Reworked SPT tests for running at MOS inside rally pod

These SPT tests are taken from the CVP-SPT, but reworked
to test MOS inside rally pod.

Here is the list of changes since CVP-SPT:
* Switched to Python3
* Removed all Salt related code
* Removed HW2HW test
* Default global_config.yaml is suitable for MOS
* Switched to iperf3
* Added smart waiters for VMs to be Active, VMs to be reachable by FIPs
* Extended pytest.ini file with logging settings
* Added lots of loggers at info level to understand what happends during the test run
* Extended & fixed README with the actual instruction
* Ability to use iperf3 even if there is no Internet at VMs
* Fixed the coding style according PEP8
* Various small fixes, enhancements

Change-Id: I31a1b8c8c827133d144377031c6f546d8c82a47d
16 files changed
tree: 312e74f5a24542c7fd01ecb5fa9c30e4c691a705
  1. fixtures/
  2. tests/
  3. utils/
  4. .gitignore
  5. .gitreview
  8. global_config.yaml
  9. pytest.ini
  11. requirements.txt



At least Python 3.6 is required for the tests.


cd mos-spt/
virtualenv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


Open global_config.yaml file to override the settings, or export the environment variables.


The following options can be set in global_config.yaml file, or by exporting the environment variables.

  • test_glance allows next overrides:
Environment VariableDefaultDescription
IMAGE_SIZE_MB9000Specific image size (in MB) to upload/download at Glance
  • test_vm2vm allows next overrides:
Environment VariableDefaultDescription
flavor_namespt-testFlavor name
flavor_ram1536To define RAM allocation for specific flavor, MB
flavor_vcpus1To define a count of vCPU for flavor
flavor_disk5To define a count of disks on flavor, GB
image_nameUbuntu-18.04Cloud Ubuntu image to create VMs
CMP_HOSTS""Pair of compute hosts to create VMs at different hosts. By default, some random pair from nova compute list will be selected. To set some pair, set CMP_HOSTS: ["cmp001", "cmp002"] in global_config.yaml file, or export CMP_HOSTS="cmp001,cmp002".
skipped_nodes""Skip some compute hosts, so they are not selected at CMP_HOSTS pair. To set some nodes to skip, set skipped_nodes: ["cmp003"] in global_config.yaml file, or export skipped_nodes="cmp003".
nova_timeout300Timeout to VM to be ACTIVE, seconds.
external_networkpublicExternal network name to allocate the Floating IPs
ssh_timeout500Timeout to VM to be reachable via SSH, seconds.
iperf_prep_string"sudo /bin/bash -c 'echo "" >> /etc/hosts'"Preparation string to set ubuntu repository host in /etc/hosts of VMs
internet_at_vms'true'In case True, the Internet is present at VMs, and the tests are able to install iperf3 by apt update; apt install iperf3. In case VMs have no Internet, set 'false' and the iperf3 will be installed from offline *.deb packages.
iperf_deb_package_dir_path/artifacts/mos-spt/Path to the local directory where the iperf3 *.deb packages are present. You need to download/copy them there manually beforehand.
iperf_time60iperf3 -t option value: time in seconds to transmit for (iperf -t option).

In case internet_at_vms=false, download the iperf3 packages from:


and place both of them to the path equal to iperf_deb_package_dir_path.

Executing tests

Run tests:

pytest -sv --tb=short tests/

In case the test is skipped and you want to know the reason, use python -rs option:

pytest -rs --tb=short tests/

Enable logging

In case something went wrong, use logging of the tests, set “log_cli=true” in pytest.ini and rerun tests. By default, the log level is INFO log_cli_level=info. In case you want to go deeper for the API requests (with URIs, payloads, etc), set cli_level=debug.