Initial commit

Change-Id: I82738f63c49d10385183c6e626239cd15618d58b
diff --git "a/\173\173 cookiecutter._env_name \175\175/init.yml" "b/\173\173 cookiecutter._env_name \175\175/init.yml"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89db66f
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\173\173 cookiecutter._env_name \175\175/init.yml"
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+{# 'infra_config_classes' list object is dynamically generated from 'roles' to add on the cfg node #}
+{%- set infra_config_classes = [] %}
+{# 'global_metadata' is a global collection of objects shared between nodes #}
+{%- set global_metadata = {} %}
+{%- set common_roles = ['_linux_network_interface', '_metadata_process', '_overrides'] %}
+  _param:
+    _esc: $
+  reclass:
+    storage:
+      node:
+      {%- for inventory_node_name, node in nodes.items()|sort %}
+        {%- set node_name = inventory_node_name.split('.')[0] %}
+        {{ node['reclass_storage_name'] }}:
+          {#- 'local_metadata' is to collect the data from different roles in a single place inside the node #}
+          {%- set local_metadata = {} %}
+          {#- 'params' dict object is dynamically generated from 'roles' to add on the node #}
+          {%- set params = {} %}
+          {%- macro register_metaparam(param_name, role_name) %}
+          {#- Add the <role_name> into the list attached to <param_name> #}
+          {#- to control that the <param_name> is not spreaded across incompatible roles #}
+            {%- set _ = local_metadata.update({param_name: local_metadata.get(param_name, []) + [role_name]}) %}
+          {%- endmacro %}
+          {%- macro set_param(param_name, param_value) %}
+          {#- Set a parameter for '_param' dict for the node #}
+            {%- set _ = params.update({param_name: param_value}) %}
+          {%- endmacro %}
+          classes:
+          {#- Default roles are added to each node #}
+          {#- 'overrides' must be the very last role for each node #}
+          {%- for role in node.get('roles', []) + common_roles %}
+            {%- include ("{# roles #}/" + role) %}
+          {%- endfor %}
+        {%- if params %}
+          params:
+          {%- for param_name, param in params.items() %}
+            {{ param_name }}: {{ param }}
+          {%- endfor %}
+        {%- endif %}
+          name: {{ node_name }}
+          domain: ${_param:cluster_domain}
+      {%- endfor %}
+# Enable root and *ALL* users access
+{%- for infra_config_class in infra_config_classes %}
+- {{ infra_config_class }}
+{%- endfor %}