Add WA for apt01 offline image

  * Default swarm CA time 90d - thats mean, old not-ran release
    may fail to bootstrap after longterm shutdown.

Closes-Bug: PROD-21676 (PROD:21676)

Change-Id: I6ed8b36363ce920306baf62c6dfbc4b4d3c4689e
diff --git a/config-drive/ b/config-drive/
index 8a0fd94..6c13993 100644
--- a/config-drive/
+++ b/config-drive/
@@ -5,6 +5,45 @@
 export APTLY_MINION_ID=apt01.deploy-name.local
+# Funcs =======================================================================
+function docker_ca_wa(){
+  crt="/var/lib/docker/swarm/certificates/swarm-node.crt"
+  if ! $(openssl x509 -checkend 86400 -noout -in ${crt}); then
+    echo "WARNING: swarm CA not expired yet.Something wrong with docker"
+    echo "WARNING: docker CA WA not applied"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  echo 'WARNING: re-creating docker stack services!'
+  systemctl stop docker || true
+  rm -rf /var/lib/docker/swarm/*
+  systemctl restart docker
+  sleep 5
+  docker swarm init --advertise-addr
+  sleep 5
+  for c in docker aptly; do
+    pushd /etc/docker/compose/${c}/
+    retry=5
+    i=1
+    while [[ $i -lt $retry ]]; do
+    docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml ${c};
+    ret=$?;
+    if [[ $ret -eq 0 ]]; then echo 'Stack created'; break;
+    else
+      echo "Stack creation failed, retrying in 3 seconds.." >&2;
+      sleep 3;
+      i=$(( i + 1 ));
+    fi;
+    if [[ $i -ge $retry ]]; then
+      echo "Stack creation failed!"; exit 1;
+    fi;
+  done;
+    popd
+  sleep 1
+  done
+# Body ========================================================================
 echo "Configuring network interfaces"
 find /etc/network/interfaces.d/ -type f -delete
 kill $(pidof /sbin/dhclient) || /bin/true
@@ -20,3 +59,10 @@
 rm /etc/salt/pki/minion/
 envsubst < /root/minion.conf > /etc/salt/minion.d/minion.conf
 service salt-minion restart
+# Check for failed docker-start.
+# WA PROD-21676
+if [[ ! $(docker stack ls) ]] ; then
+  docker_ca_wa