Use a separated option '--env-name' to render a new environment
Change-Id: I3bfa9dc52f141d0d5ab5d372eea63799eacb12ab
diff --git "a/examples/environment/\173\173 _environment_name \175\175/init.yml" "b/examples/environment/\173\173 _environment_name \175\175/init.yml"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca63bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/examples/environment/\173\173 _environment_name \175\175/init.yml"
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ reclass:
+ storage:
+ node:
+{%- for inventory_node_name, node in cookiecutter.nodes.items() %}
+ {{ node['reclass_storage_name'] }}:
+ params:
+{%- if 'vcp' in node['roles'] %}
+ linux_network_interfaces:
+ ens3: ${_param:linux_single_interface}
+{%- else %}
+ # Use interfaces configuration from the context file,
+ # or generate your own '' object using
+ # additional inventory.
+ # For example, you can take the 'inventory_node_name' and find it's config
+ # in an additional dict inventory[inventory_node_name] loaded from custom_inventory.yaml,
+ # or skip the original context from 'cookiecutter' object and iterate only custom inventory.
+ linux_network_interfaces:
+ {{ toyaml( node['parameters']['linux']['network']['interface'], width=14 ) }}
+{%- endif %}
+ classes:
+ - environment.{{ _environment_name }}.common
+{%- endfor %}