Fix wait for salt warm-up check

 * Fix wait_time condition checks
 * add maas wa from

Change-Id: I6b2181c5d48b2524493e4ca809f08709e671fc24
Prod-related: PROD-27016 (PROD:27016)
Prod-related: (PROD:26907)
diff --git a/config-drive/master_config.yaml b/config-drive/master_config.yaml
index e8baa4a..ba0e9b0 100644
--- a/config-drive/master_config.yaml
+++ b/config-drive/master_config.yaml
@@ -114,11 +114,13 @@
     function wait_for_postgresql() {
       salt_string="salt-call --out=text pillar.get postgresql:client:server:server01:admin"
-      pg_port=$(${salt_string}:port | awk '{print $2}')
-      pg_host=$(${salt_string}:host | awk '{print $2}')
-      wait_time=0
-      until [[ $(/usr/bin/pg_isready -h ${pg_host} -p ${pg_port} | awk '{ print $3 }' ) == 'accepting' ]] || [ $wait_time -eq 20 ];
-      do
+      local pg_port=$(${salt_string}:port | awk '{print $2}')
+      local pg_host=$(${salt_string}:host | awk '{print $2}')
+      local wait_time=0
+      until [[ $(/usr/bin/pg_isready -h ${pg_host} -p ${pg_port} | awk '{ print $3 }' ) == 'accepting' ]]; do
+        if [[ $wait_time -gt 20 ]]; then
+          echo "ERROR: wait_for_postgresql failed" ; exit 1
+        fi
         echo "Waiting for postgres at: ${pg_host}:${pg_port}"
         sleep $(( wait_time++  ));
@@ -126,20 +128,23 @@
     function wait_for_jenkins() {
       # Wait for jenkins to be functional
-      j_host=$(salt-call --out=newline_values_only pillar.get jenkins:client:master:host)
-      j_host=${j_host:-"localhost"}
-      j_port=$(salt-call --out=newline_values_only pillar.get jenkins:client:master:port)
-      j_port=${j_port:-"8081"}
-      j_prefix=$(salt-call --out=newline_values_only pillar.get jenkins:client:master:url_prefix)
-      j_prefix=${j_prefix:-""}
-      wait_time=0
-      until [[ $(curl -sL -w "%{http_code}" ${j_host}:${j_port}${j_prefix} -o /dev/null) == 200 ]] || [ $wait_time -eq 20 ]; do
+      local j_host=$(salt-call --out=newline_values_only pillar.get jenkins:client:master:host)
+      local j_host=${j_host:-"localhost"}
+      local j_port=$(salt-call --out=newline_values_only pillar.get jenkins:client:master:port)
+      local j_port=${j_port:-"8081"}
+      local j_prefix=$(salt-call --out=newline_values_only pillar.get jenkins:client:master:url_prefix)
+      local j_prefix=${j_prefix:-""}
+      local wait_time=0
+      until [[ $(curl -sL -w "%{http_code}" ${j_host}:${j_port}${j_prefix} -o /dev/null) == 200 ]]; do
+        if [[ $wait_time -gt 20 ]]; then
+          echo "ERROR: wait_for_jenkins failed" ; exit 1
+        fi
         sleep $(( wait_time++ ))
     function process_swarm() {
-      _swarm=$(salt-call --out=newline_values_only pillar.get docker:swarm:advertise_addr)
+      local _swarm=$(salt-call --out=newline_values_only pillar.get docker:swarm:advertise_addr)
       if [[ "${_swarm}" != "" ]]; then
         salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} state.apply docker.swarm
@@ -176,20 +181,29 @@
       ssh-keyscan cfg01 > ${JENKINS_HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts && chmod a+r ${JENKINS_HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts || true
+    function wait_for_salt(){
+      local wait_time=0
+      until $(salt-call --timeout=30  &> /dev/null ); do
+        if [[ $wait_time -gt 15 ]]; then
+          echo "ERROR: wait_for_salt failed" ; exit 1
+        fi
+        sleep $(( wait_time++ ))
+      done
+    }
     function process_salt_base(){
       # PROD-21179| PROD-21792 : To describe such trick's around salt.XX state ordering
       salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} state.apply salt.master
       # Wait for salt-master to wake up after restart
       sleep 5
-      salt-call --timeout=120
+      wait_for_salt
       # Run to prepare CA certificate before salt.minion.cert is used
       salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} state.apply
       # Add sleep for completion of postponed restart of salt-minion. PROD-25986
       sleep 15
       salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} state.apply salt.minion
       # Wait for salt-minion to wake up after restart
-      sleep 5
-      salt-call --timeout=120
+      wait_for_salt
       salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} state.apply salt
       salt-call ${SALT_OPTS} state.apply reclass
@@ -197,6 +211,10 @@
     . /etc/cloud/master_environment
     printenv | sort -u
+    # WA for
+    echo "INFO: stopping orphaned maas"
+    systemctl stop maas-rackd.service maas-dhcpd.service maas-dhcpd6.service || true
+    systemctl disable maas-rackd.service maas-dhcpd.service maas-dhcpd6.service || true
     echo "Preparing metadata model"
     if [[ -n "${CFG_BOOTSTRAP_DRIVE_URL}" ]]; then
@@ -216,14 +234,14 @@
     echo "Configuring salt"
     envsubst < /root/minion.conf > /etc/salt/minion.d/minion.conf
     if [ -f /mnt/mcp/gpg/salt_master_pillar.asc ]; then
-      mkdir /etc/salt/gpgkeys
+      mkdir -p /etc/salt/gpgkeys
       chmod 0700 /etc/salt/gpgkeys
       GNUPGHOME=/etc/salt/gpgkeys gpg --import /mnt/mcp/gpg/salt_master_pillar.asc
     # Wait for salt-master and salt-minion to wake up after restart
-    salt-call --timeout=120
+    wait_for_salt
     while true; do
     salt-key | grep -w "$SALT_MASTER_MINION_ID" && break