Added VM2VM test between different routers in 2 projects

Added the test:
 VM to VM test in different projects, different networks,
 different routers, measure by Floating IPs (common floating net):

 * a separate project is created, admin user is added to it
 * VMs are in separate projects (admin and newly created),
   separate networks, each project has its own router.
   VMs have access to each other only by the common floating net.
 * VMs are created on the same and different compute nodes.
 * Verification is done via Floating IPs in 1 and multiple threads.

Other enhancements:
* renamed "tenant" variables and values to "project"
* more detailed logging (e.g. in which project resource is created)
* some refactoring
* fixed picking existing spt flavor if any
* check the project is empty before deleting it
* added stderr, stdout in case Internet is absent at VM and iperf
  was not installed

Related-PROD: PROD-36943
Change-Id: I165ed41259336e586ad16ed9eb27ea59619db4c8
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 0a89f1e..44b584e 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -118,39 +118,40 @@
             'Test Case', 'Host 1', 'Host 2', 'MTU at VMs', 'Result'
         # Do iperf3 measurement #1
-"Doing 'VM to VM in same tenant on same node via Private "
-                    "IP, 1 thread' measurement...")
+        measurement1 = ("VM to VM in same project on same node via Private "
+                        "IP, 1 thread; iperf3")
+"Doing '{}' measurement...".format(measurement1))
         result1 = transport1.exec_command(
             'iperf3 -c {} -t {} | grep sender | tail -n 1'.format(
                 vm_info[1]['private_address'], iperf_time))
         res1 = (b" ".join(result1.split()[-4:-2:])).decode('utf-8')"Result #1 is {}".format(res1))
-        table_rows.append(['VM to VM in same tenant on same node via '
-                           'Private IP, 1 thread; iperf3',
+        table_rows.append([measurement1,
                            "{}, {}".format(mtus[0], mtus[1]),
         # Do iperf3 measurement #2
-"Doing 'VM to VM in same tenant on different HW nodes "
-                    "via Private IP, 1 thread' measurement...")
+        measurement2 = ("VM to VM in same project on different HW nodes via "
+                        "Private IP, 1 thread; iperf3")
+"Doing '{}' measurement...".format(measurement2))
         result2 = transport1.exec_command(
             'iperf3 -c {} -t {} | grep sender | tail -n 1'.format(
                 vm_info[2]['private_address'], iperf_time))
         res2 = (b" ".join(result2.split()[-4:-2:])).decode('utf-8')"Result #2 is {}".format(res2))
-        table_rows.append(['VM to VM in same tenant on different HW nodes '
-                           'via Private IP, 1 thread; iperf3',
+        table_rows.append([measurement2,
                            "{}, {}".format(mtus[0], mtus[2]),
-        # Do iperf3 measurement #3
-"Doing 'VM to VM in same tenant on different HW nodes "
-                    "via Private IP, {} threads' measurement..."
-                    "".format(threads))
+        # Do iperf/iperf3 measurement #3
+        measurement3 = ("VM to VM in same project on different HW nodes via "
+                        "Private IP, {} threads; {}"
+                        "".format(threads, iperf_utility))
+"Doing '{}' measurement...".format(measurement3))
         if iperf_utility == "iperf3":
             result3 = transport1.exec_command(
                 '{} -c {} -P {} -t {} | grep sender | tail -n 1'
@@ -161,47 +162,43 @@
             iperf_utility = "iperf"
             result3 = transport1.exec_command(
                 '{} -c {} -P {} -t {} | tail -n 1'.format(
-                    iperf_utility, vm_info[2]['private_address'],
-                    threads, iperf_time))
+                    iperf_utility, vm_info[2]['private_address'], threads,
+                    iperf_time))
             res3 = (b" ".join(result3.split()[-2::])).decode('utf-8')"Result #3 is {}".format(res3))
-        table_rows.append(['VM to VM in same tenant on different HW nodes '
-                           'via Private IP, {} threads; {}'
-                           ''.format(threads, iperf_utility),
+        table_rows.append([measurement3,
                            "{}, {}".format(mtus[0], mtus[2]),
-        # Do iperf (v2) measurement #4
-"Doing 'VM to VM in same tenant via Floating IP and VMs "
-                    "are on different nodes, 1 thread' measurement...")
