Owner Drivetrain team

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  1. 5b22e25 Add non-bond private VXLAN by Vladimir Khlyunev · 4 months ago master
  2. 319314f Add template for ODL controller by Taras Khlivnyak · 3 years, 6 months ago
  3. 8450c98 Set glance images location to default by Hanna Arhipova · 5 years ago
  4. ec6cd63 Allow default ssh parameters by Hanna Arhipova · 5 years ago
  5. be03281 Revert "Removed StrictHostKeyChecking=no" by harhipova · 5 years ago



Please send patches using gerrithub.io:

git remote add gerrit ssh://review.gerrithub.io:29418/Mirantis/environment-template.git
git review

Render the template

Use reclass_tools from [1] to render the template:

virtualenv venv-reclass
. venv-reclass/bin/activate
pip install git+http://github.com/dis-xcom/reclass-tools

<env_name> : any name for newly created environment model <path_to_template> : path to the directory with the cookiecutter template, for example 'tcp-qa/tcp_tests/environment/environment_template' <destination_path> : path to directory where will be created the new environment model <inventory_fileN> : path to the YAML with the inventory data. Can be specified multiple times to use different parts of the inventory. VCP inventory must be specified for current workflow (when all linux.network.interface are deleted)

reclass-tools render -e <env_name> -t <path_to_template> -o <destination_path> -c <inventory_file1> -c <inventory_file2> [...] -c <inventory_fileN>

To attach the environment model to any cluster, use the instructions from [1]

[1] https://github.com/dis-xcom/reclass_tools

Template architecture

└── environment_template
    ├── {{ cookiecutter._env_name }}
    │   ├── init.yml
    │   ├── linux_network_interface.yml
    │   ├── linux_system_codename_trusty.yml
    │   ├── linux_system_codename_xenial.yml
    │   ├── {# interfaces #} -> ../{# interfaces #}
    │   └── {# roles #} -> ../{# roles #}
    ├── {# interfaces #}
    │   └── ...
    └── {# roles #}
        └── ...
  • {{ cookiecutter._env_name }} : folder that will be used to generate the new Environment model, contains:

    • init.yml : file that will be filled with reclass:storage:node pillars generated using inventory files. This is the main file that must be included to cfg01.* node before generating the reclass inventory with the salt state 'reclass.storage'.

    • linux_network_interface.yml : it is a workaround to make possible to pass the linux:network:interface configuration separatelly for each node. This is because reclass.storage state works only with parameters:_param:* pillars and cannot be used to add any other pillar data to parameters:* (for example, parameters:linux:network:interface). So, linux network interface configuration is stored in the intermediate variable parameters:_param:linux_network_interfaces for each node, and then included to the parameters:linux:network:interface using this file as a class attached to each node by default.

    • linux_system_codename_*.yml : A class with a single variable. Allows to specify the specific linux version using only node role.

    • {# interfaces #} : symlink to the {# interfaces #} folder outside of the cookiecutter template directory, to not pass it's content to the resulting model during the model rendering.

    • {# roles #} : symlink to the {# roles #} folder outside of the cookiecutter template directory, to not pass it's content to the resulting model during the model rendering.

  • {# interfaces #} : Interface role means the name of the file that will be included and rendered. Contains text patterns of YAML file that are included to the init.yml under linux_network_interface: parameters using Jinja. Each pattern provides the mapping of the physical interfaces which have the same role on some logical networking objects (OVS, bonds, bridges, ...). These networking objects provide the Underlay interfaces used for upcoming cluster architecture.

  • {# roles #} : Node roles mean the name of the files that will be included and rendered under the 'classes:' object. Contains text patterns of YAML file that are included to the init.yml and must provide only the list of the classes for the specific node.

In the init.yml is defined a dict variable 'params' that is accessible from files in {# interfaces #} and {# roles #}. 'params' may be used by Jinja expressions in these folders to generate some additional dynamic 'parameters:_param' pillars that cannot be specified as a fixed value in a class.

If you need to specify a fixed values, please do the following:

  • add a new class file *.yml file next to the init.yml with the necessary FIXED parameters (example: linux_system_codename_xenial.yml)
  • add a node role to the {# roles #} directory that will include your environment.{{ cookiecutter._env_name }}.
  • use the created node role in the inventory for required nodes

Inventory examples

Inventory must include all the nodes, physical or virtual. 'reclass_storage_name' is used for back compatibility until some parameters are still inherited from the cluster/system level of the reclass:storage pillars.

Physical node example:

      reclass_storage_name: infra_kvm_node01
      - infra_kvm
      - linux_system_codename_xenial
          role: single_mgm
          role: bond0_ab_nondvr_vxlan_ctl_mesh

Virtual Control Plane node example:

      reclass_storage_name: openstack_control_node01
      - openstack_control_leader
      - linux_system_codename_xenial
          role: single_ctl

Override addresses example:

      reclass_storage_name: openstack_control_node01
      - openstack_gateway
      - linux_system_codename_xenial
          role: single_mgm
          role: single_ctl
          role: bond1_ab_ovs_floating
          role: bond1_ab_ovs_floating

Extra classes example:

      reclass_storage_name: infra_config_node01
      - cluster.${_param:cluster_name}.infra.config
      - system.openssh.client.lab

      reclass_storage_name: openstack_control_node01
      - system.openssh.server.team.lab


  • Address plan: ability to specify L3 network pools and generate address metadata for nodes from specified pools
  • In case of up scale the inventory for the second render the model, take into account the metadata objects that were already assigned to the node, to not mix it on the nodes in each new render with new nodes. existing nodes;