Added the possibility to set the custom MTU for the VMs

If "default" is set, the MTU will be set automatically
from the newly created SPT internal networks. The default
value in the networks comes from the Neutron configuration.
In case users want to test the bandwidth with some
specific custom MTU, they can set the value in integer or
string formates like 8950.

This possibility saves the time for QAs in case they want
to test the bandwidth with some specific MTU at VMs. This
also helps when the default Neutron MTU seems to be not
correct and QA needs to verify the bandwidth with some new

Change-Id: I0f93b33c4f530b95a5dc214c02cfb3a9ddbd182b
diff --git a/global_config.yaml b/global_config.yaml
index f6213ca..025bd60 100644
--- a/global_config.yaml
+++ b/global_config.yaml
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 flavor_disk: 5
 nova_timeout: 300
 external_network: 'public'
+custom_mtu: 'defaut' # 'default' or some value like 8950
 iperf_prep_string: "sudo /bin/bash -c 'echo \"\" >> /etc/hosts'"
 internet_at_vms: 'true' # whether Internet is present at OpenStack VMs and iperf can be installed with apt
 iperf_deb_package_dir_path: '/opt/packages/'