+        # Do iperf3 measurement #4
+        measurement4 = ("VM to VM in same project via Floating IP and VMs "
+                        "are on different nodes, 1 thread; iperf3")
+"Doing '{}' measurement...".format(measurement4))
         result4 = transport1.exec_command(
             'iperf3 -c {} -t {} | grep sender | tail -n 1'.format(
                 vm_info[2]['fip'], iperf_time))
         res4 = (b" ".join(result4.split()[-4:-2:])).decode('utf-8')"Result #4 is {}".format(res4))
-        table_rows.append(['VM to VM in same tenant via Floating IP and VMs '
-                           'are on different nodes, 1 thread; iperf3',
+        table_rows.append([measurement4,
                            "{}, {}".format(mtus[0], mtus[2]),
         # Do iperf3 measurement #5
-"Doing 'VM to VM in same tenant, different HW nodes and "
-                    "each VM is connected to separate network which are "
-                    " connected using Router via Private IP, 1 thread' "
-                    "measurement...")
+        measurement5 = ("VM to VM in same project, different HW nodes and "
+                        "each VM is connected to separate network which are "
+                        "connected using Router via Private IP, 1 thread; "
+                        "iperf3")
+"Doing '{}' measurement...".format(measurement5))
         result5 = transport1.exec_command(
             'iperf3 -c {} -t {} | grep sender | tail -n 1'.format(
                 vm_info[3]['private_address'], iperf_time))
         res5 = (b" ".join(result5.split()[-4:-2:])).decode('utf-8')"Result #5 is {}".format(res5))
-        table_rows.append(['VM to VM in same tenant, different HW nodes and '
-                           'each VM is connected to separate network which are'
-                           ' connected using Router via Private IP, 1 thread; '
-                           'iperf3',
+        table_rows.append([measurement5,
                            "{}, {}".format(mtus[0], mtus[3]),
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d20090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+import logging
+import sys
+import time
+import pytest
+from texttable import Texttable
+import utils
+from utils import os_client
+from utils import ssh
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def test_vm2vm_different_project_different_routers(
+        openstack_clients, openstack_alt_clients, pair,
+        os_resources, os_resources_alt_project,
+        record_property):
+    """
+    Simplified Performance Tests VM to VM test in different projects, different
+    networks, different routers, measure by Floating IPs (common floating net):
+    1. Create a new project
+    2. Create a network, router, VM in admin project
+    3. Create a network, router, 2 VMs in the newly created project (on
+       different nodes)
+    4. Associate floating IPs to all 3 VMs
+    5. Connect to each VM via SSH and install iperf3
+    6. Measure VM to VM on same node, in different projects, different network,
+       router, via Floating IP, 1 thread
+    7. Measure VM to VM on same node, in different projects, different network,
+       router, via Floating IP, multiple threads (10 by default)
+    8. Measure VM to VM on different nodes, in different projects, different
+       network, router, via Floating IP, 1 thread
+    9. Measure VM to VM on different nodes, in different projects, different
+       network, router, via Floating IP, multiple threads (10 by default)
+    10. Draw the table with all pairs and results
+    """
+    os_actions = os_client.OSCliActions(openstack_clients)
+    alt_os_actions = os_client.OSCliActions(openstack_alt_clients)
+    config = utils.get_configuration()
+    timeout = int(config.get('nova_timeout', 30))
+    iperf_time = int(config.get('iperf_time', 60))
+    private_key = os_resources['keypair'].private_key
+    ssh_timeout = int(config.get('ssh_timeout', 500))
+    threads = int(config.get('multiple_threads_number', 10))
+    iperf_utility = config.get('multiple_threads_iperf_utility', 'iperf3')
+    custom_mtu = config.get('custom_mtu') or 'default'
+    utils.check_iperf_utility(iperf_utility)
+    result_table = Texttable(max_width=120)
+    try:
+        zone1 = [ for service in
+        if
+        == pair[0]]
+        zone2 = [ for service in
+                 if == pair[1]]
+        # create 3 VMs: 1 VM in admin project (zone1), 2 VMs in a separate
+        # project (zone1, zone2)
+"Creating 3 VMs...")
