Added simple HTML reporting

Simple HTML reporting for executed tests

Added the simple HTML reporting for the executed tests:
firstly the text result tables are saved to the CSV files,
and then they are converted to a single HTML report.
The generation of the report is using “pandas” and “jinja2"
modules. The CSS styles are using Mirantis style guides.
The Jijna template and the CSS styles are stored in the
‘templates/’ folder.

The ‘glance_speed_test’ output is improved and is using
a similar text table as the other tests.

At the end of each test case, the results are saved to
a new CSV file named after the test case in the ‘reports/’
folder. If the test is rerun, the new CSV is created
instead of the old one. In the end of the execution of
the tests, a single HTML report is created from all CSV
files in the ‘reports/’ folder.

Related-PROD: PROD-36943

Change-Id: Iceff8b168364219a01b60546bb9908e01d61c434
8 files changed
tree: 62641533fcdc881e9aff6ff13cf937c3f3f682d9
  1. fixtures/
  2. templates/
  3. tests/
  4. utils/
  5. .gitignore
  6. .gitreview
  9. global_config.yaml
  10. pytest.ini
  12. requirements.txt



At least Python 3.6 is required for the tests.


cd mos-spt/
virtualenv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


Open global_config.yaml file to override the settings, or export the environment variables.


The following options can be set in global_config.yaml file, or by exporting the environment variables.

  • test_glance allows next overrides:
Environment VariableDefaultDescription
IMAGE_SIZE_MB9000Specific image size (in MB) to upload/download at Glance
  • test_vm2vm allows next overrides:
Environment VariableDefaultDescription
flavor_namespt-testFlavor name
flavor_ram1536To define RAM allocation for specific flavor, MB
flavor_vcpus1To define a count of vCPU for flavor
flavor_disk5To define a count of disks on flavor, GB
image_namecvp.ubuntu.2004Cloud Ubuntu image to create VMs. Use 20.04 image in case internet_at_vms=false since the offline packages are set for Ubuntu 20.04. You can use any other Ubuntu image in case internet_at_vms=true.
CMP_HOSTS""Pair of compute hosts to create VMs at different hosts. By default, some random pair from nova compute list will be selected. To set some pair, set CMP_HOSTS: ["cmp001", "cmp002"] in global_config.yaml file, or export CMP_HOSTS="cmp001,cmp002".
skipped_nodes""Skip some compute hosts, so they are not selected at CMP_HOSTS pair. To set some nodes to skip, set skipped_nodes: ["cmp003"] in global_config.yaml file, or export skipped_nodes="cmp003".
nova_timeout300Timeout to VM to be ACTIVE, seconds.
external_networkpublicExternal network name to allocate the Floating IPs
custom_mtudefaultThe MTU to set at the VMs. If "default" is set, the MTU will be set automatically from the newly created SPT internal networks. The default value in the networks comes from the Neutron configuration. In case you want to test the bandwidth with some specific custom MTU, set the value like 8950.
ssh_timeout500Timeout to VM to be reachable via SSH, seconds.
iperf_prep_string"sudo /bin/bash -c 'echo "" >> /etc/hosts'"Preparation string to set ubuntu repository host in /etc/hosts of VMs
internet_at_vms'true'In case True, the Internet is present at VMs, and the tests are able to install iperf3 by apt update; apt install iperf3. In case VMs have no Internet, set 'false' and the iperf3 will be installed from offline *.deb packages.
iperf_deb_package_dir_path/opt/packages/Path to the local directory where the iperf3 *.deb packages are present. In the toolset offline images they are located at /opt/packages. Or you can download iperf3 deb package and its dependencies and put them at some custom folder.
iperf_time60iperf3 -t option value: time in seconds to transmit for (iperf -t option).
multiple_threads_number10Number of iperf/iperf3 parallel client threads to run (iperf3/iperf -P option value)
multiple_threads_iperf_utility'iperf3'The tool for bandwidth measurements. Options to set: 'iperf' to use v2 and 'iperf3' to use v3. Eventually, this is the name of the utility that is installed at Ubuntu VMs from apt.

In case internet_at_vms=false, please make sure that iperf_deb_package_dir_path is set correctly and has iperf3 deb package and its dependencies.

Executing tests

Run tests:

pytest -sv --tb=short tests/

In case the test is skipped and you want to know the reason, use python -rs option:

pytest -rs --tb=short tests/

Enable logging

In case something went wrong, use -o log_cli=true option to see detailed logs:

pytest -sv --tb=short -o log_cli=true tests/

By default, the log level is INFO log_cli_level=info. In case you want to go deeper for the API requests (with URIs, payloads, etc), set cli_level=debug in pytest.ini file.