml  # You can add multiple YAMLs here
  1. Check that the 'environment' has been created
tree /tmp/environment/
  1. Symlink 'environment' to the /srv/salt/reclass/classes
ln -s /tmp/environment /srv/reclass/salt/classes
  1. Add new class '- environment.mcp11-ovs-dpdk.local' to the classes/cluster/<cluster_model>/infra/config.yml (edit the file manually for now)

  2. Update the nodes for reclass inventory

salt-call state.sls reclass.storage