+        vm1 = os_actions.create_basic_server(
+            os_resources['image_id'], os_resources['flavor_id'],
+            os_resources['net1'], '{0}:{1}'.format(zone1[0], pair[0]),
+            [os_resources['sec_group']['name']], os_resources['keypair'].name)
+"Created VM {} in {} project.".format(
+  , openstack_clients.project_name))
+        vm2 = alt_os_actions.create_basic_server(
+            os_resources_alt_project['image_id'],
+            os_resources_alt_project['flavor_id'],
+            os_resources_alt_project['net1'],
+            '{0}:{1}'.format(zone1[0], pair[0]),
+            [os_resources_alt_project['sec_group']['name']],
+            os_resources['keypair'].name)
+"Created VM {} in {} project.".format(
+  , openstack_alt_clients.project_name))
+        vm3 = alt_os_actions.create_basic_server(
+            os_resources_alt_project['image_id'],
+            os_resources_alt_project['flavor_id'],
+            os_resources_alt_project['net1'],
+            '{0}:{1}'.format(zone2[0], pair[1]),
+            [os_resources_alt_project['sec_group']['name']],
+            os_resources['keypair'].name)
+"Created VM {} in {} project.".format(
+  , openstack_alt_clients.project_name))
+        vm_info = []
+        vms = []
+        vms.extend([vm1, vm2, vm3])
+        fips = []
+        time.sleep(5)
+        # Associate FIPs and check VMs are Active
+"Creating Floating IPs and associating them...")
+        fip0 = os_actions.create_floating_ip(os_resources['ext_net']['id'])
+        fip1 = alt_os_actions.create_floating_ip(os_resources['ext_net']['id'])
+        fip2 = alt_os_actions.create_floating_ip(os_resources['ext_net']['id'])
+        fips.extend([fip0, fip1, fip2])
+        os_actions.check_vm_is_active(vms[0].id, timeout=timeout)
+        alt_os_actions.check_vm_is_active(vms[1].id, timeout=timeout)
+        alt_os_actions.check_vm_is_active(vms[2].id, timeout=timeout)
+        vms[0].add_floating_ip(fip0['floating_ip_address'])
+        vms[1].add_floating_ip(fip1['floating_ip_address'])
+        vms[2].add_floating_ip(fip2['floating_ip_address'])
+        for i in range(len(vms)):
+            vm_info.append({'vm': vms[i],
+                            'fip': fips[i]['floating_ip_address']})
+        # Set custom MTU if required
+        if os_actions.is_cloud_tf() and (custom_mtu != "default"):
+  "Setting up custom MTU at network ports...")
+            for vm in vms:
+                os_actions.update_network_port_with_custom_mtu(,
+                                                               custom_mtu)
+        # Check VMs are reachable and prepare iperf3
+"Checking VMs are reachable via SSH, getting MTU...")
+        mtus = []
+        transport1 = ssh.SSHTransport(vm_info[0]['fip'], 'ubuntu',
+                                      password='dd', private_key=private_key)
+"Checking VMs are reachable via SSH...")
+        for i in range(len(vms)):
+            if transport1.check_vm_is_reachable_ssh(
+                    floating_ip=vm_info[i]['fip'], timeout=ssh_timeout):
+                ssh.prepare_iperf(vm_info[i]['fip'], private_key=private_key)
+                mtus.append(transport1.get_mtu_from_vm(
+                    vm_info[i]['fip'], private_key=private_key))
+            "MTU at networks: {}, {}".format(
+                os_resources['net1']['mtu'],
+                os_resources_alt_project['net1']['mtu']))
+"MTU at VMs: {}".format(", ".join(mtus)))
+        # Prepare the result table and run iperf3
+        table_rows = []
+        table_rows.append(['Test Case', 'Host 1', 'Host 2',
+                           'Project 1', 'Project 2', 'MTU at VMs', 'Result'])
+        # Do iperf3 measurement #1
+        measurement1 = ("VM to VM in different projects, nets, routers on "
+                        "same node via Floating IP, 1 thread; iperf3")
+"Doing '{}' measurement...".format(measurement1))
+        result1 = transport1.exec_command(
+            'iperf3 -c {} -t {} | grep sender | tail -n 1'.format(
+                vm_info[1]['fip'], iperf_time))
+        res1 = (b" ".join(result1.split()[-4:-2:])).decode('utf-8')
+"Result #1 is {}".format(res1))
+        table_rows.append([measurement1,
+                           "{}".format(pair[0]),
+                           "{}".format(pair[0]),
+                           "{}".format(openstack_clients.project_name),
+                           "{}".format(openstack_alt_clients.project_name),
+                           "{}, {}".format(mtus[0], mtus[1]),
