Add interface roles for baremetal deploy

single_static_mgm - do avoid using additional dhcp
                    server for cfg01
single_mgm_manual - to use a separated L2 interface
                    on KVM nodes for br-mgm (VCP).

                    Use of the management interface
                    is not possible because it provides
                    a default route required to install
                    'bridge-utils' package.

Change-Id: Id49a51ddd835455a0aa416b022aed3ce59d7fbbb
diff --git "a/\173\043 interfaces \043\175/single_mgm_manual" "b/\173\043 interfaces \043\175/single_mgm_manual"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dccca3
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\173\043 interfaces \043\175/single_mgm_manual"
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+{#- Management (admin) network. For nodes where deploy address provided by DHCP server #}
+{#- Provides:                         #}
+{#-   br_mgm (linux bridge) + DHCP address #}
+              # {{ interfaces_role }}
+              {%- set interface_name = interfaces.keys()[0] %}
+              {{ interface_name }}:
+                enabled: true
+                type: eth
+                proto: manual
+                ipflush_onchange: true
+                name: {{ interface_name }}
+              br_mgm:
+                enabled: true
+                proto: manual
+                type: bridge
+                use_interfaces:
+                - {{ interface_name }}
\ No newline at end of file