+                           "{}".format(res1)])
+        # Do iperf/iperf3 measurement #2
+        measurement2 = ("VM to VM in different projects, nets, routers on "
+                        "same node via Floating IP, {} threads; {}"
+                        "".format(threads, iperf_utility))
+"Doing '{}' measurement...".format(measurement2))
+        if iperf_utility == "iperf3":
+            result2 = transport1.exec_command(
+                '{} -c {} -P {} -t {} | grep sender | tail -n 1'.format(
+                    iperf_utility, vm_info[1]['fip'], threads, iperf_time))
+            res2 = (b" ".join(result2.split()[-4:-2:])).decode('utf-8')
+        else:
+            iperf_utility = "iperf"
+            result2 = transport1.exec_command(
+                '{} -c {} -P {} -t {} | tail -n 1'.format(
+                    iperf_utility, vm_info[1]['fip'], threads, iperf_time))
+            res2 = (b" ".join(result2.split()[-2::])).decode('utf-8')
+"Result #2 is {}".format(res2))
+        table_rows.append([measurement2,
+                           "{}".format(pair[0]),
+                           "{}".format(pair[0]),
+                           "{}".format(openstack_clients.project_name),
+                           "{}".format(openstack_alt_clients.project_name),
+                           "{}, {}".format(mtus[0], mtus[1]),
+                           "{}".format(res2)])
+        # Do iperf3 measurement #3
+        measurement3 = ("VM to VM in different projects, nets, routers on "
+                        "different nodes via Floating IP, 1 thread; iperf3")
+"Doing '{}' measurement...".format(measurement3))
+        result3 = transport1.exec_command(
+            'iperf3 -c {} -t {} | grep sender | tail -n 1'.format(
+                vm_info[2]['fip'], iperf_time))
+        res3 = (b" ".join(result3.split()[-4:-2:])).decode('utf-8')
+"Result #3 is {}".format(res3))
+        table_rows.append([measurement3,
+                           "{}".format(pair[0]),
+                           "{}".format(pair[1]),
+                           "{}".format(openstack_clients.project_name),
+                           "{}".format(openstack_alt_clients.project_name),
+                           "{}, {}".format(mtus[0], mtus[1]),
+                           "{}".format(res3)])
+        # Do iperf/iperf3 measurement #4
+        measurement4 = ("VM to VM in different projects, nets, routers on "
+                        "different nodes via Floating IP, {} threads; {}"
+                        "".format(threads, iperf_utility))
+"Doing '{}' measurement...".format(measurement4))
+        if iperf_utility == "iperf3":
+            result4 = transport1.exec_command(
+                '{} -c {} -P {} -t {} | grep sender | tail -n 1'.format(
+                    iperf_utility, vm_info[2]['fip'], threads, iperf_time))
+            res4 = (b" ".join(result4.split()[-4:-2:])).decode('utf-8')
+        else:
+            iperf_utility = "iperf"
+            result4 = transport1.exec_command(
+                '{} -c {} -P {} -t {} | tail -n 1'.format(
+                    iperf_utility, vm_info[2]['fip'], threads, iperf_time))
+            res4 = (b" ".join(result4.split()[-2::])).decode('utf-8')
+"Result #4 is {}".format(res4))
+        table_rows.append([measurement4,
+                           "{}".format(pair[0]),
+                           "{}".format(pair[1]),
+                           "{}".format(openstack_clients.project_name),
+                           "{}".format(openstack_alt_clients.project_name),
+                           "{}, {}".format(mtus[0], mtus[1]),
+                           "{}".format(res4)])
+"Drawing the table with iperf results...")
+        result_table.add_rows(table_rows)
+        sys.stdout.write('\n{}\n'.format(result_table.draw()))
+"Removing VMs and FIPs...")
+        for vm in vms:
+            openstack_clients.compute.servers.delete(vm)
+"Removing FIPs...")
+        for fip in fips:
+            os_actions.delete_floating_ip(fip['id'])
+    except Exception as e:
+        sys.stdout.write("\n{}".format(e))
+        sys.stdout.write("\nSomething went wrong\n")
+        if 'vms' in locals():
+  "Removing VMs...")
+            for vm in vms:
+                openstack_clients.compute.servers.delete(vm)
+            if 'fips' in locals():
+      "Removing FIPs...")
+                for fip in fips:
+                    os_actions.delete_floating_ip(fip['id'])
+        else:
+            sys.stdout.write("\nSkipping cleaning, VMs were not created")
+"Something went wrong")